Niketalk: Are your parents still together?


Sep 25, 2008
Im watching Everybody Loves Raymond right now, and I got to thinking about how despite their hardships, Ray and Debra have a pretty solid marriage.

Thats a rarity these days, atleast in my area.

My folks split when I was 1. Which is ok, I have a strong relationship with both and love them very much.

FOCUS: Ladies and Gentleman of Niketalk: Are your parents still together? If so, how long has it been?

ANTI-FOCUS: If your folks split, how old were you? Did it affect you at all (whether positively or negatively)?
35 years this July

Yes sir.

20 years this year now I think.

I'm just thankful I was blessed with such great parents and family.
They broke up around 16 years or so, i love both of them, and they love each other.
They'll get back together though.
You can tell by the way they talk about each other.
My parents split when i was like 4 or 5. However they remain good friends. I think the only thing keepin them from getting back together is the fact that mydad is married
I actually had a dream couple nights ago about us all living together. I can't stand my dads wife.
Nope, they split when I was 6. Been living with my mom since. Mom and I moved to the US when I was 7 and my dad lives back in Europe. I rarely talk to my dad,maybe once per year tops when I visit.

Has it affected me? Prob, I don't trust people generally which is a negative. But I know the positive is that I won't make or do what my father did tomy mom and I. And the sad part is 22 years later the dude is still too thick headed to let it go even though everything is his fault!!!
Still together, but most of the time it feels as if it's just the three of us (me, my mom, and my brother)
na split when i was 12 im 15 now affected me in a bad way str8 mom being jealous of my dad's girl taking it out on me it sucks. ''/
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