NT Confessions Volume Father I have Sinned

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-I visit popthatzit.com on a daily bases
-I always put off studying to the last second and my marks suffer because of this, I know I am messing up my future
-I rather try to pull chicks off POB than in real life
-The last 3 chicks I have gotten with were boarderline BBW
-Wasted a ton of my own and parents money last year on some stupid $!@@
-Spent Last year not going to school and it seems like a lost year in my life.... did nothing but sit in my basement
-I am a shell of my former self athletically and have to finally come to terms with this (only 20.. back problems)
-Go to Bed at 6-7am sometimes and wake up at 4pm
-Miss a ton of class even though im paying a ton to be there smh.
-Worry bout what the future has in store
-Realize that I would do a lot of things for my friends that they would not do back
-I tried to shave my nipple hair and took a chuck off

-I think spending so much time on my laptop has given me mad ADD
-Feels like I'm wasting the prime of my life (22)
-I don't really listen to music, I just skim through it
-A lot of verses go over my head even after I hear a song like 10x
-I'm starting to not even like hip-hop
-Lost two of my best friends because of stupid stuff I tried to pull
-Only have like 2 or 3 people that I go out with regularly, and I'm usually the one who has to ask to hang out
-I'm in love with a girl who likes someone else now
-I know it'll be better for me if I try to avoid talking to her, but when I see her I just want to talk to her
-Like OP, I procrastinate so much it's ridiculous. It's gotten to the point where I'm not even able to do work unless it's last minute. Otherwise I won't feel the pressure/motivation to get it done
-I have a addiction problem. I'm addicted to getting addicted. (ciggs, alcohol, gambling, video games)
-I've gone weeks with eating cheap low quality food, so I could bet $300 on a week for sports

-I'll happily waste a day watching a full season of a show on DVD, then feel completely guilty about spending a day doing nothing. Yet the next time Icatch a interesting show, I know damn well I'll waste a day watching it
-I need to be more assertive in life
-If you ever met me, you would think I had the most confidence in the world. In actuality have a low +%! self esteem
-Sometimes I wish I were my parents favorite. Even my sister knows they love her more than me
-I hate myself for knowing all these things wrong with me, yet I do nothing to fix them
-I've lost and won more playing poker in a day than some low income families make in a year
-I over analyze things to the point where I'm not able to sleep worrying too much
-I've shared more in this post than I probably have with anyone in my personal life
-There are people in my personal life who will probably read this and think I'm $*$$+# up
-I don't allow anyone to know the real me.
-I'll sometimes have a memory of a dream and not be sure if it really happened to me or not
-I think if I died today, less than 50 people would be at my funeral. And 35 of those 50 people will probably be family
-This is highly contrary to the 300+ facebook "friends"
-I only have about 5 people who will show up as incoming calls on my cell phone: Ma, sister, ex-gf (who will probably stop calling now as alluded before), and2 friends.
-Most of the conversations with my dad will be "Hello" "Are you hungry?" "Do you want anything to eat?" "Where are yougoing?" "Goodbye"
-There are even some days where I'll literally say two words to him
-My parents are definitely NOT a happy couple. My sister and I are actually surprised they haven't gotten a divorce yet. I think my mom actually talksless to my dad than me.
-I'll spend time at school just to kick it with my "school friends." Sometimes, that's the only way I'll have actual interaction withother people

I went in on myself, I'm done for now
I've wasted 500 dollars in gambling. Worst part is I should be in the positive but I keep parlaying all my plays and I lose with 1 lost in my 3-4 gameparlays.
-i feel like I'm wasting my life(22yrs old)
-i wanna get back into school but I don't think I can juggle having 2 jobs and school simultaniously
-i want a girl but I don't wanna commit becuase %90 of the chicks I encounter let me hit on the first night
-ive been stuck on older chicks recently like 10+ older than me it feels like that's all who I relate to now
-i sometimes sit in my room in the dark and just stare into the darkness and "think" (w/ a bottle of bacardi)
-i barely get any sleep nowadays becuase I'm so stressed out on life right now
I am moving into my own apartment after seperating from my wife.
We are supposed to be using this time apart to help us, but I am already lining up shortys to come over to the crib.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I am moving into my own apartment after seperating from my wife.
We are supposed to be using this time apart to help us, but I am already lining up shortys to come over to the crib.

