NT Confessions Volume Father I have Sinned

- I'd like to consider myself really outgoing but I hang out with basically the same people every weekend in College.
- I have this thing where whenever I meet a really attractive girl who's atleast somewhat nice and can formulate a complete sentence I imagine myself in acommitted relationship with them.
- I strongly dislike, or atleast like to think I do, my old best friend, who was a girl. But I still find myself on occasion going on her facebook page to seewhat she's been up to.
- ^ The night before I left for college she texted me telling me she was extremely sorry for what happened to us and wants to see me when I get back. I justreplied with 'OK', although at the time I was thinking I want to see you too.
- I feel like I have absolutely terrible luck.
- I want to transfer to a better college but I'm afraid of moving to another state and how hard it would be to make friends.
- I have a presentation to make in an hour and even though I'm prepared I'm scared.
- Even though I hate my stepdad I just want my mom to be happy so I dealt with his %%%# from when I was 9 until a couple of months ago when I left for school.
- ^When my mom used to work at Nordstroms and would work early mornings opening the store my stepdad would stand over my room(basement) and stomp on the flooruntil I slammed my door and would start walking up the steps and he would go outside. I've never told my mom because I just want her to be happy.
- When my grandmother died a couple of years ago I didn't cry for a week because it didn't hit me until then that she was gone forever.
- No *#@%++$% I think if my first real girlfriend said she wanted me back I'd marry her.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I am moving into my own apartment after seperating from my wife.
We are supposed to be using this time apart to help us, but I am already lining up shortys to come over to the crib.
I'll take it a step further. I got my friend of 10 years preggo after seperating from the wife and regret it big time now
Me and the wife are working on being friends now. Matter of fact we'resuppose to hit up Hooters 2nite.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

-Got mad numbers last night at the club. One shorty in particular is here studying Italian. We chatted and exchanged info, shorty was cute...thick as HELL and real down to Earth. She adds me on FB today and so I'm browing her page and see that her birthdate is Oct 31, 1991.

At first I was like

Then I looked at the calendar and was like

9 more days...

I cough on doorhandles at work when no one is looking, especially in the bathroom. I do this when I am mad at them for making me sick.
-i told someone i got them a birthday present...the best one in fact....when really i havent gotten them anything and im broke until tuesday
-ive been leaving work early like everyday just because it feels so good to be home at 3pm
-i ignore my part time job boss and i tell the new hires to do the same...yesterday...he caught me
-i eat spanish food at least twice a week
-sometimes i ignore phone calls from my parents
-i disabled someones account yesterday on purpose because they stopped my food in the microwave
-i can sometimes be unforgiving...but its just kinda what women do
-a guy cut me off at a bestbuy (which i happen to work at...but i was there on my day off purchasing something) so i told the lp guy (whom i know) that i sawhim put something in his pocket and they stopped the guy. (lol it didnt help that the medal detectors went off too lol)
-i make too much money and have nothing to show for it
-i am procrastinating on school...but i just re-enrolled to avoid loan repayment...sad thats my only motivation
-i cursed my ex this week because he sent me a pic mail that was a forward (which i hate btw) and he wont take no for an answer (in regards to tryna see me orget back with me)
-my bday is monday and im calling out on my job to sleep all day
-im very sensitive about my height and will fight behind it (i dont take short jokes too easy)
Originally Posted by Crumbs

Illuztrious wrote:

-Got mad numbers last night at the club. One shorty in particular is here studying Italian. We chatted and exchanged info, shorty was cute...thick as HELL and real down to Earth. She adds me on FB today and so I'm browing her page and see that her birthdate is Oct 31, 1991.

At first I was like

Then I looked at the calendar and was like

9 more days...


Thank you sir.
I have a crush on this girl...I met her in the mall and I spoke to her, then the next day I found her on twitter (somebody on my timeline was followingher)...I want to talk to her but I don't want her to think I'm stalking her

sometimes I buy stuff I don't really like because I feel like once I get home I'm going to regret not buying it
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

I just googled popthatzit.com

i did too

lets see....

my father has early onset AD and i don't think i care
i want to have a better relationship with my father before it's too late but having troubling letting certain things go.
i've been given the opportunity to make my dream a reality but i can't find it in myself to do what i need to do to accomplish it.
i smoke in my boss' office before she gets here in the morning.
there's a certain NT female i can't let go of.
-Soundtrack to my life by kid cudi describes my life at this moment
-im stuck in my hometown going to macon state while my friends are spread out in georgia having their college experience
-i feel like being stuck here i have more choices in life...but their bigger distractions then what they have to do.like i can quit school and get a job
their on scholarships and have motivation. idk. staying a local college FTL for real.
- im waking up to how reality is portrayed to us. we are slaves to money. i admit to being a slave, but right now i want to chase my dream also.
-i want to bake more. i feel like i find more motivation. im not a no life stoner. i want to be able to have it revolve around my life, not my life revolvearound it.
- i hate my lit teachers. im the only minority in my class. how the hell do i get marked wrong for something on my works cited $@#$, when the dude right besidehas the same format as me? oh well i love that when teachers are like that. gives more motivation to get this research paper done early and have her check it,and re do it, until i get an A on the actual due date.

