No Fap 2k14 Vol. Together we can make it.

brahs, anybody other no fappers...


and its especially weird bc i never wake up and remember my dreams. like ever
id say one dream every couple of months
I consider myself still in.. since the year started, i fapped once :smh: and probably watched one or 2 clips.. am i still down?
It may just be impossible if you have zero yambz in rotation and no time to go get any, but school starts again tomorrow. Gonna do my recon this week while I recharge and plan my attack.
I'm out..****** around and messed up. I will try this again. Someone mentioned you need to fail to succeed, I can say I've learned a lot though. Haven't watched any pron, but that's easy because I'm not much of a fan of it anyways, don't need that.
thought this was relevant to the topic, something to ponder

A team of Australian researchers, for example,
found that men who had ejaculated more than five times per
week between the ages of twenty and fifty were one-third less
likely to develop prostate cancer later in life. Along with the
fructose, potassium, zinc, and other benign components of
semen, trace amounts of carcinogens are often present, so
researchers hypothesize that the reduction in cancer rates may
be due to the frequent flushing of the ducts.

A different team from Sydney University reported in late
2007 that daily ejaculation dramatically reduced DNA
damage to men’s sperm cells, thereby increasing male
fertility—quite the opposite of the conventional wisdom.
After forty-two men with damaged sperm were instructed to
ejaculate daily for a week, almost all showed less
chromosomal damage than a control group who had abstained
for three days.

fap 4 life
^^what if you got yourself a gf and just smashed everyday and or let her give you a hand. Same outcome without pron causing damage.
just checking in. how ya'll doin?
 i havent done a no fap for a while now. props for the dudes who manage >30 days ..
Today was tough after the gym. For some reason after working out is when I get urges the worst. Luckily I had to rush to work.

Only a matter of time before I get it in with the girl I'm more or less seeing right now. For once though I'm trying to start a relationship off the right way and not just trying to get it in right away. Learned from the last one, as much as I hated her, I kept her around because the P was good. In the end wasn't worth the headache.
This challenge is so easy now I feel like if I watch a clip it's out of boredom, lol.. Maybe I should go to sleep now.
Still in it. Its been pretty easy now although i'm not getting any yambs, but i have been keeping busy with other things
from here on out is a new record for me! :smokin

This is me officially now, 25 full days in, yesterday was kinda rough though the urge was more there than most days, think I was thinking about my personal record too much. Kinda sad 25 days is a new record for not busting at all but hey...
I'm definitely in a flatline. The motivation an energy I had to do things the first week isn't there anymore. The flatline and this east coast weather have me feeling kind of crappy. I know it's temporary though.
The past 9 weeks or so been super easy...until today :smh:. Tough but I'm fighting it tho...still in.
Yeah today was the first day the thought crossed my mind also I abstained though.
I'm doing good right now. :smokin

Still haven't gotten it in with this girl, but the chesticles were some of the most magnificent I have felt on. She wanted to wait still to go further, soon though. This whole flatline thing is in my head though I think, so I let it slide lol.

I feel good though, real good.
not busting at all the first this is tough because chicks are all of a sudden just throwing it at me(maybe not all of a sudden, investments are paying off). Just gotta make it to Friday, this has become tougher resisting the sex than giving into the urge of doing something.
21 Day streak
No need whatsoever
I guess the gym and school have been taking up most of my time .
Stay strong bruhs :smokin
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