NO BROOKLYN NETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you.
petozham wrote:
Knicks fans are hilarious...So you prefer your pathetic overpaid athletes and players that are scraps and leftovers from other teams while being coached by a complete moron?

Please, how can you be so proud of your selfish, self absorbed, money hungry, attention seeking, stat $$+%$ players? They're disgraceful to what the Knicks franchise used to stand for, a once hardworking sterling franchise is now a joke...What used to be a proud, tough, defense orientated, winning brand is now a franchise full of outcasts and players that USED to have potential but never matured, cared, lived up to their talent and hype, and amounted to **!%.

I don't see in any way how having the Nets in NY could hurt you, I would love for another franchise to come around my way if I was in NY, another opportunity to see the game I love in person not to mention that team having one of the most exciting players in the league to watch and an up and coming All-Star.

I can't wait to see who's first to say "you mad
" lol.
You do sound mad though. For no reason at all it seems. Most of the stuff you mention it pointless and meant to bash rather than offer anyinsight.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

one less frank gehry monstrosity being built in the world = everyone wins
I agree. That %%%% would've been soo out of place chilling along Atlantic Avenue. Most of his stuff looks out of place in most settings.
@ all this talk about "Jay-Z moving the Nets".

You guys are seriously confused. Jay-Z owns less than 2% of the team...he has NO input on this decision.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Knicks fans are hilarious...So you prefer your pathetic overpaid athletes and players that are scraps and leftovers from other teams while being coached by a complete moron?
Word, and this guy here is just the perfect coach/gentlemen.


He's a buffoon himself.

And yes Mike is an idiot...He's not a coach, he's pretty much an onlooker who constantly yells at the refs and complains...Can some one please tell mewhat the Knicks offensive scheme is? Can some one please tell me one consistent play they have? His playbook is pretty much, give to ball to player A, andiso, the WHOLE game...I'm not even going to get started on defense..
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