Day 47.

Was a second away from caving.. glad I didn't.

The urges are increasing like a mug mug, shun.
This wouldve been about my  47th day too 

Youre a better man than me fam. Keep it going
This wouldve been about my  47th day too :smh:

Youre a better man than me fam. Keep it going


All good fam, you joined NFO i'm guessin'?

Appreciate the support.. honestly. Some days I'm just like wtf am I doing, let me just rub one out :lol:

Get back on the horse man!
Just wanted to check this thread out and just read the last pages.

Why do you guys do this? I know it says no fapping, does this include actual vagina?

I can't even last 5 hours, it's crazy some of y'all are going months without pounding one out!

Astonishing! :wow:
^Death Grip Syndrome, Porn Induced Sexual Disfuntion, Porn Induced ED. Google it. Nah you can still hit the yambz

Anyway day 2 for me ):
I was starting to doubt the realness of this flatline thing, but damn im slowly becoming a believer.

In all seriousness though, if frequent and excessive masturbation/porn watching is mentally harmful can't not watching porn and resuing to masturbate somehow also be detrimental? (Not sure if I believe this or not, just wanted to have a discussion on it)

Also, if the goal is to eliminate excessive fapping, where is the harm in infrequent fapping?

The porn is really what you should be given up as doctors "assure" you that fapping does not cause ED or whatever this thing is called. Anyway even when I tapped out I didnt video porn. Just fapped to some suicide girls. So I am still going strong on the no porn thing.

I read in many places you need to severely cut back on the masturbation and some places say to quit entirely. Some places say you need to cut back on nutting in general, some places say to buy a fleshlight but still cut back.

But if death grip syndrome is an issue I cant see how fapping will not hurt considering you are trying to bring your nerve endings back in tip top shape. I feel like fapping undoes whatever you have done.

At the same time never blowing a load will cause testicular cancer and you don't want that.

Anyway 118 days to go after today. I need to finish this time because I miss the loves of my life

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Maaan tonight was a bust.  Went to a party and the ratio of males to females was attrocious.  LIke 5 man to each girl....horrible.

I made the best of it by becoming the DJ basically cuz someone just hoooked up their ipod and left it.

Turned the empty dancefloor into the main part of the party.

No urges...feelin good
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I'm not a porn dude it's all memory or nothing for me, porn just always felt like a tease but at least memories are my past experiences I can recall & reshape into my own thoughts.

Right now though man I'm on the verge of breaking. So close, I feel bad because I already had a bust last weekend with a chick so this would be #2, feel like I cheated to get this far bros. I'm staying strong tonight for everyone that's left in this still
Doing these challenges even though I failed just taught me how to get a balance. I loved the way I slayed chicks and even how masturbation felt after that long break. So infrequent faps it is, once or twice a month. Even after those break faps I still felt great riding that high. I wasn't drained, and still murked some yambs. I think doing it just to do it kills your sensitivity and drive too much. So stick with the challenge, some dudes need longer than others to reboot and keep a healthy balance.
Still in. Vine uncut comp almost broke me lol. What if you gap to pornos that you made? how does that effect you :nerd:
Just wanted to check this thread out and just read the last pages.

Why do you guys do this? I know it says no fapping, does this include actual vagina?

I can't even last 5 hours, it's crazy some of y'all are going months without pounding one out!

Astonishing! :wow:
Where in the hell does it say No P? Says No Fap right? Alright then. Same stupid *** question gets asked every year. Use common sense. Fapping is masturbating. Not sexing. Tired of seeing this on every page.
The fap felt good after 15 days of no fapping. I completed this challenge before and have even gone longer than a month without fapping but I was still watching porn. Before these 15 days I would not have been able to fap to a bikini shot of someone. But that is how I fell out of this competition. Still feel bad that I couldnt make it to the 120 days but this time I will. March 15th is my next fap. I set a reminder on my phone it will be safe for me to fap to porn

If I was smashing tho there is no way I would've dropped.
Just wanted to check this thread out and just read the last pages.

Why do you guys do this? I know it says no fapping, does this include actual vagina?

I can't even last 5 hours, it's crazy some of y'all are going months without pounding one out!

Astonishing! :wow:
Where in the hell does it say No P? Says No Fap right? Alright then. Same stupid *** question gets asked every year. Use common sense. Fapping is masturbating. Not sexing. Tired of seeing this on every page.

:lol: I understand your frustration. I don't even get why dudes would ask or think as a group we'd purposely abstain from sex. To what purpose?
The fap felt good after 15 days of no fapping. I completed this challenge before and have even gone longer than a month without fapping but I was still watching porn. Before these 15 days I would not have been able to fap to a bikini shot of someone. But that is how I fell out of this competition. Still feel bad that I couldnt make it to the 120 days but this time I will. March 15th is my next fap. I set a reminder on my phone it will be safe for me to fap to porn

If I was smashing tho there is no way I would've dropped.
Didn't you just say fapping undoes what you've done? So what's the point of going 120 days only to go back to fapping?
Just wanted to check this thread out and just read the last pages.

Why do you guys do this? I know it says no fapping, does this include actual vagina?

I can't even last 5 hours, it's crazy some of y'all are going months without pounding one out!

Astonishing! :wow:
Where in the hell does it say No P? Says No Fap right? Alright then. Same stupid *** question gets asked every year. Use common sense. Fapping is masturbating. Not sexing. Tired of seeing this on every page.

You seem pretty upset, at something so minor. So if this is a result of this experiment. I'm out! :lol:

:rofl: this dude trying to act tough and trying to clown me for not reading, when he didn't even read the FIRST sentence of my post. You need to calm your *** down homeboy! :lol:
Where in the hell does it say No P? Says No Fap right? Alright then. Same stupid *** question gets asked every year. Use common sense. Fapping is masturbating. Not sexing. Tired of seeing this on every page.
gets asked at least once every 5 pages...

It even says it on the OP.
Didn't you just say fapping undoes what you've done? So what's the point of going 120 days only to go back to fapping?

By then I will hopefully be recovered from the death grip syndrome (I hope). Then I can fap once every 2-3 weeks without any damage.

I wasnt clear. I meant fapping would undo the progress you have made towards solving death grip syndrome. Anyway by after day 120 I plan to do another 120 day challenge, then another. I hope a year of only fapping 3x would be sufficient to be over dgs.

Porn Induced sexual disfunction tho... IDK how long it will take me to get to a point where I have diamond cutting stiffies during sex :smh:
The urge is real. I told myself that once I got my PS4, NO EXCUSES. Staying strong.

Saw the ex last night... had my head clear, but I do need to try to smash again. :nerd:

Time to re-group!! NFAM, we have passed the halfway point. I want to thank all of you for taking on one of the most difficult missions you will ever face. If you have made it this far, you have accomplished a tremendous amount. But with any gain there is always a loss. These past few days, our body count has increased to numbers I hope we wouldn't see. Captain Fap is on the attack and not stopping anytime soon. It hurts me to say we lost 2 of our No Fap Lieutenants: sunshineblotters and Fontaine. Your loss will not be forgotten.


To everyone in the struggle, keep your head down and stay alert. I have a feeling the worst has yet to come. We will not let our temptations get the best of us!! We will be victorious!!

Let's move!

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