Nintendo Thread: Nintendo Direct Mini 03/26/2020

Which Pokémon game will you be buying?

  • Let's Go Pikachu!

    Votes: 13 46.4%
  • Let's Go Eevee!

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Both!

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • None!

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • O.0

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Crazy how far Nintendo has fallen from grace. The marketing & sales department of Nintendo needs to be reformed. It's a two man race between Microsoft & Sony. Nintendo is on the verge of being wiped out. Not like Sega, but they aren't relevant
Crazy how far Nintendo has fallen from grace. The marketing & sales department of Nintendo needs to be reformed. It's a two man race between Microsoft & Sony. Nintendo is on the verge of being wiped out. Not like Sega, but they aren't relevant.

Disagree. Now with the success of Pokemon Go, as well as their continued dominance of the handheld market, Nintendo are doing very well. And they did win the last generation with "2 GameCube's taped together".

The Wii U is done for, but people and developers are excited for the NX. I've personally had some of the best memories playing Mario Kart 8 with friends and watching my 3 year old son build crazy maps and beating some stages in Super Mario Maker. For me, the Wii U is a success and I'm more than happy with my purchase.

Pokemon Go is definitely a smash hit and has revived Nintendo, for sure.

And I haven't heard any hype for NX but i'll tale your word for it.

Crazy how far Nintendo has fallen from grace. The marketing & sales department of Nintendo needs to be reformed. It's a two man race between Microsoft & Sony. Nintendo is on the verge of being wiped out. Not like Sega, but they aren't relevant

Had no idea Pokemon Go was developed by Nintendo. :wow:

And I haven't heard any hype for NX but i'll take your word for it.

Pokemon is developed by GameFreak, published by Nintendo.

Ah yes. Exactly.

Super mario is the highest selling franchise of all time.
Pokemon is #2
Nintendo issnt going anywhere

in 2016, Pokemon is back to where it was in the 90's for sure. Other than Pokemon, Nintendo has nothing going for itself as a company or any other titles. While Microsoft & PlayStation does.


Pokemon is really the saving grace.

You managed to out Antidope , Antidope.

Congrats fam.

Shoutout to @Antidope , though.
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It doesn't really matter what the specs are to me at least. If it can play Mario and Zelda, that's all that matters. I really want some of the dormant franchises to come back though, like Metroid, Earthbound , F-Zero and Wave Race. They also need to do another proper Animal Crossing.
Metroid is a must. Retro spent the all of the Wii U's life cycle on reviving Donkey Kong. Returns and Tropical Freeze are 2 of the most difficult games I have ever played in my life. Some of the later levels on TF are on some Super Mario: The Lost Levels type ****
I've never really played Metroid so I can't speak on it but I hope we get a DKC game early in the Switch's cycle. I understand Metroid fans feeling otherwise, it's been forever for them.
I know a lot of people are asking about the horse power, no way is it as powerful and Xbox1 and PS4. Suppose to be 2x more powerful than Wii U though.
For those saying this is "gimmicky" please enlighten us on how making a home counsel experience portable is something that doesn't offer any real utility for modern day gamers. Sure, companies have tried this concept in the past and failed, BUT Nintendo are the kings of portable gaming. With what we've seen so far leads me to believe they have perfected it with the Switch. This blows away any VR gimmick Sony or other companies try to force down our throats. :x

For those obsessed with specs. Power doesn't matter if 3rd parties are on board. If it's powerful enough for them to develop games for and they are happy with the device's performance then specs and all that garbage are irrelevant. If the games are there people will buy it. Period.

We already know it has 2K, but if the Switch gets games like Red Dead, Madden, FIFA, etc.... Then Sony and XBox are in trouble becasue they really have nothing unique to offer the consumer besides 4K resolution. Nintendo offers a selling proposition that actually offers a lot of utility for a lot of people. The fact you can take these games with you anywhere adds value. Plus you get the best first party lineup of games on top of it.

To me the biggest concerns are the battery life as many have already expressed. I'm hoping it can do at least 5 to 6 hours. Also I'm wait and see on 3rd parties continued support becasue they've been wishy washy in the past. Nevertheless, Nintendo has my money simply because they've combined all their portable and home console gaming studios. This means no gaps in gaming regardless of what 3rd parties do.
One thing Nintendo has always been devoid of is Rated M titles. I want Resident Evil 7 on the Switch. I'm buying it for the PS4 but I'd be open to buying again solely because it's on a Nintendo system.

