no dambs approach in the club: im going hard tomorrow

#1 rule is don't be unattractive. A good looking dude will get away with most things, not so much for ugly creepy %#++%*.
got up to page 8, then i got bored.

But anyways, at least you tried man, and you know you still can pull, so keep trying and you'll suceed. I didnt really read the backstory on you or anything, but the club scene attracts certain type of girls, i dont know if you want just 1night stands or a dating type-girl. I would go for the date-type girl, its the summer and its always best to have a chick on your side during these months.

but then again, i don't know what youre looking for, either way goodluck, brah.

edit- i wouldn't just randomly slide my hand on their waist, maybe the shoulder or something, but its different for a female fam', all their life theyve known guys want to fuk the living daylights out of them, if you go in and slide your hand on their waist and point blank say some NT-line "wut dat smell like, gurl", the allure/mystery is gone, and she'll brush you off. Contact is good, and its a sign of confidence, but too much is going into the creepy/groping zone.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by Executive76

 it's apart of the game. Common sense would tell us it means they're not interested or w/ebut a lot of females just don't know how to hold a basic convo

Truth be told, both parties are failing at a conversation. Ask them open ended questions. That way they cant one word you. IF they're not interested, they'll stop texting. Quicker you do that, the quicker you can see whats up and/or move to the next one.

ask me an opened ended question, famb... I can NEVER find get a solid definition.

An open ended question is a question that someone cant answer with just yes, no or one word(generally). Example: How do you feel about people never giving you a solid definition.

A good question to ask females are:
What brought you to the club?
What do you do for fun..other than clubbing?
What are you looking for?
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by Executive76

 it's apart of the game. Common sense would tell us it means they're not interested or w/ebut a lot of females just don't know how to hold a basic convo

Truth be told, both parties are failing at a conversation. Ask them open ended questions. That way they cant one word you. IF they're not interested, they'll stop texting. Quicker you do that, the quicker you can see whats up and/or move to the next one.

ask me an opened ended question, famb... I can NEVER find get a solid definition.
I dont know about the whole open-ended question thing personally.  I usually just say something stupid I think..usually whatever come to mind to get them talking.  I cringe thinking about some of the sh*t but confidence really does count.  
Ricky no need for an explanation man, I was just messing with you dude. I'm sure you have something lined up on the side, its 2012 everybody has something they can hit if they really wanted to. It's just like ground hog day on here sometimes man. Like I've said 2000 times, the game is all about timing, hell life is all about timing, PERIOD! No theories, no deep analysis, no formulas yadda yadda yadda. Dudes in here can give you lines, approaches and style tips to their faces are blue but if ole girl is having a bad day, her grandma just died or her sister was found murdered in a dumpster two years from the date you are in the club it doesn't matter!!! Life is funny like that man, just yesterday I had someone email me about a business opportunity that I had completely given up on like 3 months ago after our initial conversation because they told me their is no way they would be interested. Guess what, yesterday this very same person emailed me and told me that they are highly interested in working with me and they love the idea of what I'm trying to do. Now somewhere along that 3 month period something triggered this persons opinion of what we were trying to do in the opposite direction. What that was I have not one iota of an idea but ill take it. It's the same concept as women. The dating game, business, friends, money, luck etc. your time will come. Have faith in that and trust your struggle.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Truth be told, both parties are failing at a conversation. Ask them open ended questions. That way they cant one word you. IF they're not interested, they'll stop texting. Quicker you do that, the quicker you can see whats up and/or move to the next one.

ask me an opened ended question, famb... I can NEVER find get a solid definition.

An open ended question is a question that someone cant answer with just yes, no or one word(generally). Example: How do you feel about people never giving you a solid definition.

A good question to ask females are:

What brought you to the club?  I'd say: What other spots are you all/did you all hit tonight.. you should come w/me and my boys to "X"(even if we had no plans to leave a spot.. allows you to gauge the possibilites quickly

What do you do for fun..other than clubbing?  I'd say: "what area do you work in(basic ball), or name drop an event that you know is going on in your area the next day.. ie, we just had an african american festival thing up in Bmore on Sat "Are you and your bffs hitting the "x" tmw?"

