Ninjahood posted his pics/video from the Dominican Day parade (Page 4) Vol. lower the sound

NinjaHood, were you chillin on Audubon Ave, near Geraldine's/the park? I could've sworn I seen you.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]All them shoes and dude's riding a bike....[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]But damn i wish i was out there[/color]
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]All them shoes and dude's riding a bike....[/color]

bike's are really popular out in my hood cuz of all da surrounding hills. anyone who lives out here knows about "da tunnel" and "deadman's hill", "overlook" "snake hill"
Central Park is great, but Washington Heights' parks are majestic.

I've been scratching my genital area for a minute now.
Ironically/sadly, I didn't know about that spot, until Mez 0ne blew it up a couple of years ago. Heads come as far as Jersey to cop I always went tothe other spot on 181 st, in the cut, where those Mexican/Asian cats be at.
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Central Park is great, but Washington Heights' parks are majestic.

I've been scratching my genital area for a minute now.


fort tryon/ puta park

domi mamis
Word. Fort Tryon Park in the Winter Time.
I thought I was Cliffhanger/Sly Stallone, climbing up those snow covered "mountains".
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