NT be honest...Magic Johnson is a terrible Commentator.

Nov 27, 2009
Watching him fumble over  words constantly and not making much sense in his statements is starting to bother me.

Mike Wilbon makes the meanest faces when he talks

Dude just said "Brandon Bass is def. the teams 2nd best athletic player behind Howard" Uhh...Rashard Lewis anyone? lol
Lol, yeah same thought here. Especially when it comes down to LA, strait suckage!
everyone knows this, but you picked a bad example. Magic is really annoying during All-star weekend.
Co-sign.  That's why every time Stu Scott introduces him he has to repeat his credibility..."5 time champion, Hall of Famer..."
He is but I still like listening to him because it makes me laugh, similar to Emmitt Smith.
He isn't very articulate. The fact that he can not communicate effectively on his career subject matter really says a lot.
I agree. Magic is putrid in every aspect of the word as an analyst. Dude stays stuttering and at times can't even finish a full sentence.
By the way Walter Mercado is that dude 
. Univision at its finest
If you knew anything about Brandon Bass, you'd know the kid is a genetic freak, he's a mini-Dwight.

I don't think it's far fetched at ALL to say that he's the second most athletic player on that team.

But yeah, he's a terrible analyst.

He's not a commentator, dear God help us if he ever did a game.
Originally Posted by WALTER MERCADO

His language motor skills are worse than a ******'s. Short bus style except he got no damn excuse.

 One time I thought it was Bill Cosby on ABC. 
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