What are you looking for?  never ask this.. no offense my dude tr1llionaire

honestly.. all of that above is basic, and kinda generic.  Its best to just play it by ear, and be easy and natural.  Things will unfold.. even chicks who have no physical interest will tend to hold a convo with someone they find interesting or entertaining
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

#1 rule is don't be unattractive. A good looking dude will get away with most things, not so much for ugly creepy %#++%*.

Yup. Gotta have booze for the after party too. Me and my boys can be straight savage and still pull em.
grab by the wrist ... so they can't go nowhere ...

worked last week ... she was caught off guard and she said where do i know you from...

every girl is different ... another girl ... prolly not successful ...

keep us updated OP ...
Side note that piece just texted me.

If you're not ugly anything works. Hell I've blacked out had numbers woke up checked what they looked like on Facebook proceed to hit them up and smash
if I can pull them blacked out I damn sure can when I'm on point.
honestly.. all of that above is basic, and kinda generic.  Its best to just play it by ear, and be easy and natural.  Things will unfold.. even chicks who have no physical interest will tend to hold a convo with someone they find interesting or entertaining

Basically. I just gave some quick examples. Its all about conversation control. Know what to say/ask to steer the convo the direction you want it to go.
Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by ricky409

Phenom and peep got it.

You gotta speak... slide by them and grab on the waist, ask if they're having a good time. .

Something ...
But that doesn't work though

That is the WORST.

My track record is IMPECCABLE, I dont know what kinda lames you run into
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by ricky409

Phenom and peep got it.

You gotta speak... slide by them and grab on the waist, ask if they're having a good time. .

Something ...
But that doesn't work though

That is the WORST.

My track record is IMPECCABLE, I dont know what kinda lames you run into

And I don't know what kind of birds you run in to, but I don't like being groped up and grabbed by my waist, or arm or #*# in order to get my attention. Do people not understand personal boundaries?
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Ricky no need for an explanation man, I was just messing with you dude. I'm sure you have something lined up on the side, its 2012 everybody has something they can hit if they really wanted to. It's just like ground hog day on here sometimes man. Like I've said 2000 times, the game is all about timing, hell life is all about timing, PERIOD! No theories, no deep analysis, no formulas yadda yadda yadda. Dudes in here can give you lines, approaches and style tips to their faces are blue but if ole girl is having a bad day, her grandma just died or her sister was found murdered in a dumpster two years from the date you are in the club it doesn't matter!!! Life is funny like that man, just yesterday I had someone email me about a business opportunity that I had completely given up on like 3 months ago after our initial conversation because they told me their is no way they would be interested. Guess what, yesterday this very same person emailed me and told me that they are highly interested in working with me and they love the idea of what I'm trying to do. Now somewhere along that 3 month period something triggered this persons opinion of what we were trying to do in the opposite direction. What that was I have not one iota of an idea but ill take it. It's the same concept as women. The dating game, business, friends, money, luck etc. your time will come. Have faith in that and trust your struggle.
The p struggle.

I love men. I really do.
Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Pepper

But that doesn't work though

That is the WORST.

My track record is IMPECCABLE, I dont know what kinda lames you run into

And I don't know what kind of birds you run in to, but I don't like being groped up and grabbed by my waist, or arm or #*# in order to get my attention. Do people not understand personal boundaries?

If im at the club, IM LOOKING FOR BIRDS. I aint tryna meet Winnie Mandela in there. Also if you're in the club, there aint no personal boundries. What approach usually works on you?
No thread jack but I have a gf and not looking for anything however this chick at work needed help getting stuff in her car. When I was grabbing the stuff to carry she told me I smelled good and as we were walking to her car she asked me what I was into. This isn't the first time either, she has asked me what I drink what kinda music I listen to etc in the past....I don't think anything of it more than just simple convo.

Maybe I been out to the dating game for so long that I just don't look past a genuine compliment or convo. Being that I'm 26 I kinda just take things as her being nice and not wanting the meat.

