Nt bros.. Broke up with my girl today

I think the fact that you were controlling is just an example of how insecure you are. Which is why you are having such a hard time.

That + your youth/inexperience.

Consider it a blessing. You now have time to focus on yourself and develop into the type of person someone would actually want to stay with.

I understand it hurts now. But wallowing in your self grief over a breakup that was YOUR fault is kinda selfish bro.

If you really care for someone, the only thing you should really want is for them to be happy. Accept it and move on with your life.
 So much truth spoken...

but in all seriousness...

Work on YOU and your self confidence. Try new and different things.

After my 4 year relationship ended at age 21, I made a change for the better. I am in the best physical shape I have ever been (the gym is your friend now) and my general outlook on life is completely different and for the better.

Not gonna sugar coat it though, its gonna hurt like a b!+ch. The worse pain I have ever felt, but over time the pain will subside.

Stay up OP, you are not the only one who has ever gone through this.
And get you Ipad back though STAT and then stop communication. Dont be a idiot like me who let her keep the mac book :smh::lol:
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Happens to all of us OP. You'll get over it. Get a new chick and you'll be straight.

Oh and she G'd you. You too controlling but she was with you for 3 years? Stop it. She got another dude I guarantee it.
Im 20..

I don't know if i'll get over it.. she was my first kiss, my first dance, my first everything in life with a girl..

typing that makes me start tearing up.. i need to stay strong but it's so damn difficult.

You're young. It will take time to get over her, but you will, especially if you're in college and engage in what the college life has to offer. If you're not in school, all you have to do is get out and do some of the stuff you're into. You're sure to meet other women (unless you're into nothing but video games or something). You'll bounce back.
Man, I'm right there with you. Just got out of a near 3-year relationship last week. A lot of good stuff in this thread, and while it might sound repetitive and trite, there's a reason why the same kinds of suggestions keep popping up (get back in the gym, busy yourself, lean on friends).

The main thing helping me right now is remembering that people like us aren't alone. Look around any room and pretty much everyone has, at some point, gone through this type of hurt before. And yeah, it HURTS like nothing you've ever felt before. You'll wake up at 4am, think about some random memory/joke/activity you guys shared, have a good long staring contest with the ceiling, and either want to curl up and die or drink until you can't think anymore. You'll make crazy bargains with God. You'll see the most mundane things during the day and want to melt away because they remind you of her. The thing is, this happens. It's normal. And as much as it sucks to hear it, no matter how dumb it sounds, the ONLY thing that will help this is time. Even now, ten days later, I'm starting to feel better everyday. Read a book, listen to music, watch a movie - anything to get your mind off her.

Second, don't hinge your feelings on the hope you'll get back together with her. Hope is not a strategy. What happens between you guys in the future is between you and God, and you're not the one making the decision. If you guys do get back together, next month, next year, five years from now, great - learn from this experience and do what it takes to make the next stage of your relationship succeed. If not, it wasn't meant to be. You'll meet someone better, who cracks the same kind of dumb jokes, likes the same kind of random stuff, etc. Right now you're probably like "That's some bull..." but what's the alternative? To believe that she's the ONLY person on this entire planet who can make you happy? That's one way to lose real quick bro.

Bottom line, you just have to keep going, keep living life. The world doesn't stop because of a break up. Feel like coping by going out and meeting random girls? Then go do that, without any expectation that the first girl you meet is the next "one." Feel like drinking or 
? Then do that, but as someone who turned to that after my first few break ups, don't rely on it or else you'll have a whole different set of problems. And finally, and this one kind of sucks but it's just the awful truth, ready yourself for when she starts dating/gets into another relationship. Trust me, that's gonna feel like someone poured acid into an already open wound (can't wait for that to happen this time for me, too), but you just keep going bro. Cuz at some point, whether with her or someone else, it's gonna be your turn, too.
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