sorry for that rant...its just theres more pressure in my life that even that little incident is like a mile run
-I hate the feeling of breaking up. I'm trying to keep myself occupied but still thinking about the girl
-I know she's no good for me and I hate everything about her, but I still want her.
-I love my sister but hate's the way she rasies her kids. I wanna do something about it but the other part of my brain says she has to do it on her own.
-Even though I hate my best friend and want to pummel him to a pulp when i see him, I miss him. He was my road dog from jumpoff trips to video games. I gotto move on.
-I could go back to my part time job but don't want to because its retail and i'm just not gonna be in my department, i'm gonna be all over theplace.
-I hate talking to my dad. We have nothing in common.
-I hate myself for not concentrating on school more, I was more so caught up in trying to make money.
-I hate facebook because I see all the people I hated in h.s., but on it because its the only way I could see my fave cousin
-I'm shy and trying to get over it so the girls i meet are basically crazy as.
-I wish would've took the job offer to go overseas, but instead wanted to stay to help out fam
-I seen the guy that used to bully me in school and in my heart of hearts wanted to slash him in the juggular, but he was with his kids and i'm not tryingto take a kid's father from them.
-I hate the bank i'm at (boa) because their fees are rediculous. Only there because I cashed some fake money orders ( i didn't know) and messed up mybank account (tdbank)
-I hate christmas because I think of my mom working 2 jobs just to put food on the table and her not getting any rest.
-I don't know what to do if I go back to school. Take something I love or take something thats gonna get me a job.
This thread sucks. Nobody cares about all of you guys' personal problems. You're supposed to actually be confessing things you've done.
This is one of he more depressing confessions thread I've read. People going in with their life problems. Depressing 'cause a bunch I can relate to andhave to do with the future.
whats crazy i can relate to alot of u

- i havent had sex in 2 month and i live wit my girl of 8 years and 2 kids
- i sometimes wish i never had kids so i can go out get drunk and have sex wit different woman
- i realize the only thing that makes me happy is my kids
- i lost my job
- i havent left the house in almost 3 weeks
- my girl went ova her friend house at 5 and not home yet (its 1:40 in the morning)

that is all for now
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

-Got mad numbers last night at the club. One shorty in particular is here studying Italian. We chatted and exchanged info, shorty was cute...thick as HELL and real down to Earth. She adds me on FB today and so I'm browing her page and see that her birthdate is Oct 31, 1991.

At first I was like

Then I looked at the calendar and was like

9 more days...


18... P is P fam
- I have a serious problem introducing myself to females. After the introduction, I'm straight though.
Originally Posted by westhellthug

whats crazy i can relate to alot of u

- i havent had sex in 2 month and i live wit my girl of 8 years and 2 kids
- my girl went ova her friend house at 5 and not home yet (its 1:40 in the morning)

that is all for now
Cool Magnificent's confessions, now with smileys

- I have a gf that I'm drifting away from

- I took some "me" time from our relationship

- During my "me" time I smashed a former JO

- I don't feel bad about sexing her because I don't see it as cheating

- The JO wants a relationship with me

- On the low I thought about it

- When I'm getting busy I don't really know what I'm doing but the girls love my pipe game
dropped out of my chem AND math class

i cant tell my parents

they paid for my tuition
I just passed on some !+$!+ because I'm still sore over the Miami loss.

She came over and we just laid in my bed watching season 2 of the wire for 3 hours. Then she just got mad and left cuz I didn't do anything.

I didn't even try to hit and that's the only reason she even came over.
Easy smash but I just didn't even feel like it. So she got an attitude and left.

This team affects my life way too much. Season is over now. And I'm depressed. FML

I wish I didn't care about sports. Life would be a lot easier.
yooo im too drink right now to start thinsz off

im too drun kfirst of all

secpm of all I smoke weed lik a mthrucker

third of all I drnk too muc obviously lol

fpiur fourth of all I like 54ch 4chan. Thats a violation right thrr

fifth of all i cant go to etd... bed... oivsiouly. so Im on here.... adamn.
-Been playing way to much 360 and still suck at the games
-been liking the same girl for over a year now even though i have 0 chance at all
-i cant get her out of my mind no matter what i do
-i lied to my cousin that his cod 4 wont work at all so i can have it. but it does if u can get the game installed on your 360
-been drinking way to much pink lemonade
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