If I was single I'd pounce or attempt to anyway....moral is to act uninterested but be interested. Makes women want you more
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

always have a sidepiece ready
This is kind of a defeatist attitude though.  Imo you dont always need to have a sidepiece on deck if that night yields no results.. you wont die if the P supply  runs dry. 

     Plus, I got tired of tapping every chick in my life personally, and pulling the goto move with a piece I may not truly be in the mood to be intimate with, is kinda stomach turning at 4am..especially if there was achick I had my eye on and it fell through for whatever reason. 

Not going at you Pharel, just giving my perspective on the quoted
Last edited:
Originally Posted by JayHood23

No thread jack but I have a gf and not looking for anything however this chick at work needed help getting stuff in her car. When I was grabbing the stuff to carry she told me I smelled good and as we were walking to her car she asked me what I was into. This isn't the first time either, she has asked me what I drink what kinda music I listen to etc in the past....I don't think anything of it more than just simple convo.

Maybe I been out to the dating game for so long that I just don't look past a genuine compliment or convo. Being that I'm 26 I kinda just take things as her being nice and not wanting the meat.

If I was single I'd pounce or attempt to anyway....moral is to act uninterested but be interested. Makes women want you more
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by solarius49

My track record is IMPECCABLE, I dont know what kinda lames you run into

And I don't know what kind of birds you run in to, but I don't like being groped up and grabbed by my waist, or arm or #*# in order to get my attention. Do people not understand personal boundaries?

If im at the club, IM LOOKING FOR BIRDS. I aint tryna meet Winnie Mandela in there. Also if you're in the club, there aint no personal boundries. What approach usually works on you?
Club or not there are ALWAYS boundaries. If there weren't a lot of these guys in here wouldn't have tales of "I got her, but not that one." Approach? I don't even allow it. I just wave them off before they even come over or I tell them politely "No thanks, I'm here with my friends tonight. Have a good one."  The "excuse me miss but I.." never worked. The "Can I buy you a drink?" never worked. The "Damn you look good baby/shawty/honey/sweetheart/love" never worked. The "I can't keep my eyes off of you" doesn't work. There's nothing more unpleasant than trying to get through a crammed club with a man yanking on your thigh or shirt to get your attention. I've been dragged over by a man in a lounge, he grabbed my waist and got in my face and all I could do is push him away from me. That's not cute.
And even AFTER the let down (in a gentle fashion of course) is given, they KEEP COMING BACK.

Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Pepper

And I don't know what kind of birds you run in to, but I don't like being groped up and grabbed by my waist, or arm or #*# in order to get my attention. Do people not understand personal boundaries?

If im at the club, IM LOOKING FOR BIRDS. I aint tryna meet Winnie Mandela in there. Also if you're in the club, there aint no personal boundries. What approach usually works on you?
Club or not there are ALWAYS boundaries. If there weren't a lot of these guys in here wouldn't have tales of "I got her, but not that one." Approach? I don't even allow it. I just wave them off before they even come over or I tell them politely "No thanks, I'm here with my friends tonight. Have a good one."  The "excuse me miss but I.." never worked. The "Can I buy you a drink?" never worked. The "Damn you look good baby/shawty/honey/sweetheart/love" never worked. The "I can't keep my eyes off of you" doesn't work. There's nothing more unpleasant than trying to get through a crammed club with a man yanking on your thigh or shirt to get your attention. I've been dragged over by a man in a lounge, he grabbed my waist and got in my face and all I could do is push him away from me. That's not cute.
And even AFTER the let down (in a gentle fashion of course) is given, they KEEP COMING BACK.

Pics of you so we can determine if he had a reason 
Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Pepper

And I don't know what kind of birds you run in to, but I don't like being groped up and grabbed by my waist, or arm or #*# in order to get my attention. Do people not understand personal boundaries?

