NT, Educate Me On The Asian American Experience

Oct 2, 2006
Hey fellow NT'ers,

First off, yeah this is for school.  I'm taking a masters level course about culture.  When given the choice to research a culture that's not my own, I was interested in learning more about Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders.  It's a demographic I can see myself working with here.  I have a few interviews already but would LOVE to get more perspectives, particularly from other parts of the country outside of here in the Midwest.  As a minority myself, I've found it interesting how similar some of our experiences can be...along with how different.

Anyways, if you're Asian American and willing to help/educate a fellow NT'er out, please let me know.  If you got the time for like a 20-minute interview, though phone, IM, e-mail, whatever, that would help me out a lot.  My e-mail is [email protected]

I'll post some of the question up on here if anyone is more interested in posting on here instead.  All I ask is if you give me your age and location, on here or PM.

Here's some of the questions:
Do you think that your experiences are similar to or different that other members of your culture?  How and why?
What are the most important values and beliefs of your family?  Which are more important to you?
Have you ever experienced prejudice or discrimination?  Obstacles or barriers because of your race/ethnicty?  Please describe.
How do you think others outside of your culture view your culture?

Your help is appreciated.  And if you think it's lame for me to ask NT for homework help, that's cool too.  I feel awkward too.  But I won't mind getting flamed.  Hopefully I'll get some feedback too.  Thanks.  Also, not a pick-up-an-Asian in disguise either.  I do feel weird asking for A/L
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I bet they do their own damn homework. reported

Hmmm...a no homework help rule does make sense. Didn't think of that one. Thanks for the mini-mod heads up. I'm all done though. Was just looking for perspectives from other parts of the country to supplement and educate myself.If I broke a rule and it has to be locked up, my bad.
I will answer some of your questions

my experience i would say is similar but different to other people of my ethnicity. It all depends who can speak english. Asians who speak english are usually in upper hierarchy in their community because they can communicate with people who are in power.

have i ever experience prejudice or discrimination? yes especially when i was during elementary. Got spat on by punks, got called chino many times, guidance counselor of my elementary school wouldnt enroll me for summer school but would accept the hispanic girl who was a month late in filling the application etc....

How do i think about how others feel about asian americans?
very high expectations especially in the academic field. Sort of like the anti affirmative action. People expect asians to be "perfect" at their field. asians who are below overqualified get overlooked
also the obvious stuff like asians are robots and what not but that doesnt really bother me
Well I'm glad you came in here without any assumptions in mind. That, I can work with...check your PM box.
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