NT, do you think digital technology has come to a stop?

May 17, 2004
High def flat-screen TVs with smooth motion 3d, cell phones with dual-core processors, tablets with quad-core processors, video games with super realistic games digitally downloadable, computers with terabyte hard drives, cars filled with internet connectivity via cell phones, nike+, what more can they do with digital cameras, sending mail, text, messages, pictures, facebook, twitter.......................yada yada etc etc.

What now after all this, what more can they do? Shoes with dual-core processors :lol:

All my life, I've been able to see the future of digital tech, but now I can't.

My favorite tech boom was the transition from SNES to N64 :lol: The day I first saw Super Mario 64 will be a day I'll never forget. Kids today will never appreciate how awesome the transition from 2d to 3d was.
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Things change.

It's crazy thinking of your life at 12 then look at 12 year olds now.

PS3, iPhone, etc


N64 & Razors :pimp:
No way, not even close. The battery on my macbook doesn't even last 8 hours. Still a long ways to go.
I'm cool with technological advances but 3D needs to go away in my opinion. It's severly overrated. :smh:
they're just gonna keep upgrading what they can

glass technology
cars that can drive themselves

Battery technology and heat dissipation are huge barriers to the future miniturization of electronics.

Look to quantum computing to make the next huge leap.

Also the rise of SSDs are helping to overce HDD mechanical limits as choke points in computer speeds.

3D printing is about to change the game too.
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Has come to a stop? Or reached the pinnacle of resourcefulness is what you're asking ? Digital technology is BOUNDLESS, it's the manipulation of electric signals. The human brain functions through electrical signals. 

There's technology that's purchased by the military or taken by FORCE which never reaches the public market. It's either too dangerous or untested. So to say it's come to a stop would be preposterous. 

Human progression and social interaction has come to a stop. If you think about it, our youth are the first generation of cyborgs (twitter, instagram, youtube, facebook)

This is just the beginning bro.  Seriously.

Tech will develop faster and more furiously as time goes on.  Advancements in these kinds of fields NEVER stop.
We haven't even gotten to flying cars yet, my body's been ready since the Jetsons
We haven't even gotten to flying cars yet, my body's been ready since the Jetsons
FAA regulations, national safety concerns (flying over the white house, pentagon, etc) drunk driving, recreational vehicle, not to mention road commission, it took almost 100 years to build the roadways you see today. We didn't get expressways until 1950, imagine "skyways". 

Who's fueling these vehicles? There's so much smog now that in larger cities air pollution has reached dangerous proportions, imagine out only defense from UV rays destroyed in the future due to "hover cars" destroying Earth's atmosphere.

Hover crafts with be military use only for decades ...don't count on seeing a Jetson car or road this century.
3D printing will make clothing obsolete.. imagine downloading

Blueprints to car parts.. :pimp:
flexible e-ink retina displays are the one thing I'm most excited for. Did a report on them almost 10 years ago & it's the last bit from that future tech presentation that hasn't come out yet.
FAA regulations, national safety concerns (flying over the white house, pentagon, etc) drunk driving, recreational vehicle, not to mention road commission, it took almost 100 years to build the roadways you see today. We didn't get expressways until 1950, imagine "skyways". 

Who's fueling these vehicles? There's so much smog now that in larger cities air pollution has reached dangerous proportions, imagine out only defense from UV rays destroyed in the future due to "hover cars" destroying Earth's atmosphere.

Hover crafts with be military use only for decades ...don't count on seeing a Jetson car or road this century.

I was jokin bro :lol:

Besides the regulations, I'd be damn if I get killed because somebody can't drive and crashes on top of me.lol
This is just the beginning bro.  Seriously.

Tech will develop faster and more furiously as time goes on.  Advancements in these kinds of fields NEVER stop.

This! I'd rather be 12 now with the technology of an iPhone than when I was 12 back then with the cordless phone being major. Lol
:lol: No way we've come close. Japan is working furiously on androids and robots that we'll start to see integrated with society. Supercomputers, AI, nanomachines... So much to come.
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