No Fap 2k14 Vol. Together we can make it.

Very intrigued.. I might have to join in on this. Tomorrow will be my start day since I can't count today. Lol. Bring it on.
I'm so close to some buns, man... I can't release any of this yet.

Just need to hold out for a little bit more.

I promise, it's just like shaking up a bottle of soda. seeing anything that's visually stimulating shakes the bottle up to the point that you feel release is eminent, but after a while, the force goes down. you got his bros. hold on to your liquid life.
my whole thing is, I've got this build up, i don't want it to be anticlimactic at this point. i want to unleash it the right way, nah mean.
Do any of y'all got any tips on shooting that nut??

On various occasions, I've shot nut, and other occasions, it just oozes. What exactly are the factors that go into this? I noticed that the more aroused I am, the more likely it is to shoot. I would assume that it also depends on the consistency of the nutt as well. As it's safe to say that it would be easier to shoot out a thin, milky fluid, than to shoot out a tapioca pudding type of goo, nahmean?
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