NT Bros in pursuit of Dimes...come hither....

Sweet goodness she looks good in that first photo 

The rest... not so much. F aging why can't we all just stay young forever?
Originally Posted by scshift

Sweet goodness she looks good in that first photo 

The rest... not so much. F aging why can't we all just stay young forever?

Word. Seeing just the physical change of some of my friends/associates just from high school to college, then
from college to the real world, u would think 30 years passed by. That's why I STAY in 24hr fitness and
running trails. Not trying to be
A+++ thread

I remember watchin that music video in 8th grade and thinkin that girl was hella bomb too
Yo who was the girl in Fab/Diddys Trade it all video. I think she had a blue jersey dress and blond hair
"Thirst was palpable" was my favorite part personally I love when fine gentlemen such as yourself so masterfully paint pictures with the english language. On the note of the topic I say it in EVERY appreciation thread and every sob story girl thread and Ill say it again because I love all of you.*uh huhm* This women are here for us. I don't care how good they look or how big their butt is or isn't. There is one thing every woman wants from the hookers all the way to the super models and that's a man to "save them". Saving them isn't always monetarily either, it could be the way you talk to her, make her feel, or your sense of humor or style. I know on the very depths of my soul that anyone of you can pull the chicks you beast over in those threads. Timing is EVERYTHING with women not games. I had a matrix moment when I saw the girl that "Whyhellothere" beast over with the long hair and nose ring working in Best buy a few weeks ago. She was gorgeous and friendly and she works at %$+%%$% Bestbuy. $%++%$ doodoo, cry, get sick and fart just like the rest of us. T.V. and music videos really mentally raped you into making you believe you are a lot more inadequate then you really are. I pray to God in all seriousness that all of you that sit at home feeling in the dumps and not worthy obliterate atleast 5 of the women you beast over or a woman of equal caliber. We are Kings my fellow brethren. Regal Savages that can mystify and command an assortment of ladies at the flick of a wrist. 99% of the women you see will never end up with that rapper,singer, ballplayer or actor they clamor for. The reality still remains that you are all they really have. Feast upon them you gods of men and save me 2 or 3 for when I'm weary of my travels...........
In short, all women look good when they're young (18-28). But, a real winner is gonna look good in her 30's, 40's, & 50's.
Real life....

This thread gave me a feel of the "old NT," small thread but funny...
OP had his jokes, good story line and pics...
there were alot of threads like this, not the same topic but the level of entertainment and uniqueness...
This thread is A+
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