NT Book Club Vol. WDYRTD

I just finished Big Fish. It's a short and easy read, but entertaining nonetheless.
Just finished:
Know What I Mean? Reflections on Hip Hop - Michael Eric Dyson
The Rubaiyat - Omar Khayyam
The Autobiography of Mark Twain - Mark Twain
The Portable Atheist - Christopher Hitchens
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence For Evolution - Richard Dawkins
Infidel - Tim Hetherington (Not a literary book but a collection of photographs from an army base in Afghanistan; still, the visual storytelling told through photographs makes it worthwhile to pick up.)
Europe Through the Back Door - Rick Steves

Currently reading:
Beloved - Toni Morrison
Finished reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.

Story about the woman behind the HeLa cells.

Any good philosophical books recommended?  

CRAZY stories! Definitely recommend.

The cover glows in the dark


good read...
wow...i have been sleeping on this thread.... 


about social engineering....and stufff. nothing mindblowing unless you are into exploiting people (or curious about it)
This thread has so many great choices. I'm currently reading Barack's memoir Dreams from my Father. Going to check out The Slight Edge next by Jeff Olson.
the last book i read was a tree grows in brooklyn and i loved it! now i need to find something else to read ?
Haven't had much time for personal reading since the semester started, but I got to read this over the summer.

Our Kind of People.
And was midway through these.


Enjoyed everything I read from all three books.
Ill have to check these out.

amazing book. makes you want to cry and laugh all at the same time. its a memoir. quick read, one weekend is prbly all u will need. ur welcome

ps. not for the cold hearted.
For you Murakami fans out there I would recommend Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World.
Autobio of Malcolm X as told by Alex Haley

The complete Sherlock Holmes edition

Born to Use mics
Autobio of Malcolm X as told by Alex Haley
 read that book when i was 25, changed my perspective on myself and my people forever...and it's still relevant today
For you Murakami fans out there I would recommend Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World.
Hated Sputnik Sweetheart but i was looking into End of the World. Might give it a try

Currently finishing "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot. Very interesting and disturbing look into how the medical field was able to gain the world's first infinitely reproducing culture medium (HeLa cells) from a negro woman in the south. Henrietta Lacks cancer cells were taken from her unwillingly while her cancer was being neglected by the white doctors. Her cells were instrumental in curing Polio, and they still live till this day but many people never knew where they originated from or the immoral beginning from which they sprung. Racism and Medicine; once you pick up the book, you wont put it down. 
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