NT detectives, who is this bad girl?

Originally Posted by allreds

I completely forgot I needed +20,000 posts like DC and ninjahood to get a decent reply. My bad folks.

Son calm down..it takes longer than 9 minutes to get a name on some random young chick brusing her teeth. 

I think her name is Sum Ho tho. 
Originally Posted by allreds

I completely forgot I needed +20,000 posts like DC and ninjahood to get a decent reply. My bad folks.

that really has nothing to do with it. with no direction on where to look, its pretty much an impossible task even for NT detectives (porn fiends) to come through

now that i think about it like that, someone here will have an answer soon

Originally Posted by allreds

I completely forgot I needed +20,000 posts like DC and ninjahood to get a decent reply. My bad folks.

that really has nothing to do with it. with no direction on where to look, its pretty much an impossible task even for NT detectives (porn fiends) to come through

now that i think about it like that, someone here will have an answer soon

chrissie chau
I found the secret to bein an NT detective. I feel accomplished
chrissie chau
I found the secret to bein an NT detective. I feel accomplished
She looks like me with long hair
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