I'm definitely fapping.. i dont care about this thread lol many have tried.. some have succeeded. But me.. mannn eff that lol its #faptime :smokin

#Yamblife .. Real life or digital, just doesnt matter lol .. in my mind, it feels the same way. #facts :smokin :smokin :smokin
Basically you try to "fap out" your need to fap, but instead the way your brain works it's just going to want more stimulation later.

It's kinda like the come down from binge drinking.

The more you drink, the worse the hangover.

The more you fap, the longer the recovery.

It also starts to numb you to everything that DOESN'T stimulate you as much as porn. Needless to say.... There's not much that will mentally stimulate you more than porn. It continues to build up as you continue to provide your brain with that dopamine spike. It's the reason why edging is the WORST thing you can possibly do.. When you hold off from finishing, but keep getting hella close to the finish line it's spike after spike after spike.

Iono bout that, get woodies easily. See a girl in tights with that mass, BLAM. :lol:

Add me to the list though, tryna see if I change after a month or 2 or 3.
I've tried to do this on NT and have failed on two other occasions :lol:

But forget it, I'm in this No Fap October :pimp: :pimp:

The crazy part is the longest i've gone in like one of these competitions is like 2 weeks :smh: however even in that span, I legit feel and recognize the difference. It kind of restores **** to the kind of way that it's intended to be. No Lie my hard on starts to get a lot stronger, and it even helps me around women. No Fap = Pent up horniness/Energy = Irrational decisions concerning women. (Which for me is a good thing because I'm an overthinker who thinks of all of the consequences of dealing with a particular girl(s), which takes me out of living in the moment and making memories and **** like that. )

I'm in it though.
do yall discuss fapping with your friends in real life lol

I sure as hell don't lol
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I'm in! Shoot I'm tryin not to fap from now till the end of 2013. Gotta learn self-control and discipline.
Failed last time after 3  full weeks...

But I know where I messed up...

I'm in. not going to be getting wasted this time around
*sigh* I'm in it. I'm gonna have to get some birthday yambs on the 10th though...or else its me and palm-ala
I'll give it a Try. It's hard for me because I spend 10-15 days a month in hotels and sometimes a good fap is the only way I'll go to sleep
What's the hardest time period to overcome? First week? I'm already having urges after 5 days :smh:
What's the hardest time period to overcome? First week? I'm already having urges after 5 days :smh:
once you get through the first 1.5 weeks... you really are just coasting...

the first part is hard b/c your habits are to fap when you're trying to sleep, or past time.

you find other things to do w/ your time.

the first 1.5 weeks are ABSOLUTELY the toughest... if you can make it through that, its all good from there on out.
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