NT Confessions 2009

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Homosexuality (or heterosexuality) is not defined by isolated sexual incidents, it's a lifelong preference of one sex over the other. Just like a gay man
can have sex with women, either for procreation or to maintain the image that he is straight; a straight person may experiment with individuals of the same sex
but that does not make them gay.

Sexuality, whether you want to admit it or not, is not black and white. Either or, one or the other. It's a spectrum that includes shades of gray. That
doesn't mean that *everyone* is bisexual though, so I'm not even saying that. It's just not something that is so straight forward.

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by imsojayded

Sir Rob A Lot wrote:

imsojayded wrote:

myhandstank wrote:

imsojayded wrote:

i met this really great girl at my job

i want to 'get to know her' but shes straight and i would never cheat on my boyfriend
You dyking?
im not gay

I dont get it then

i dont consider myself gay...

i just dont mind occasional sex with females

it's called being gay. accept it.

i like !*@! more tho
I need to man up and use the 3 second rule when it comes to these chicks

whats that?

I had to hop on my other name, after my girl read my blogs on myspace (which i thought were private) i dont risk puttin too muchstuff out on the internet.

I absolutely love my girl, but i am rarely happy with her. We dont F!!! really and when we do, i just dont be really wanting to.

she dont do the things (mainly oral) anymore, or less often.

For a minute i thought my D game had fell off, but months back, we took a break and i smashed this girl and it was like ol times.

I really like the other girl, and she's feelin me, but i got back with my girl. I know what i want, but i cant leave my girl for some reason.

i was talkin to the side girl last night and...yea, i want that again. I ate her P, and for the first time ever, i was enjoyin it.

Outside of lil girl probs, i dont have any confessions.
bisexuality doesn't exist imo. i feel like ur either str8 or gay. imo, if i mess with chicks MOST of the time, but then i hook up with a dude every now& then
that means i'm gay.

society is def. trying to push gay as morally acceptable, which is why u can't turn on the tv without seeing it. but in all actuality, if ppl wanna be realwith themselves, homosexuality is unnatural and wrong. not passing judgement tho, just my $0.02

on another note... pics of u, jayded??
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

bisexuality doesn't exist imo. i feel like ur either str8 or gay. imo, if i mess with chicks MOST of the time, but then i hook up with a dude every now & then
that means i'm gay.

society is def. trying to push gay as morally acceptable, which is why u can't turn on the tv without seeing it. but in all actuality, if ppl wanna be real with themselves, homosexuality is unnatural and wrong. not passing judgement tho, just my $0.02

on another note... pics of u, jayded??
i agree with the bolded, but cant believe you used yourself as an example. altho hypothetical...

edit: my confessions.

I only hangout out with like 2 folks, they both co workers.

I have more fun online with folks i dont know (yall) then i do with the folks around me.

I only want to go out so i have a chance to wear shoes. to have fun as well, but i always make sure i stop by the shoestore (in the mall) so folks see my feet

We got this new desk lady, her ******* are so big, yet shes skinny...if she would grow some damn eyebrows, i would attempt...that

I got domed up by two fat chicks. Ima post one of their pics if i can find it
but im at work so i doubt it.

I hate when my girl stays the night and we dont do nothin. Ill jack off right in front of her to prove i dont need her. Me and my right hand been togetherforever

I hate really dislike my brothers wife, she back with us for 3 weeks, i avoid her at all cost.
I can't stand my wife's daughter..She's the rudest, dirtiest, sneakiest kid I've ever had the misfortune to be around..
I've been divorced once before and I'm always worried my wife will leave me for no reason..
I can't stand people on here that still live with mommy and daddy and post pics of their latest $500 pick ups..
I want to buy a house, but don't want to have to take care of all the upkeep..
I've had 3 back surgeries and I'm always worrying when I'll do something to make me have to have another one..
I want to go and buy some shoes right now, but don't wanna hear my wife complain about "another pair of shoes that will never get worn"..
I'm the laziest Christian that I know..God's given me alot and I do hardly anything to serve him on a day to day basis..
Originally Posted by jthagreat

I hate when my girl stays the night and we dont do nothin. Ill jack off right in front of her to prove i dont need her. Me and my right hand been together forever

I think about my boys sister and show her more affection than my own gf, but I will never be able to be with her because of her past
- I know that i'm way too hard on myself, but its just a forced habit.

- I'm in love with my girl, but sometimes i think I love her too much. i feel like a simp but seeing her happy does it for me.

- I really hate my little brothers' father. he's an absolute bum and my mom is ******ed for staying with him and putting up with his bs.

- I want to go back to school and i'm registered for 2 classes, but financial aid is giving me the runaround and i want to quit.

