NT don't mess with Bob Marley? vol. Official Reggae/Dance Hall Thread!

Can't wait until this comes out. It's getting a lot of good reviews from people that saw advance screenings. It will officially debut at SXSW next month. It's directed by Kevin MacDonald who directed The Last King Of Scotland. This was his "passion project".
Originally Posted by psk2310

Can't wait until this comes out. It's getting a lot of good reviews from people that saw advance screenings. It will officially debut at SXSW next month. It's directed by Kevin MacDonald who directed The Last King Of Scotland. This was his "passion project".


Long overdue
Hatian V's argument can be used for explaining the state of hip hop too. I'm constatly amazed at clowns like french texas or montana, tity boi (does he really call himself that), or dudes asking what other dudes listen to nicki minaj lasting for pages & pages. I told myself that I would try to keep some good threads alive with good tunes hoping some others would latch on but not many people do.
Haven't posted in here in a minute. Dipset General style bump. With warm weather fast approaching, this is great spring/summertime jawn. Can't wait to hit the Jamican/Caribbean festivals & hear this playing in the back round...
VP records released a Gregory Issacs compilation last year with Gyptian cover the Issacs classic. Just found this official vid. Song is fire!
Originally Posted by yk12

if you dont mess wit reggae theres somethin wrong wit u ! lol
I keep wondering why I'm pretty much the only one postin' in this thread...SMH...

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