If im at the club, IM LOOKING FOR BIRDS. I aint tryna meet Winnie Mandela in there. Also if you're in the club, there aint no personal boundries. What approach usually works on you?
Club or not there are ALWAYS boundaries. If there weren't a lot of these guys in here wouldn't have tales of "I got her, but not that one." Approach? I don't even allow it. I just wave them off before they even come over or I tell them politely "No thanks, I'm here with my friends tonight. Have a good one."  The "excuse me miss but I.." never worked. The "Can I buy you a drink?" never worked. The "Damn you look good baby/shawty/honey/sweetheart/love" never worked. The "I can't keep my eyes off of you" doesn't work. There's nothing more unpleasant than trying to get through a crammed club with a man yanking on your thigh or shirt to get your attention. I've been dragged over by a man in a lounge, he grabbed my waist and got in my face and all I could do is push him away from me. That's not cute.
And even AFTER the let down (in a gentle fashion of course) is given, they KEEP COMING BACK.


thats the thing, I'm ok with being told no, but that would never stop me from trying. I mean I'm a grown man, so I didnt come to the club to dance, so the females there should know what it is. The whole "im here to hang out with my friends" line is so tired. Yall coulda did that in the crib
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by solarius49

If im at the club, IM LOOKING FOR BIRDS. I aint tryna meet Winnie Mandela in there. Also if you're in the club, there aint no personal boundries. What approach usually works on you?
Club or not there are ALWAYS boundaries. If there weren't a lot of these guys in here wouldn't have tales of "I got her, but not that one." Approach? I don't even allow it. I just wave them off before they even come over or I tell them politely "No thanks, I'm here with my friends tonight. Have a good one."  The "excuse me miss but I.." never worked. The "Can I buy you a drink?" never worked. The "Damn you look good baby/shawty/honey/sweetheart/love" never worked. The "I can't keep my eyes off of you" doesn't work. There's nothing more unpleasant than trying to get through a crammed club with a man yanking on your thigh or shirt to get your attention. I've been dragged over by a man in a lounge, he grabbed my waist and got in my face and all I could do is push him away from me. That's not cute.
And even AFTER the let down (in a gentle fashion of course) is given, they KEEP COMING BACK.


thats the thing, I'm ok with being told no, but that would never stop me from trying. I mean I'm a grown man, so I didnt come to the club to dance, so the females there should know what it is. The whole "im here to hang out with my friends" line is so tired. Yall coulda did that in the crib
One of my boys is exactly like this, and I love bagging chicks with this dude because its surprising how often it bears fruit.. So there something to be said there.  But I dont think this plan of attack is for everyone.. like I know I couldnt pull it of

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Pepper

Originally Posted by solarius49

If im at the club, IM LOOKING FOR BIRDS. I aint tryna meet Winnie Mandela in there. Also if you're in the club, there aint no personal boundries. What approach usually works on you?
Club or not there are ALWAYS boundaries. If there weren't a lot of these guys in here wouldn't have tales of "I got her, but not that one." Approach? I don't even allow it. I just wave them off before they even come over or I tell them politely "No thanks, I'm here with my friends tonight. Have a good one."  The "excuse me miss but I.." never worked. The "Can I buy you a drink?" never worked. The "Damn you look good baby/shawty/honey/sweetheart/love" never worked. The "I can't keep my eyes off of you" doesn't work. There's nothing more unpleasant than trying to get through a crammed club with a man yanking on your thigh or shirt to get your attention. I've been dragged over by a man in a lounge, he grabbed my waist and got in my face and all I could do is push him away from me. That's not cute.
And even AFTER the let down (in a gentle fashion of course) is given, they KEEP COMING BACK.

thats the thing, I'm ok with being told no, but that would never stop me from trying. I mean I'm a grown man, so I didnt come to the club to dance, so the females there should know what it is. The whole "im here to hang out with my friends" line is so tired. Yall coulda did that in the crib
I'm not even gonna front...this is kinda how I view the club this is why I like to go with a man EVEN if my girl friends are there so that I can dance up on my dude/ or a dude that I'm like that with. It cuts down on so much extra @%!*.

I hate the club tho.
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