Niketalk I present to you....A girl problem

Dec 27, 2004
Me and this girl has been dealing for about 2 months now we met at school (FAMU), she just came out of a long term relationship (3 years) and she says shewants to be with me. Here is the problem, we are together but her Ex keeps calling her, and keeps trying to get back with her and it seems like at least once aweek we go through this huge discussion because she says she doesn't know if she can let him go. So its exactly like this, one minute she says she wants tobe with me, she wants me and me only and he is done, and then the next minute she says she doesnt know if she can let go and he is on everything (her bankaccount, knows all her passwords) EVERYTHING. She has a 2 year old son and she says he was in her son's life so much and her son loves him. But its such aflip flop, one minute she is good with me and she wants to settle down and be with me, the next minute he would do something to make her want to be with him. Ireally like her and this is starting to mess with me, I can't focus on anything because I don't think I can trust her, I always think she is talking tohim, and I always anticipate the next time she calls me and says "we gotta talk" and proceeds to tell me she doesnt know if she can do this. She isat such a confusing period of her life and I don't want to let her go, but it hurts being with her and going through this. And I noticed she lies a lot...Please give me some insight on this..
One more thing, should I give her space to decide what she wants, or should I just let her go all together?
Is this the same broad who didn't call you when you were sick?
Just let her go. . .
give her some space man. do you, while she tries to figure out how to do her. you shouldn't subject youself to this nonsense, feel me?

if she takes too long with her decision, tell her bye bye bye. can't be waiting around for this.
let it go! she just using you as a security blanket just in case things dont go right with her ex but in reality she wants to be with her ex if she didnt shewould've cut him off all together
4rm one Rattler 2 another.. U kinda sound like the backup plan. U should tell her either break it off wit homie now or break it off with you...
Btw what year u get 2 fam??
it has only been 2 months, leave that situation before you get hurt more. ex's are a very tricky thing sometimes.
I've seen this movie before. She's going to end up with the other dude.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

I've seen this movie before. She's going to end up with the other dude.
Word, thats what I think but she keeps telling me NO NO NO she wont but yet she keeps mentioning him or saying she doesnt know if she is makingthe right choice by leaving him
You go to college at Florida A&M, which has some of the most beautiful women around. The problem should be, there's to many beautiful woman oncampus who should I date first. Move on and find someone else, you have plenty of options.
Let her go. Girls don't let go of their Ex's. You may be an in between that she goes with to see if she can do it, but she will eventually get backwith her ex. Do you and look for a girl that can give you what you give her.
I suggest you move on. or at the least get you something on the side. if she flip floppin like that, it won't be long before you get that talk. plus youcan't trust her and no relationship can go on without trust. just take her off your priority list cause it seems you r not at the top of hers.

good luck to you
move on man. you are wasting you time under those circumstances. and you don't trust her.or just get something else on the side and decrease the time and $you spend on her
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