Capcom did Nintendo so dirty during that RE4, Viewtiful Joe era :smh:
Red dead coming to switch? 
You don't really believe that right?:nerd:

Why not? A few days ago you could've said the same thing about Skyrim. At this point anything is possible. 3rd party devs have nothing but positive words about the Switch. NBA 2K hasn't seen a Nintendo console since 2012, yet they were featured in the system trailer. I'm not willing to take any games off the table.
Skyrim is a five year old game tho with outdated graphics (hence da rerelease next week with updated graphics next week). Doubt they'd bother scaling down performance just to get rdr on a new, untested platform.
For those saying this is "gimmicky" please enlighten us on how making a home counsel experience portable is something that doesn't offer any real utility for modern day gamers. Sure, companies have tried this concept in the past and failed, BUT Nintendo are the kings of portable gaming. With what we've seen so far leads me to believe they have perfected it with the Switch. This blows away any VR gimmick Sony or other companies try to force down our throats. :x

For those obsessed with specs. Power doesn't matter if 3rd parties are on board. If it's powerful enough for them to develop games for and they are happy with the device's performance then specs and all that garbage are irrelevant. If the games are there people will buy it. Period.

We already know it has 2K, but if the Switch gets games like Red Dead, Madden, FIFA, etc.... Then Sony and XBox are in trouble becasue they really have nothing unique to offer the consumer besides 4K resolution. Nintendo offers a selling proposition that actually offers a lot of utility for a lot of people. The fact you can take these games with you anywhere adds value. Plus you get the best first party lineup of games on top of it.

To me the biggest concerns are the battery life as many have already expressed. I'm hoping it can do at least 5 to 6 hours. Also I'm wait and see on 3rd parties continued support becasue they've been wishy washy in the past. Nevertheless, Nintendo has my money simply because they've combined all their portable and home console gaming studios. This means no gaps in gaming regardless of what 3rd parties do.

VR is far from being a gimmick and I dunno what that has to do with the switch and who is forcing it down?

Specs always matter, because that could be the deciding factor as to which games are on the system.
For example, From Software is on the list of third party support and so most people would think Dark Souls but how do you know it's not for a game like Monster Hunter Diary.
As for your example of Skyrim, the game's 5 years old so that doesn't stir up confidence to me. Where's Fallout 4, Doom or Dishonored 2?

Nintendo won't get the same support as the other 2 and even if they did, Sony and MS are far from being troubled. They are both settled in this gen and the Switch is not going to do anything to what they've built up. We haven't even heard about the online capabilities for the Switch.
We've also seen that the west do not really care for portability, only Japan so I doubt that would do much in the grand scheme.

If I were you, I'll just be happy about the pros of the switch instead of focusing on Sony and MS.
This is looking much better than the Wii-U
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VR is far from being a gimmick and I dunno what that has to do with the switch and who is forcing it down?

Specs always matter, because that could be the deciding factor as to which games are on the system.
For example, From Software is on the list of third party support and so most people would think Dark Souls but how do you know it's not for a game like Monster Hunter Diary.
As for your example of Skyrim, the game's 5 years old so that doesn't stir up confidence to me. Where's Fallout 4, Doom or Dishonored 2?

Nintendo won't get the same support as the other 2 and even if they did, Sony and MS are far from being troubled. They are both settled in this gen and the Switch is not going to do anything to what they've built up. We haven't even heard about the online capabilities for the Switch.
We've also seen that the west do not really care for portability, only Japan so I doubt that would do much in the grand scheme.

If I were you, I'll just be happy about the pros of the switch instead of focusing on Sony and MS.
This is looking much better than the Wii-U

Oh if you were me huh... how dare I mentioned Sony or Microsoft in the same sentence as Nintendo. I should be ashamed of myself, right. Get over yourself, its video games bruh... :lol:

The point is this. Nintendo seems to have gotten the buy-in from these companies with this device. They obviously wouldn't be speaking highly of the platform if the hardware were not capable. In the past we've seen 3rd party developers show their distaste for Nintendo's hardware even before systems came out (happened with the Wii and Wii-U.)

This is why I said knowing the specs is irrelevant at this point. If they're happy, I'm happy because the games can run on the system and will be there. We're just waiting on the formal announcements which should happen closer to release.

As for Sony and Microsoft being worried, I say they already are. Nintendo announces new hardware code named NX, all of a sudden we get a PS4 Pro and Microsoft Scorpio. The originals were supposed to be the most powerful consoles ever, but now they're not powerful enough... I wonder why??? :rolleyes

As for VR not being a gimmick... lets look at the definition...
noun: gimmick; plural noun: gimmicks

a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business.

