No Fap 2k14 Vol. Together we can make it.

Once your streak get up in numbers. You'll wonder why you fapped to porn or whatever in the first place. Before I did not fap, i would get nervous when I was about to get yamb and wonder it I was going to get it up. Now, that's not even a second thought. I'm always ready. :lol:

I think today I'm on day 210.
I've been contemplating maintenance fap for the past week. The dreams keep coming but the energy and focus I have throughout the day stops me from going in, lol
was going strong for 27 days, then i saw the tila tequila porn. Sorry i failed but it was well worth it. 
Lot's of casualties this month, including myself (day 21), but February is coming up. Get ready to respawn guys. Watch the kill cams.. find out how you got caught up. Attack Stronger. #kobesystem
Maaaaaan yesterday girl came all on to me at her apartment, but was on her period and had to go to work. Then my ex had to also work last night. Almost failed this morning but still going strong. Changing my thoughts and focus back to the gym and work
Gonna do no fap/no tap February. Shortest month of the year. Gonna flush out any urges for the next few days. Fap until i make myself sick hahahaha!
:frown: sad day for me today :smh: but OP is gonna have to take me off the list... i don't know what happened... i clicked on one link then another then another...
couldn't even wait 2 more days >:
i feels so ashamed :smh: i'll prolly try again in Feb
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