Don't feel so bad, she's doing the same.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I am moving into my own apartment after seperating from my wife.
We are supposed to be using this time apart to help us, but I am already lining up shortys to come over to the crib.

Don't feel so bad, she's doing the same.

The sad thing is, it wouldn't phase me one bit.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I am moving into my own apartment after seperating from my wife.
We are supposed to be using this time apart to help us, but I am already lining up shortys to come over to the crib.

Don't feel so bad, she's doing the same.

Brutally honest my dude. But yea breh, don't feel bad, yall are seperated. But when yall get back together don't speak don't tell.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Illuztrious wrote:

Classy Freshman wrote:

I am moving into my own apartment after seperating from my wife.
We are supposed to be using this time apart to help us, but I am already lining up shortys to come over to the crib.

Don't feel so bad, she's doing the same.

The sad thing is, it wouldn't phase me one bit.

That's crazy. Good luck with everything.
-Got mad numbers last night at the club. One shorty in particular is here studying Italian. We chatted and exchanged info, shorty was cute...thick as HELL andreal down to Earth. She adds me on FB today and so I'm browing her page and see that her birthdate is Oct 31, 1991.

At first I was like

Then I looked at the calendar and was like

9 more days...
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I am moving into my own apartment after seperating from my wife.
We are supposed to be using this time apart to help us, but I am already lining up shortys to come over to the crib.

Don't feel so bad, she's doing the same.

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

-I visit popthatzit.com on a daily bases
Why did I have to visit this site out ofcuriosity.... I watched that tonsil stone removal video
-I only got class 2 days a week. The other 5 days I do absolutely nothing
-I've stopped forcing myself to go out to parties/bars. It just isnt me..
-I kinda wish I hadn't met one friend in college because he's the reason I have so many awkward acquaintances now
-I REALLY REALLY like this girl who is of course taken..
-I dont know if I'll graduate next semester..
-I dont know why all my female friends are taken. I never approach a female with the intent of being friends..
-I really want to try shrooms
-I'm supposed to go see a friend at a school a couple states over and another friend decided to tag along. I'm really hoping she doesnt come so I canenjoy the drive to myself. It really helps clear my head
-I thought my dad's bday was next week and sure enough its today
-At 21, I've come to terms with who I am and I'm done trying to change it because when I did try to change I was just unhappier
  • It's this chick I wanna smash badly that works with my cousin, but I'm tryin not to cheat this early, or ever in my relationship
  • There's nothing wrong with my relationship, it's going good, but I seriously contemplate breaking up with her sometimes just to %+%* other chicks and not feel so bad.
  • I think I'm too old to have a crush on females, but one of my cousin's friends should be my wife one day.
  • I feel like a horny bastard.
  • Temptation is a $@!!%+!#%*+*, and I guess I didn't truly know until now; this is my first real girlfriend.
  • I feel like I got a dead end job, and I work for my damn dad.
  • I can't wait until my 21st birthday nest year, but I got a feeling I still won't club and party too much.
  • "I'm different, I can't base what I'm gon be off of what everybody isn't"
damn... y'all make me feel like I have it good...

I think most of you dudes would be happier if you did something to change your state of mind, because real talk: life really ain't that bad. Speaking fromexperience, I have horrible luck and my own flaws, but for the most part I'm too happy, greatful and optimistic to let much of anything get me down forlong periods of time.

I guarantee most of you dudes have it better than me.

Best of luck to y'all though. Keep your heads up.
MAN lock this thread up. tired of hearing all this negative stuff. get out there and get it aint no1 gonna do for you but you. i aint feeling good at all andmy bday tommorow prob gonna work 10 to 7 (graveyard) if i dont call out. WE GOTTA DO US. go get it fam
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