NikeTalk will be moving from July 13th-14th.

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these emoticons tho
Thought I got IP banned for the longest lol ,new sites looking sleek

No more emoticons though?
we cant post emojis no more?

and someone please clarify yalls stance on profanity since someone said they no longer blur it.
Weren't we able to see who repped by clicking on the reps? Now don't have to do anything to see it.
I appreciate everyone's patience and support. When we moved to Huddler from what was a steaming dumpster fire, people complained. I fully expected that to be the case this time around, too.


Although the hope is obviously that everyone will love it, I get that any change at all will be like moving the bar stools around at Cheers. There's value for many people to having a "home" online that is an unchanging constant in their lives.

The design differences are less dramatic on mobile, and we needed to move to a single, unified site instead of two different versions, where mobile is stripped down and feature-poor compared to desktop. Mobile now accounts for the majority of views - and that percentage is only increasing.

The first thing our designer did was attempt a straight port of the old desktop design, and it was a disaster. You can imagine how horrible that looked on a mobile device. It's a dated look - as was the look of mobile, which used styling cues from iOS 1.

The new design looks a lot more like the old NikeTalk, which everyone said they preferred to Huddler five years ago.

This was NT in 2011:

So, all the "this doesn't look like NT" "this looks like (site that started five years ago and bit our look)" comments are funny to me.

There are some advantages and disadvantages to the new platform relative to Huddler, but I think there are a couple of things everyone needs to bear in mind here:

EVERY Huddler site not owned by Wikia has left or will leave that platform. It's not an option. Some sites closed down because they couldn't afford a migration like this. Of those that migrated, every single one chose the same forum software we did. The choice is that clear.

While it may not be perfect today, and may not seem to be head and shoulders above the old site for you, Huddler stopped receiving new features years ago. Probably 2014. We were promised sticky navigation on desktop almost two years ago. It didn't happen. We wanted it on the new site, so we had it built. It took minutes. Not days. Not years.

This is a foundation we can build on. Embed support for Twitter, IG, etc.? That's coming - and probably sooner than you think. The way that photo uploads work by default is clunky, so we're paying to have it improved.

We can invest in custom development now. A lot of the concrete things people are complaining about will be addressed in time. This is a starting point. The site will only get better from here.

How exactly does this ignore user feature work?

I am intrigued.
Click on the user's name to bring up their profile, then click "ignore." We'll add a guide for this in a bit.

Can we get the old emojis back?
As has been stated, they're on the way. I thought they'd be loaded now, but apparently it takes time because they also need to be applied retroactively be inserted back into the old posts.

The site is amazing. Thank Methodical Management Methodical Management

Question: Is there a way to where when we open are watched threads we can pick up on the last page we left off or am I doing something wrong?
Under Home/Forums there's a link for watched threads:

I want to know how to switch it from mobile to desktop. What's the process.
Instead of having a separate, stripped down mobile site the new site offers a unified, responsive design that adjusts to fit your display.

Meth, I see curse words aren't edited. Before I get my sailor on, how are we going about this? Is it a reportable offense?
The filter just took awhile to kick in. It should be working now and, yes, posting profanity is against the rules and is worth reporting.

Is there a way to jump to each forum like before they had a drop down menu to do that
That's coming. I very much want that, but we weren't able to get it added in time for launch as it's not part of the platform by default and will require custom development.

How do u quote someone?

New posts pop-up on the lower right corner coming back right?
At the very bottom of the page, just above your post editor, there's a notifier:

Wow the amount of email notifications I'm getting for thread replies Lmao
You can change the email settings under the account settings options:
The forum is nice, but I liked the fonts on the last layout better. It was easier on the eyes. Some of the bold fonts are harsh to read with the jet black background. Other than that, it's nice.

EDIT: And I miss the old subscription page, but I'll get used to the new way.
lol if someone gets 300 member likes u will see all 300 names? :D
Not a big deal... don't get why people are so happy about this :lol:

It's just funny.

You get your usual clowns on here that say their little racist/prejudice remarks. And then you have the people who rep them and don't wanna expose themselves.

Since this is a closed community, most of us know who's who. No more hiding now.
I'm not getting email notifications.

Is that on my end or is it the new site?
yeah the bold font is no bueno, gonna need glasses by the end of the year
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