I thought sex gave you more T and busting air nuts affects your voice?? Srs I never knew that but it makes sense...I've kinda noticed that but never really put thought into researching it
Sex stimulates more areas of the brain and increases/maintains testosterone production.

Masturbation releases endorphins and hormones that leave you drained until they regenerate.. Which is why after you usually bust that nut watching porn you feel kind of depressed, sad, disappointed in yourself, etc.
It's still september... get it in!
Dat ***...
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Adding everyone now.
I'm in. Trying for Oct through Jan 1 at least.
Wish you the best fam.

It's that first month that's the pain in the ***... That week you quit and your brain realizes what you're doing you'll be horny enough to give Aphrodite death by snu snu...

Resist. Once a week or two passes you'll pretty much flatline.. Two more weeks and your joint should be back to normal, although you should still refrain from activity for another 2-3 months because your dopamine receptors are still balancing itself out and every nut you bust will only set you back. It's like playing ball on a sprained ankle.. Refrain from using the ankle, heals at it its fastest rate.. Play on a sprained ankle, slow recovery and risk making things worse.

When I get urges now it's so easy to resist im not even sure why my body waste the time sending the signal. So resist is the best advice I can give you.. Resist by any means.

EDIT: And if you aren't working out you might as well start. All that pent up testosterone will have you arm wrestling that Russian barbie chick in no time.
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Bros I fail at these all the time. But I am in. Need to get some yambs. Been in a drought way too long, got me feeling like a dog in heat having to fap so much.
Bros I fail at these all the time. But I am in. Need to get some yambs. Been in a drought way too long, got me feeling like a dog in heat having to fap so much.
Bruh.. Fapping is why you're putting off finding new yambs.

Take this seriously, join again for No Fap November, and you'll be a wolf among herbivore fapping sheep.
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