NT detectives, who is this bad girl?

Jan 1, 2010
I really cannot find her name. Any help is much appreciated. Im 19 by the way so please don't bring in Chris Hansen.
I really cannot find her name. Any help is much appreciated. Im 19 by the way so please don't bring in Chris Hansen.
I completely forgot I needed +20,000 posts like DC and ninjahood to get a decent reply. My bad folks.
I completely forgot I needed +20,000 posts like DC and ninjahood to get a decent reply. My bad folks.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Who knows but I bet she can smell what the rock is cookin' tho

i find her nose pretty cute
Originally Posted by allreds

I completely forgot I needed +20,000 posts like DC and ninjahood to get a decent reply. My bad folks.

Son calm down..it takes longer than 9 minutes to get a name on some random young chick brusing her teeth. 

I think her name is Sum Ho tho. 
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