Niketalk: Are your parents still together?

Originally Posted by YungSwagga

nobody has a dad anymore
strictly single moms

mine were divorced for 15 years but remarried each other not too long ago. i remember all the different relationships they had over those years and it feelsgood they ended up back with each other.
They split up when I was like 4.

I have "abandonment issues," (as my psychiatrist called it,) which makes it hard for me to become emotionally attached to anyone. (But if I break agadget or something, I'm sad for months, and never let myself off the hook for it.) She said those developed because my mother was never home.("Workin' late nights just to keep on the lights...")

When it first happened, I didn't really know what was going on. I remember sinking into depression, and I got super fat over the course of that year.I'm still pretty big, but I look more proportionally equal.

My dad left when I was like 7 or 8. I remember crying the first few weekends that I didn't go over his house. (He used to have me on the weekends.)
No. They got divorced when I was quite young, but I don't think it had an effect on me.
Originally Posted by OvATyME316

Still together. Married a year and a day before my birth.

...although yesterday I thought I hope they would get divorced.

my dad's an a-hole most of the time when it comes to me. can't catch a damn break. never.
parents will celebrate their 25th anniversary in april...and on a side note my grandparents celebrated their 50th anniversary last summer
Technically, or rather legally, they're still married.

Mentally, hell now.

My nuclear family is pretty much split up, with the exception of me having the best relationship with each (at least, I think).

I've suggested counseling, but Jamaican families don't mess with that.
Parents are still together and always will be, even though have tons of hardships to due my dad's money problem and spending spree, my mom stilldoesn't want to kick him to the curb.
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