NT Confessions 2009

just got back from chilling with my ex. man, i had forgoten that our relationship was built on such a SOLID friendship. we hit it off like old timesimmediately. laughihg, joking, sharing recent experiences, having serious discussions... sitting outside on the balcony.

aw man. i hope im not falling for her all over again.......
The feelings i still have for my ex are insane. It's keeping me from meeting guys, being intimate, or even just plain hanging out with other guys. Ican't even kiss another dude!
It makes me so angry because i want to want to socialize with the opposite sex. I honestly believe he'll never find agirl that'll care for him like i do, ever. And i'm scared i'll never find anyone else to feel this way for or someone as good in bed
. I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm terriffied he'll somehow find this board, recogize who i am, and read the above.

My family hates the major i've chosen and they don't think i'll get anywhere or make any money with it. Every day they push me toward a differentmajor. This breaks my heart.

I REALLY wish i could drive manual really well.

I want to learn to how to successfully steal things in stores, but i don't have it in me to actually do it and i think that sucks.

One of my biggest fears is that i'll never get married, i won't admit that to people in real life.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

- I told my boss I had a family emergency today so I couldn't make it in to work. In actuality I'm taking the day off so I can spend it with my bf.
- I'm moving out east for 6 months towards the end of the year and I'm scared as $@%% to leave everything behind. Especially him.

- There's a strong possibility that I'm pregnant right now. I'm not 100% sure but if I am I'm definitely not keeping it. Even though I want to

- I say some wild @#@% during sex just to see how far I can push it

- I sold my mazda 3 to cop a spyder.
- I put oil on everything.
- I put ketchup on everything.
- I'm attracted to one of my man's homies. He lives around the corner and sometimes I wish I'd bump into him.
- I have a hard time being mentally faithful/committed to one person.
are you a pornstar. ? I remember seeing you in some video . Sorry if im wrong
-college has changed me for the better. I feel like I mentally matured ALOT this past year. Now I know what I really want and need out of life. I just wish Imentally matured alot earlier when I was in high school.
-I've made my share of stupid mistakes my first two years of college, and hopefully I can learn from those mistakes and make these next two years hella funand worthwhile
-college made me realize who my true friends are.
-I love college
-also I LOVE ketchup with my rice. I eat rice with almost everything like chicken, potatoes, eggs, etc.
Originally Posted by Rawk On

The feelings i still have for my ex are insane. It's keeping me from meeting guys, being intimate, or even just plain hanging out with other guys. I can't even kiss another dude!
It makes me so angry because i want to want to socialize with the opposite sex. I honestly believe he'll never find a girl that'll care for him like i do, ever. And i'm scared i'll never find anyone else to feel this way for or someone as good in bed
. I don't know what to do anymore.
Thats exactly how i feel about my ex... we were together for 4 years so its hard not to... wish i didnt tho
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by myhandstank

I want to have hot un-protected sex with weekend girl, and if she turns out to be a dude I guess I'm gonna have to get up in that %$+ then.

i'll be sure to use this against u later on
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

i'm falling for a girl 4 years younger than me.. i never thought this was even possible because i can barely vibe with girls my age as far as maturity is concerned. but this girl is extremely mature for her age and we've been spending A LOT of time together lately. i don't know if i should just dead it because of her age, especially since i'm turning 18 next week, or just keep going off of how i feel, which is "who cares."

Chicks 13?
Originally Posted by Nothin4ever

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by myhandstank

I want to have hot un-protected sex with weekend girl, and if she turns out to be a dude I guess I'm gonna have to get up in that %$+ then.

i'll be sure to use this against u later on

yeah pause the hell out of that +%@%
I haven't gone to bed before 6 am without taking tylenol pm this summer.

I know this girl likes, me and I like her too, just something is missing, I wish I knew what it was though.
My friend just had a kid today, I pray for him man it is going to be tough, dude is 21 and broke

I have a crush on a certain Nt'er.

As I enter my last year of college, I now know more than ever what I want to do with my life.
I would like nothing more than to hear my EX say she loves me.
I now despise rap music.
If I see one more lame cat that isn't from california Jerking I swear.....
I am not looking for a relationship, but I swear one stays looking for me.
Being in college has made me into some I'm not... or at least someone I hope I'm not.

I don't respect women. Sorry, but the majority of the ones I come across are the ones that give women a bad name... and I base my logic on majority rule.

I have to get out of Georgia. One more year.

I look at moving away as me making my great escape from all that I know/hate/fear... but I'm worried that a change of address won't stop problems fromfinding me.

I had a good girl, but she wasn't for me. I thought I loved her, but after hearing from her again, I know that the relationship is definitely not what Iwant/need. Yet, I can't shake the feeling of wanting to be with her.

I will definitely slow down with running through women once I have sex with the white girl once she gets back.

I want to focus on my academic future, but women are my greatest distraction. I'm hoping I can change that this upcoming semester.

