No Fap 2k14 Vol. Together we can make it.

Giving someone $15 for fapping seems like more of a justification than a punishment to me. How about the person just take a picture/upload a video of them throwing away/completely ripping up their $15.. And Im so fapping January 1, 2015 [emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji]

sooperhooper gone be heated when sees yall posts on giving in [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Giving someone $15 for fapping seems like more of a justification than a punishment to me. How about the person just take a picture/upload a video of them throwing away/completely ripping up their $15.. And Im so fapping January 1, 2015 [emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji]

sooperhooper gone be heated when sees yall posts on giving in [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Or how about people donate $15 to those in need instead of being wasteful?
Wel donate $15 then. Since you gave in anyway [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Like I said, thats just an excuse. ****** gone be like "aw **** at least theres good intentions in me fapping. Nothing wrong here."
There's nothing wrong with fapping in the first place except when you do it WAY too much.

This thread is full of crappy pseudoscience and New-Agey BS but fapping shouldn't be associated with an inherently negative action.

I see no problem with the $15 going to charity
There's nothing wrong with fapping in the first place except when you do it WAY too much.

This thread is full of crappy pseudoscience and New-Agey BS but fapping shouldn't be associated with an inherently negative action.

I see no problem with the $15 going to charity

Nothing new-agey or pseudoscience about the link between porno and depression, anxiety, OCD, erectile dysfunction, ****** up dopamine levels, etc. Do your research bruh. There's definitely personal testimonials that definitely that go into that weird direction and I don't really focus on that, but there's actual science behind the benefit of not watching pornos.

But yeah, about to be 30 days man, this was actually alot easier than I thought it would be. Feeling real confident about that 120 days.
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Nothing new-agey or pseudoscience about the link between porno and depression, anxiety, OCD, erectile dysfunction, ****** up dopamine levels, etc. Do your research bruh. There's definitely personal testimonials that definitely that go into that weird direction and I don't really focus on that, but there's actual science behind the benefit of not watching pornos.

But yeah, about to be 30 days man, this was actually alot easier than I thought it would be. Feeling real confident about that 120 days.
Did I mention porno in my post or did I mention masturbation?
since i havent took advantage of no fap like im supposed to i did accomplish 1 thing... and that is to fap in moderation... during the week im good but during the weekend i let loose and sometimes i give in a little too much... but at least i gotten better and stopped the fap once everyday routine :smh:
Nothing new-agey or pseudoscience about the link between porno and depression, anxiety, OCD, erectile dysfunction, ****** up dopamine levels, etc. Do your research bruh. There's definitely personal testimonials that definitely that go into that weird direction and I don't really focus on that, but there's actual science behind the benefit of not watching pornos.

But yeah, about to be 30 days man, this was actually alot easier than I thought it would be. Feeling real confident about that 120 days.

Did I mention porno in my post or did I mention masturbation?
how many people in this day and age fap with their eyes closed as they think about a woman though?
how many people in this day and age fap with their eyes closed as they think about a woman though?
lol I used to do it all the time.

Yeah porn is bad but that's not what I'm arguing. All I'm saying is that masturbation is not a terrible thing; it's even healthy under certain circumstances. If someone dry faps to porn clips three times a day, then yeah. Hop on that list
lol I used to do it all the time.

Yeah porn is bad but that's not what I'm arguing. All I'm saying is that masturbation is not a terrible thing; it's even healthy under certain circumstances. If someone dry faps to porn clips three times a day, then yeah. Hop on that list :lol:

Avoiding porn is the whole point of the thread bruh, most people that arent in middle school anymore tend to masturbate while wathing porn. So for the purposes of the thread, avoiding masturbation altogether helps keep people from sliding back into watching pornos.
Can't fap worth of **** my palm is peeling off from the gym . btw about to make two month by the 8th of November . My JO is away for college I honestly feel like this no fap thing push you to approach more women I'm on campus hunting daily .
has anyone noticed.. Womens ability to notice your looking at them increased? bishes just turn around after like 2 seconds...kinda freaky

dat nofap aura doe... :smokin
I'm just waiting for cuffing season to really take this no fapping to another level
Cuffing season officially started September 18th 

The draft starts in August.  (End of pool season)

All 1st rounders were swooped by September 10th. 

The final trade deadline is November 8th (last weekend 2 weeks before Thanksgiving)

I would suggest picking up some free agents from a halloween party if you are trying to cuff for the winter.

...Otherwise you end up buying gifts and going to family functions, basketball games and holiday parties with a chick you been with for a week. And risking a huge amount of investment on a possible JO.

I thought everyone knew the dates for cuffing season? I guess you should go next level now..
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