NT: Did your "favorite sport" change with age?


Aug 15, 2008
Just wondering. Since I could remember my favorite sport has been baseball. But as of recently, (I'm 19 now) Basketball is slowly taking the lead.Anyone elses favorite sports change?
I'm the same way as you. Growing up, I liked baseball, basketball, and football... but baseball was by far my favorite sport. Then basketball slowly creptup to #1, baseball moved into #2, and football faded away. I don't know why though. I still like baseball but basketball has taken over.
My favorite sport was always baseball until recently. I still play baseball at a D1 school, but I always wonder what would happen if I played basketball. Ididn't fall in love with basketball til I was 18 though, so it was a little too late.
Growning up, basketball was my favorite sport. Now its futbol. But I still watch basketball, football and baseball.
I use to be really good at baseball when I was around 12-14. Not trying to brag or anything but I was probably one of the best players in my part of thecountry for my age, so I guess I could have gone somewhere with baseball. But as time went on I started losing the love of the game and all I wanted to do wasplay basketball, which I wasn't nearly as good at. I ended up quitting baseball when I was 15 cause I just wanted to play basketball all day. Looking backIm happy at the decision I made cause you got to do what makes you happy, and if you lose your love of the game its over.
Growing up SOCCER was everything to me.........Then BAMM my pops introduces me to Baseball and the Dodgers it was a wrap right then and there.......
But now its really hard to pick in other but Basketball and Baseball go head to head followed by Soccer and Football
Up until grade 5, it was hockey, but I only played street. As soon as I started playing basketball and discovered I was good, it was a wrap. That, andbasketball costs 146234623461 less dollars than hockey would have.
The seahawks and Meriners were awful until I was in 6th grade (Mariners) and high school/college (Seahawks), so the Sonics were my favorite team and basketballwas my favorite sport. It was also the best sport i played. I still can't stand football or baseball.
To watch on TV? Definitely...back in the day I loved watching basketball all the time. Slowly as I grew older football became my favorite sport to watch(although basketball still isn't far behind)
Well, I've slowly stopped PLAYING basketball, but it's still my favorite sport, BY FAR.

I'm more of a runner now (not your treadmill runner either, that's not running,
basketball is my fav sport and always has been and most likely always will be but oddly football was more fun to play in hs.

i was even a league allstar in bball.

maybe it was the group of guys as a whole (which again is strange because my closest friends were on the bball team).

it was just a rowdy bunch and it made the whole thing more fun.
Basketball was king, I played religiously, even played for a college team. I loved it. Baseball has completely taken over. I have found I love playingbasketball but dont like watching it. Especially Pro-ball. I grew up watching Chuck and Mike and malone and rodman and ewing and starks and the Dream and theAdmiral and all those guys. Pro ball now just isnt the same.
1- baseball
4- basketball
i was always a baseball fan and a basketball fan..... i picked up football probably in like 8th grade but ranking sports
basketball=baseball=football... so its not really a ranking
i was like, the only asian kid on my hockey teams. i didnt think it was weird until i got older.

up until, maybe, grade 8 it was my favorite.

then it was basketball.

right now, ill give basketball the slight hair over hockey just cause i play it. i rank em 1a, 1b respectively. golf is number 2.
Basketball has always been my first love.

But when Tony Gwynn was still playing during my younger years, baseball was neck and neck with basketball.

Football always comes third for me.
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