Not your average girl problem thread Vol. comeback season

tell em why you mad putty

i slept on this thread,hard.

did anybody save da pics?
Originally Posted by goDie

Its wild how shorty is willing to let you and the homie bukkake her but you cant convince her to tell you who snitched.

I missed her pic but it sounds like she must be ugly...that head must be 
100%. Honestly I'd be more concerned about that than having a meat lovers threesome. Find out who this lame is and kill it with fire. This is why I don't post that many stories/pics on here...too many neckbeard cyber geeks that don't respect boundaries
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by goDie

Its wild how shorty is willing to let you and the homie bukkake her but you cant convince her to tell you who snitched.

I missed her pic but it sounds like she must be ugly...that head must be 
100%. Honestly I'd be more concerned about that than having a meat lovers threesome. Find out who this lame is and kill it with fire. This is why I don't post that many stories/pics on here...too many neckbeard cyber geeks that don't respect boundaries
word is bond i don't even care man. i only asked once but its not a big deal. no use in crying over milk that hasn't even been spilled. snitch feels accomplished, my friend and i still have a shot at running through it, win win. i don't care who it is. they can sort their own life out.


can't stop...won't stop

anyways, update/cliffs for those who missed:
-worked with this girl last summer. she was feeling me but i fooled around with another coworker so she didn't wanna get involved. still texted every now and then but i didn't really give her the time of day. couple days ago she hits me up on a sexting steez...i said skip that and just come to my city. she agreed.
-told me it better be worth her while...then she suggested that I get a friend...a male friend.
-hit my boy up, he agreed. but she's out of town until sunday so we gotta wait until then. she said she wants to get into it as soon as she gets back. im thinking on monday or tuesday will probably be the earliest.
-gonna try to get a camera involved...we'll see how that goes.

minor details:
-she has a dude and she initiated everything.
-she hinted that she might have a girlfriend interested...but i'm not banking on that until i get another phone number/pics.
+%%!! comes and goes bro.
There is only one NT.

Exposing the snitch should be priority right now.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Next time reupload the picture.

This should be common sense.

Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

FullTech-Apparently we aren't. This would have been all fine and danddy a couple of years ago, but todays members are just looking for lulz, and it's sad.

You literally can't share anything with the NT fam anymore because of things like this.

No sense of privacy whatsoever.


Originally Posted by sillyputty

Lets be honest here... whoever snitched needs to re-evaluate their lives

Unless its her boyfriend that found out then I don't see why you did it.

She OBVIOUSLY acts without your consent and made this decision without your input.

She OBVIOUSLY initiated this topic.

She also OBVIOUSLY doesn't need you around.

Why are you saving a chick who does NOT want to be saved??? 

I hope the snitch reads this and looks in the mirror. Whoever you are. Man up. 

This goes beyond trying to get laughs off of this message board...but this is a life lesson. 

Why the hell do you care so much? 

Are you getting some? 

If you're not even getting to slide now and then, you're just the friend who she complains to while her boyfriend drills her till she screams...and chances are you're not even her boyfriend. 

So how do you look now? 

What do you gain from snitching? She STILL won't give you any. 

WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT SOMEONE ELSES RELATIONSHIP? Are you trying to save what her and her boyfriend have? 

As far as I can tell, ITS OVER. She already doesn't care about her BF enough to not initiate why are you on her shoulder trying to guide her?

You can't MAKE people do anything. 

If she loved her BF enough, we wouldn't even have this thread. But she doesn't. 

So again, WHAT IS YOUR GOAL homie? To make her care again about some other dude that IS NOT YOU?  


Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

This is why we can't have nice things.

sad day.. dudes can't honor the code

Originally Posted by TJ Detweiler

I won't even be mad if people don't post pics anymore

%%%*! *#$ dudes on here always do that... They don't understand that they're ruining General. That's why I've NEVER posted revealing info or pics on here. Not worth it.
i find it hilarious that when this guy posts a wack #@# $!+$# and wack pictures and everyone is
"smh on snitching. why NT? why do you do this"
yet when I, Hbw, post a $!+$# who came in 3rd in miss teen alaska, naked, doin everything.... I get clowned for that *$#%.
is it cause this is a wack chick and you can relate better than a top tier chick?

Soltheman- ive seen you tons of times. you should have learned from me, Goldenarmz and the rest who got "snitched" on.


it was probally ISkateNikes lurking. Sais go fight that *#%!$ again. i got money on his head still pending.

NT is crabs in a barrel. if you at the bottom, they'll fight with you.
if you at the top they'll gang up on you to pull you down.

tl;dr stop sharing stuff on NT.
when you don't have pics, it's ducktales

when you do have pics, they forward the thread to the chick

It's been pretty disgusting around here for a while now when it comes to threads like this. There's always that one person (or possibly a group) that set out to sabotage the OP on the cusp of greatness. Either a super lame or some guy who got screwed over by a snitch himself out for payback.

Just think of the amount of epic threads prevented due to this pathetic behavior
This thread is about op and another dude running a choo choo on a pizzle plow that is a 6 at best?

Am I missing something here?

Feels like middle school in here with the snitching over some broad
Originally Posted by likethematrix

i find it hilarious that when this guy posts a wack #@# $!+$# and wack pictures and everyone is
"smh on snitching. why NT? why do you do this"
yet when I, Hbw, post a $!+$# who came in 3rd in miss teen alaska, naked, doin everything.... I get clowned for that *$#%.
is it cause this is a wack chick and you can relate better than a top tier chick?

Soltheman- ive seen you tons of times. you should have learned from me, Goldenarmz and the rest who got "snitched" on.


it was probally ISkateNikes lurking. Sais go fight that *#%!$ again. i got money on his head still pending.

NT is crabs in a barrel. if you at the bottom, they'll fight with you.
if you at the top they'll gang up on you to pull you down.

tl;dr stop sharing stuff on NT.
Originally Posted by OGMIKEY




She's pretty much willing to do whatever we want at this point. And she's down for a camera, apparently.
Still no word about another friend so I doubt it's gonna happen. But if it goes down like I'm planning it should be easier than I thought.

Spoiler [+]

also OP... is this your first time with a freaky chick or what?
maybe im jaded cause this kinda thing was beyond regular for me, but like does this really excite ya'll?
like every girl is down for this. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
you kinda treating this like you won a superbowl.
no offense tho if it is your first.
Originally Posted by likethematrix

also OP... is this your first time with a freaky chick or what?
maybe im jaded cause this kinda thing was beyond regular for me, but like does this really excite ya'll?
like every girl is down for this. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
you kinda treating this like you won a superbowl.
no offense tho if it is your first.

Nah man. But it'll be my first time getting it this easy, and from a chick with a man. Sorry I don't have the kinkiest sex with the finest women on a regular basis. Some of us just don't live like that. But, not every woman is down for getting piped down by two dudes on camera. If every girl you mess with is, I would get checked out man.

@ dude saying I'm not right for posting this stuff on a Sunday. I'm not Christian man.
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