I don't like the person I've become in the past year. Sometimes I wonder why people would want to be friends with a person like me.
-I have no idea what I want to do with my life.
-People I use to like being around I cannot stand anymore.
-I wish my friends still wanted to go out and have fun but we are getting older and I feel like I'm the only one that is not growing up and taking life andresponsibilities seriously.
-I quit smoking but wish I didn't have to.
-I look at moving away as me making my great escape from all that I know/hate/fear...but I'm worried that a change of address won't stop problems fromfinding me.
-I don't like the person I've become in the past year. Sometimes I wonder why people would want to be friends with a person like me.
i will stop talking to this girl on sunday morning if she doesn't let me smash on saturday night.
Originally Posted by myhandstank

I want to have hot un-protected sex with weekend girl, and if she turns out to be a dude I guess I'm gonna have to get up in that %$+ then. #don't judge me

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

havent talked to my ex since sunday.....

dont plan on talking to her until she contacts me....i know she's thinking the same thing.....but i'm tired of always being the one trying to fix things....*#!+ her......

the thing that made me finally give up on her was meeting this other chick.....she mad koo and worth my attention

aight update on this....aint talked to her since 7/5....she texted me yesterday saying how much she love me and how she thinking about me and how sheunderstand why i'm not calling/texting

- I aint gonna lie, I told her I loved her too (through text)
but i'm going to keep on not talking to her even though her texting me *##$$% my mind up alittle bit....I refuse to fall back in that trap

Originally Posted by JayADiCt92

jthagreat said:
I hate when my girl stays the night and we dont do nothin. Ill jack off right in front of her to prove i dont need her. Me and my right hand been together forever


-"Mama told me there'd be days like this"... that's kinda the only way to describe what I've been going through.

-'m still "in like" with my ex, but I think I fell out of love with the girl. I'd still slay an one of you mother ##%%%+% for shorty if needbe, but I'm not really caught all up in her like previously. That actually sucks -- not because I'm sad or anything. I'm not. It sucks because Ikinda enjoyed the fairy tale vibe we were on and I'll prolly never feel that way about anybody else ever again. Trust is a $+@+# on the rag with a bad hairday and some past due bills
Oh well..

-Just turned 21 and already I feel more responsible. It's kinda cool. I'm starting to think like a 'grown up'

-Told my dad I don't really know how my tired went flat.... truth be told, I was HIGH AS $+%! ON THAT DROSKI-WOSKI at the grocery store. You know how youpark at one of those lil concrete things that are suppossed to be barricades and $+%!? Well, I forgot that I parked at one and I didn't feel like backingout my spot since no car was in front of me..... so I went forward and HURDLED that mug. Felt stupid
. Got 2 wheels over it like, "Huh??? AWWWW @!#!!!I'm clownin
. I HAD to keep going with it. so yeah.... I drove over that $+%!
. The rear-passenger wheel went flat on the three block ride home
. Istart blaming potholes E-ME-JIT-LEE. I walked in like, "Man DAMN! They need to fix these streets!".............so embarrassing....

-The REAL confession tho.... man NT.... it's been EXACTLY 1 year, 5 months, and 2 days since I smashed a different girl
. I be trippingon that $+%!. Like.... FOR REAL?! And I ain't even bored with shorty yet, just really bitter sometimes cuz I be passing up $+%! to deal with her problems.I'm such a good man
.... or a simp according to NT
Originally Posted by fiendxxx

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

i'm falling for a girl 4 years younger than me.. i never thought this was even possible because i can barely vibe with girls my age as far as maturity is concerned. but this girl is extremely mature for her age and we've been spending A LOT of time together lately. i don't know if i should just dead it because of her age, especially since i'm turning 18 next week, or just keep going off of how i feel, which is "who cares."

Chicks 13?



I could fill this thread up with my own stuff but I'll just post a thing or two...

-In 2007, I use to prey on ugly chicks and chicks that had been raped at least once in their life time. Reason being is because it was almost always guaranteedaction (aka dome) on day 1. I messed with ugly chicks and pretty chicks and found it much easier to get an ugly chick on camera like an hour after meeting her.It was just less work involved and I was lazy LOL! And chicks that have been raped use to go super hard so if I heard a chick had been raped or I was talkingto a chick and she mentioned something about it then I'd make it my business to get dome by her by the end of that day. End of the week at the latest...
-I wish i was good at what I have to do
-wonder what my purpose on Earth is
-Haven't had a Gf in years
-dont do anything all day
-lifes definitley no exciting
-my life is headed to no intended direction

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by fiendxxx

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

I could fill this thread up with my own stuff but I'll just post a thing or two...

-In 2007, I use to prey on ugly chicks and chicks that had been raped at least once in their life time. Reason being is because it was almost always guaranteed action (aka dome) on day 1. I messed with ugly chicks and pretty chicks and found it much easier to get an ugly chick on camera like an hour after meeting her. It was just less work involved and I was lazy LOL! And chicks that have been raped use to go super hard so if I heard a chick had been raped or I was talking to a chick and she mentioned something about it then I'd make it my business to get dome by her by the end of that day. End of the week at the latest...

I'm usually non-judgmental in these things, but you need your #@! whooped for preying on abused ppl. Forreal. I wish to God I could be there to help you with that. Ugly chicks? Fine, whatever... we all do it. Butwhere's your common decency as far as rape VICTIMS go? They're already !%%!%* up in the head as is man.
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