- I'm really scared that i'll amount to nothing in life.

- i'm extremely self conscious but i play it off like my confidence is untouchable.

- I daydream about our future together. makes me feel like a woman and i hate it, but i cant help it.

- i'm growing cheaper and cheaper every day.

- i dont wish harm on anyone, but i'd kill my aunt's husband if i knew i'd get away with it, which i probably could.
Originally Posted by jimmy digital

- I'm in love with my girl, but sometimes i think I love her too much. i feel like a simp but seeing her happy does it for me.
Sometimes I feel that way about my girlfriend. But she does a lot to make me happy as well.
I have done nothing but read and blow herb for the past 2 months
I dont ever want to get a job

I tell everyone that knows me that I am at work
Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by MOEree5e

DayDayz e36 wrote:

MOEree5e wrote:

i used to smoke dippers alot a couple years ago...
que? new slang?

yeah I was a cheifer back in hs and part of college.... parts of my childhood memory has faded.

no no no, i smoke green everyday....A dipper is a cigarette, blunt, spliff, etc dipped into embalming fluid. The effects are similar to those of pcp. Called
dippers for obvious reasons.

sherm FTL

wait so ya take a L and dip it in this embalming fluid and smoke it ? uhm .. where could i get this fluid stuff? REAL TALK.
-i hate going on facebook, i see all the people i never got along with in hs
-i hate my area because they look down on you if you don't church. the one's that go to church are to ones that do 10x worst than me and they thinksince they go to church that you could be a jacked up person but you go to church so its accepted.
-i should use the advice i give
-i need to let people know how i really feel, because once they do something, they think they could do it again.
-i used to be suicidal, but would hate to think about the people i would leave behind because they care for me so much
I have limited my use of Facebook in the past few months because it keeps showing me things I do not want to see. Despite having my minifeed block updates fromthis girl I like, it still continues to show me several updates from her profile, including full conversations (Like every single reply) between her and thisguy she seems to like. Do I really need to see that crap? It's like they don't have each other's # & just can't text or something.
My friend is annoying to me. But to other people, she's just a "good" person.

She c-blocks me all the damn time and likes to say smart @%% stuff to me.

Like I say I'm not that funny. The friend goes well obviously.
What the @*$+? I just put myself down and now you want to make more damage. What kind offriend does that?
-I told my ex gf that i loved her not because i did but because i thought she wouldnt smash until i did (it worked but still)

-earlier that same day i made out with a different girl who was over at my house to smoke hookah

-ended up cheating on her two more times

-i take a drink out of the cooler at the store, drink it as i walk around, then throw it away without paying before i go to the checkout

-lied to my sister freshman year of high school, i told her i wasnt a virgin, i was lonely and had no game but didnt want her to know that, she still thinks ilost it freshman year, i dont know how to tell her i lied.

-i love my current gf but i hate it when she opens her mouth around my friends because she sounds fake and laughs too much to try and fit into theconversation, i wish she'd keep her mouth shut
I want to have hot un-protected sex with weekend girl, and if she turns out to be a dude I guess I'm gonna have to get up in that %$+ then. #don'tjudge me
I don't really relate to my boys down here in Florida like my friends in Maryland.
Kinda the same thing as EricBerry.. I like sports and little issues and hip-hop, religion and that stuff...
The dudes I relate to the most are about to be Seniors in high school and are bouta graduate.. (Im a sophomore)
-I feel like when im around my friends im not as happy as i use to be around them. It feels like they have a problem with
me but I don't know what it is
-Sometimes I wanna just merk my uncle in the face but that won't solve the problems me and him have
-Whenever a girl likes me and I like her, I get annoyed of her fast and end up not talking anymore. I feel like she is a waste of time
and she isn't the one i want to have a relationship with
-I regret quitting football because it was my first love and it breaks my heart everytime I go to football games because I wish I was on
the field
-I feel bad after I make fun of someone because I may have the same problems as they do
i have a crush on some girl at work. she must be in her mid 20s while im only 20. i get butterflies whenever she talks to me
. she is damn near married andlives just down the street from me

i hate being around alot of people unless its a concert where i can zone out

i dont like very many people. i feel like punching every single one of my 'friends' no matter who they are, in the face at least once. ungratefulmother #%#%+!%...
i'm falling for a girl 4 years younger than me.. i never thought this was even possible because i can barely vibe with girls my age as far as maturity isconcerned. but this girl is extremely mature for her age and we've been spending A LOT of time together lately. i don't know if i should just dead itbecause of her age, especially since i'm turning 18 next week, or just keep going off of how i feel, which is "who cares."
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