Ninja VS. Samurai?

my dude shadow
I remember i didnt wait for dude when the world was "ending" the first time i played through ff6 and he died.
replayed the 2ndtime with him tho.
depends on the skills of the ninja and the samurai

but nobody can defeat the Hitokiri Battousai

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu FTW...
Like most I would need to go with the Ninja. Samurai seems to slow to keep up with the Ninja's moves..
Funny that this thread is up because The Last Samurai is on AMC right now and the scene where the ninjas attack the village is on now
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Havnt ya seen the last samurai.. the samurai smashed the ninjas and everybody knows that movie is 100% accurate.

I'm watching it now on AMC about a 1hr and a half in and
even wifeygot in on the action
Samurai Ninja werent nothing more than Spys. They used tricks to make them selves seem so powerful but they weren especially in a fight agasint a arms expert.NINJAS DONT WEAR THOSE CLOTHS. They were normal cloths back then
Originally Posted by dropKicks

Act like you know homey!
When you see him in the pub the first time and talk to someone who notices/knows him:

"That guy over there? like a mercenary, would do anything for money."
"He'd slit his momma's throat for a nickel!"
Ninjas are basically bunch of punks! They have no honor during battle. They'll cheat if they have to.

Samurais fight with honor! My sons only equip themselves with swords. They are all that is manly!

Ninjas stay running away n hiding behind dark corners waiting to debo somebody.

Samurais FTW!
i actually wrote an extensive report on this for one of my classes a few months back. after talking about all the weaponry and techniques that they bothpossess, i came to the conclusion that it all depends on who has the advantage in the beginning of the fight.but even ones disadvantage can be is greatestweapon...
depends on the situation. In a duel where both of them start off face to face, I'll give it to the samurai. Otherwise, the ninja will almost always beatthe samurai.
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