VR is absolutely a gimmick for Sony, the same way the Wii-mote was a gimmick, the same way the gamepad was a gimmick, the Xbox's Kinect, etc....
Where are we getting the assumption that the Switch won't compete with XB1 and PS4 graphics wise? Wii U was below the 2 in terms of graphics so it would make no sense for Nintendo to release a new console and still be below the competiton when we're pretty much halfway through this console generation's life span...

Speaking of which, what generation does the Switch fall under?? You can't say it's part of the eighth generation so it's the first console for the Ninth? A whole probably 3 years before the next Sony or M$ console. Nintendo has to make sure the Switch succeeds....
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Where are we getting the assumption that the Switch won't compete with XB1 and PS4 graphics wise? Wii U was below the 2 in terms of graphics so it would make no sense for Nintendo to release a new console and still be below the competiton when we're pretty much halfway through this console generation's life span...

Speaking of which, what generation does the Switch fall under?? You can't say it's part of the eighth generation so it's the first console for the Ninth? A whole probably 3 years before the next Sony or M$ console. Nintendo has to make sure the Switch succeeds....

Exactly, I think at the very least the Switch will be on par with the base versions of the Xbox One and PS4 which should be supported for the next 4-5 years. If that's the case the Switch should be capable of running most of if not all 3rd party games.

As for generations, I would put this at the 9th generation simply becasue generations are not defined just by specs. The Switch is Nintendo's new hardware platform so it should be the start of the 9th gen. But its really semantics at this point.
Just like Nintendo, Sony and MS both have established franchises to fall back on. They're obviously not as popular as Mario but they still have them. Sony and MS are far from being in trouble this gen. Let's just hope we don't get watered down versions of games just to say they're available on Switch. Speaking of 2K, I'm really curious to know how they laid out the button scheme. The joy-con has a d-pad and 3 buttons right? 2K definitely requires a lot more than that :lol:
To get a console-like experience, you're going to have to drop $350 for the switch and $50 for the new pro controller.

If someone swipes your NS portable screenpad, does the NS still work without it?

Knowing nintendo, you'll have to get a whole nother system.

If the NS is as strong as xb1, then the skyrim we saw has to be the remaster right?
To get a console-like experience, you're going to have to drop $350 for the switch and $50 for the new pro controller.
If someone swipes your NS portable screenpad, does the NS still work without it?
Knowing nintendo, you'll have to get a whole nother system.

If the NS is as strong as xb1, then the skyrim we saw has to be the remaster right?

Man these are all great questions, I hope later this year or possibly at the top of the year we get a full blowout of Nintendo Switch information. That 3 minute video was just a teaser...

Nintendo Teases More Switch Reveals -- "We Haven't Shown Everything Yet"
— GameSpot (@gamespot) October 23, 2016
Nintendo Switch Could "Redefine" Gaming, Ubisoft Says
— GameSpot (@gamespot) October 23, 2016

According to Nintendo there are still some secrets about the device that will be shown. But Ubisoft has been consistently positive and really vocal about how revolutionary this device could be. Those types of things have been hearing since E3 about this system. There is something making these 3rd parties very excited.
You just posed an interesting question iYen iYen with misplacing the portable screen pad. I'm curious as to what happens if it gets damaged as well. If history with the Wii U has told us anything, it's that Nintendo ain't making stand alone screenpads. We would more than likely have to get a whole new console.

Lol that whole portable thing just got a little less cooler

Also, didn't early rumors for the Switch mention seamless play between your smart phone or something of the sort? :nerd:
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Just like Nintendo, Sony and MS both have established franchises to fall back on. They're obviously not as popular as Mario but they still have them. Sony and MS are far from being in trouble this gen. Let's just hope we don't get watered down versions of games just to say they're available on Switch. Speaking of 2K, I'm really curious to know how they laid out the button scheme. The joy-con has a d-pad and 3 buttons right? 2K definitely requires a lot more than that :lol:
The joycons have 6 buttons. 4 on the face and two on the shoulder.
I didn't know there were buttons on top. I doubt I'll use them anyway, those things are just too small. The small 3DS use to make hands hurt :lol:

That pro controller will be copped along with the the Switch, no questions. Knowing I'll finally be able to play all those great ports and Zelda with a normal controller is :smokin just throw in that DKC:TF port too
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