NT Dads, present and future...did you want a boy or a girl?

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Dusting this thread off a little, but I'm having a boy! Found out a couple of days ago!

bullet dodged, mi amigo... hope he's healthy and awesome. You should name him William Phoenix.
im only 21 so im not ready yet. but when the time comes i would want a boy. a lot of people, even some girls i know, want boys because theyre easier to raise and you dont have to worry that much about him getting raped or becoming a garden tool.

but as a guy, i would want a boy just so i could have that father/son bond
Most folks on here know I have a daughter, who's going to be four July. My wife and I are expecting a son in a month, as well.

When my daughter is in the womb I naturally wanted a son, but I wanted a healthy child first and foremost. When my daughter got here it was the best thing that could've happened to me. A girl taught me to be gentle and patient, it also gave me a different perspective on how people are truly fearful of what OTHERS will think of them.

What I mean by that is this, often men say, "I don't want to raise a jump," or "I don't want her to get pregnant at 16."

Well, who's to say your son won't steal cars, rape a girl, or get a girl pregnant at the same age?

The consequences are the direct result of your parenting. Even with a toddler I tell her the truth. With her brother on the way, I'm sure my daughter will find out about the anatomical differences between boys and girls. Will I hide it from her? Hell no.

With all that could go wrong in pregnancies, praying for a healthy child of any sex should be priority.

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

I used to only want a boy with the mindset like many in here: "the girls these days are savages" 
But I've grown to understand it is all about quality parenting in the early stages, with that being said, I hope to be blessed with two boys and two girls (don't care about the order).

Everything to do with parenting.
you can have a girl and she not be a $$@%.
Girls need fathers who love them and can show it.
Actually studies have shown time and time again that friends have MUCH more influence in behavior than parents.

I am terrified of the thought of children myself, but I would definitely want a boy before a girl so he could look out for her.
I don't want a daughter at all, the things I witnessed in high school and college alone have made me this way lol. I'd rather have a son...
I wanted a girl and got her...hopefully next time I try, I have a boy. If I get him next I'll be done, if not I'll probably try one more time. I always wanted an older sister to hold me down and school me to girls but I didn't get it so my lil boy will be straight whenever he comes
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Trust me...you just want the baby to be healthy. The sex really doesn't matter. There are a lot of ups/downs in that 9 months, and if that boy/girl comes out w. little-to-no complications, you're VERY lucky.

My man..
Originally Posted by Jordanscrub

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Trust me...you just want the baby to be healthy. The sex really doesn't matter. There are a lot of ups/downs in that 9 months, and if that boy/girl comes out w. little-to-no complications, you're VERY lucky.

My man..


But gimme a healthy boy please.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Trust me...you just want the baby to be healthy. The sex really doesn't matter. There are a lot of ups/downs in that 9 months, and if that boy/girl comes out w. little-to-no complications, you're VERY lucky.

I have a boy and a girl.

I had my son when I was 17 and a senior in high school. I am currently 31, and he is 14. It has been a loooooong and haaaaard road, but we are still going strong. It is a beautiful thing seeing him grow and mature. He will going to 10th grade, and will be playing varsity basketball next year. Just tonight I had an adult summer league game and I got him on my team in a package deal, and he had 10 points. It is an unbelievable feeling penetrating to the whole and kicking it out to my baby boy, and seeing him knock down a 3.

As much as I love my son, my daughter is brings out this other kind of love in me that I never thought I had in me. I mean I am so soft and tender and gentle with her. She is 6, and she is really my best friend and daddy's little girl. Since the day she was born I have been molding her to become a conscious and savvy human being. She won't need any validation from a man, because she has it from me. Every moment we are together I am engaged in whatever she is doing. Never a dull moment, and never a time where she is doing "nothing." Every moment of every day is an opportunity to learn something new, and for me to prepare her for her adult life. I just love her so much it is crazy.

Much respect to the real fathers out there... keep doing your thing.
Well I think as a man it is instincts to want a boy, cause as men we know sort of what to expect having gone through it all ourselves. The sports aspect of it can not be underrated cause seeing your son take an interest to the things you like has got to be a cool thing that said ...

I have a little girl she is almost 1 (June 10th) it has gone by so fast from when here mom and I found out she was on the way. And I can honestly say I was excited for her and sort of wanted a girl. There is the obvious wanting to raise her right and have her avoid all the pitfalls that are present in the world. But that takes love, firm parenting, and setting for her a great example. From the way you treat her mom she learns how to be a women from us her parents. I am excited for the challenge.

Must admit EVERYTHING was scary even changing her diapers was scary at first wanting to make sure she was properly cleaned and all that. I wouldn't have it any other way, even if I could change it. She has my heart and as some have said its a different love by far a deeper love. We are hoping for a boy next and if not going to give it one more try. But congrats to all the fathers and those w/ one on the way.
I didn't care honestly.Me and wifey only had a 20% chance of having a kid.When your faced with things that are against you,sex of your child becomes irrelevant.js
Lot more guys want girls than I thought...hmm. I want one too, just next time...about 5 years from now. Great thing is, since I'm getting snipped and freezing some kidshake for later, I won't have to hope...they can pick out all the lady swimmers and make sure i get what I want!
I wanted a boy. When I found out I was having twins I REALLY wanted a boy. At least one boy and a girl. I couldn't imagine bringing up two twin girls for a first time dad.
When I found out they were boys I was so excited. I was just really concerned for there health. They were born 2 months premature but you couldn't tell by looking at them now.

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