NT detectives need help vol. sold a used car

May 27, 2009
I wanna find his address so I can contest the ticket. His name is Rafael Silva. Phone number is (561) 313-6009, service is sprint, lives in Oakland, CA area. First time selling a car..back in December.
Typed out a contract with buyer, completed deal.

Just received a letter in the mail stating that the car received a ticket, and it is still under my Father's name.

So it seems like the guy has not registered it under his name.

I tried contacting him via phone, no luck.

I'm not planning on paying the ticket. I'm worried that if he gets into an accident its still going to be on my Father's name. 

What can I do? I just want him to register it and pay for the ticket. Can I report it stolen to put pressure on him since it is still registered in my father's name? advice please. 

The only information I have of his is First, Last name, phone number. I had his DL but I lost it somehow. 
That ticket was probably from a girp ago and they just sent you a reminder notification. I dont think you should worry about it because as long as he doesn't have your plates and reg then you should be fine.
Originally Posted by INS

That ticket was probably from a girp ago and they just sent you a reminder notification. I dont think you should worry about it because as long as he doesn't have your plates and reg then you should be fine.
Date of sale : 12-21-2011
(which our contract stated that the car must be registered by Jan 7, 2012)

Date of Ticket: 2-27-12

Due Date of Ticket: 4-9-12

Which means by the end of February he still hasn't registered the car. Even then, who knows if he's done it since then. Thanks for the reply tho. 

Any NT detectives care to help? only info i have is his first/last name, phone number, and city he stays in. 
when a ticket is issued its to the plate? so your telling me this guy has your plates?
OP, not sure where you are from...
Here in California you are supposed to submit a release of liability form as soon as you sell your car. I think it is for this very reason.

This is the webpage for the California DMV with that info:


Obviously the best thing to do when you sell a car is to go to the DMV with the buyer so you can avoid this, but hardly anyone wants to take the time to do that.

I would look at your state's DMV website or contact them about it. Good luck

Did you just sign the title over to the buyer assuming they would complete the transfer? If so, there's a good chance they are still driving around with the car in your dad's name. They could probably get away with this until the next registration is due, not sure

What I don't get is that wouldn't the cop that pulled them over have their info from their driver's license? I would think that the citation is mailed to the address on the driver's license, not the address registered to the car. Anyone know how that works?
Same thing happened to my dad last month in CA. What they make you do is go to your court date to explain yourself, and provide proof that you did sell the car and that it is under his name. Since he didn't register it yet, the ticket still goes to your dad since he is still considered liable because his name is on the registration. make sure you go to the DMV to get a paper telling the court that you released the car to him, bring that along with your copied title and you will be fine. good luck op
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Just to be clear about this..he has your tags?
yes, we signed it over to him. 
Our contract stated that After December 17, 2011 he would be responsible for all expenses regarding the car from this point out. 
i think it's messed up he hasnt registered the car in his name. when i bought my is300 off craigslist, we were in the dmv the same day. Even my first car off craigslist i drove home with the guy's plates but immediately went to the local place to get temporary plates and returned his plates to his house
Originally Posted by oidreez

i think it's messed up he hasnt registered the car in his name. when i bought my is300 off craigslist, we were in the dmv the same day. Even my first car off craigslist i drove home with the guy's plates but immediately went to the local place to get temporary plates and returned his plates to his house
yea its pretty cold...i just want to get it over with.
NT detectives any help with an address???? If i have his address I can protest the ticket, and I wouldn't have to go to court. 
Is this him?

i would assume that at this point legally you are responsible since the tags belong to you (your dad), even though if you take him to court things will be cleared up since you made him sign a contract. From previous dealings i learned to never leave my tags to the new owner, have them tow the car and get the paper work in order so they can get their own tags or have them drive the car with their own tags (dealer tag, tags that belong to them) to avoid situations like this.
maybe it's diff in NJ...but why would you sign over license plates to someone?
that's just asking for trouble.

when I bought a used car...i got complete new tags and registration.
Pretty much what BIGTRG in SD said.

I'm in CA and have bought and sold a used car with existing plates transferred over to the new owner. A notice of transfer and release of liability form had been mailed to the DMV within the 5 day limit each time, though.

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

maybe it's diff in NJ...but why would you sign over license plates to someone?
that's just asking for trouble.

when I bought a used car...i got complete new tags and registration.
Different in California. Plates and registration go with the car. 
Did you have the pink slip when you sold the car?

If you had sent out the release of liability that goes with that you wouldn't have to worry about anything.
Well, if the car is still under ya pops name, report it stolen. I'm sure yall still have old insurance info w/ the VIN number and all that jazz
the pink slip was signed over to him. that pic up there isn't him.

I want to report it stolen so I can get to the bottom of this mess. I'm looking at a potential $150+ ticket, and or accident waiting to happen, and or multiple tickets.

I'm going to talk to a cop, and see what they have to say.

NT detectives any luck on dudes address?
Did you release liability?

Similar thing happened to my dad about ten years ago -
He sold his truck. Buyer never registered it. About a year after the sale, my dad gets a call that the truck was abandoned and that he owed $xxxx. My dad showed them the release of liability and he didn't have to pay.

Hope this helps. If not, best of luck to you.
Yeah I think you should have made the sale at the Dmv so you could have gotten everything straight there
did not have him sign a release of liability.
only signed a contract that i made.

If i have his address I can dispute this ticket. I think I am just going to go to the cops. 
Pay the $150 ticket, report it stolen, sell it again. Not really, but that could be funny.

He breached the contract so you should be able to cancel/void the sale. If the sale is cancelled, then he technically doesn't own it. So it technically is stolen, if he doesn't return it. So you could report it as such, then retrieve it (shouldn't be hard since it still has your plates on it), and then sell it again. He might try to get all or part of his purchase price back, but hopefully you have a clause in the contract you wrote up so he can't get it all back so you can still come out ahead. Regardless, you could probably argue that he couldn't get it all back because it's depreciated while he's been using it. Try to work it out personally before going to the courts though because it would make the court look like you did your best to fix it already and came to them as a last resort.
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