No Fap 2k14 Vol. Together we can make it.

No real benefit to putting off cheeks. Ya'll just don't have a choice/options and don't wanna say. Sa'll good, stick with this and purge that excessive fapping from your systems and your loins will leave you no choice but to go get them yambs.
No real benefit to putting off cheeks. Ya'll just don't have a choice/options and don't wanna say. Sa'll good, stick with this and purge that excessive fapping from your systems and your loins will leave you no choice but to go get them yambs.

I personally would never do it.

But if one is letting yamb chasing distract them from more important things then taking a break and refocusing could be helpful
No real benefit to putting off cheeks. Ya'll just don't have a choice/options and don't wanna say. Sa'll good, stick with this and purge that excessive fapping from your systems and your loins will leave you no choice but to go get them yambs.

Very true, that's a factor as well; I don't mind acknowledging that. Dropped the chick I was talking to a month && some change ago, and never revally had a solid roster at any point either. But I know yambs ain't going nowhere in general, let alone with peak season upon once I get the wheels back, it's on. :pimp:
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Count me in. Help me out NT brothers and help me stay motivated. Just downloaded K9 so I'm in. Day 1 tomorrow. 
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Count me in. Help me out NT brothers and help me stay motivated. Just downloaded K9 so I'm in. Day 1 tomorrow. 
Some advice from me if the force it too strong immediately drop down and max on on push-ups

Bonus for me in thus situation is I have no lotion and I'm too muh of a broke boy to cop any :/
Hour left then it's day 5


Also this morning I woke up and my homie was od solid

Went to pee and it didn't work

Had to stand in my toes to get myself to calm down.... It's crazy out here man
I feel like I'm going on 2 weeks about now.  Sensitivity is back.  I'm just sitting here and 2 stepping and it's just a different sensation bruhs.
Today I'm really noticing a change in my behavior

Getting more energy only downside is I really have nothing to do cuz I have no job


Can't cut the grass cuz it rained

So for now I'm sitting here Max'n out on push-ups thinkin bout ******* a girl something terrible

Few more hours till day 6
No problem

Seems just about everybody else quit since this thread moves slowly now lol

You can do it man I believe in you

U get that urge do push-ups lol
I know. Been hitting the gym hard. Today I was super productive too. Feels good. Check your PMs.
mental discipline brahs...

finishing up day 37 :smokin

sorta feel like the flatline is going away. still got lightweight depression tho.
Been back on track for a lil over a month now..get the urge every so often but I've not allowed myself to crack.
Crazy smh five days under my belt today

Thought I was gona crack (found myself on world star)
Day six starts 22 hours to go

23 days coming up on a month, feeling good so far no problems really. Since everything is blocked I think my brain realized it's not an option anymore, haven't even really had the urge to check. Been much more focused and productive lately too. Also just broke it off with the main girl recently but it's getting warm out again so I'm trying to channel all this energy and make some moves out here. Every chick with a nice body that walks by I'm like :wow: , got me feeling motivated :lol: . Should be a good summer.
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Had my first wet dream since I was like 11? 12?

slept nude too...ugh
Made it through the night with no urges

I can finally cut the grass now so ill be productive somewhat today

Day 7 starts no fap 14
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