NT Ever hit your parents BACK?

Mom used to hit me all the time. I remember I pushed my cousin down some metal stairs, and she took me into the room and whooped my #%* with a plastic clotheshanger. That was the worst beating I recieved. My pops never laid a hand on me though. His threats of knocking my teeth out were enough to keep me shook foryears and years. I'm past the stage of my parents beating my #%*, but I would never raise a hand to them.
never. i enjoyed living too much.
there were a few times my mom told me i was talking back and to that i received the worse beatings of my life. i later told her i wasn't trying to bedisrespectful but helpful, she gave me that "look" and threatened to make me relive the moment again, i passed.
When I got old enuff I learned how to block and parry word to street fighter, lolz....

But when I was young I was gettin cable extenstions and wet belts heeved at me...

Goin to the shower was dangerous if you was in trouble, she stopped me 1/2 shower

And try to beat my %#% while im naked and wet....
I raised my hands to my mom but didnt hit her. My pops never hit me but my moms did. She was super strict with me and im glad she was. That day I raised my hands to my mom she went get the belt and I put my dresser against the door and put my weight against it. I stood in there for hours. I was shook

but ya'll ever been around your friends who got away with talking back and stuff? my neighbor was like that...she said whatever she wanted to her mom and icould tell her mom was embarrassed...in the back of my mind i'm thinkin "
if i ever talked to my mom like that" i would be embarrassed to be around them when she would talk to her mom like that...
mani used to get hit so bad when i was little i would cry cry cry & then straight sleep.

best sleep ever true story.
you're so drained from cyring nothing left to do but sleep...go to bed mad early all ready for school the next day...full 8 hours...
never ever....

I do remeber one time I'm at dinner with moms, she tells me the "there's starvin people in china" so I get slick and say "so send it tothem" she reachs to grab me I put the jets and dip to the room as I'm doin deion sanders high step I get hit in the back of the head with the chancla,look like the scene from boys in the hood
after a short beatin she makes me kneel in rice
When my dad was growing up in Haiti, he was beat BAD. He used to have kneel on the cheese-grater and stuff but he rarely ever hit me and my brother. And if hedid, it was minor stuff like just a slap or something. He would always say "You guys have it too good growing up."

I was just reading some stuff about beating and stuff and it says that it makes the person who is beat think that violence is a way to solve problems andexpress feelings. I think it's a bit of an exaggeration though. Are a lot of you guys violent?
after my dad put a bar of soap in my mouth which had his (i really $#@+@%$ hope) pubes on it i really wanted to hit dude back...but thats disrespectful...eventhough my old man pretty much teabagged me....
Sometimes, you need to spank kids but it is more for emphasis that they did something wrong and not to inflict major physical pain. If my parents attacked melike some of your parents did, I would not feel bad about fighting back. If someone is accosting me with a belt, a power cord, a sandal or a stick, I willfight back I do not care if that person is my mom or dad. That is especially true if that person is hitting indiscriminately, that could take your eye out orcause other severe injury.

Luckily my mom has never tried to strike me as an adult and if she did I would fight back but in her case I would be very careful to not really strike herback, just stop her.
I have the strength to lay my mother and father down.

Only problem is.. I don't have the heart.
My dad once started trying to hit me after he mistakenly thought I did/said something wrong and as he was grabbing me I grabbed his shirt and pushed him back
The other time he punched me about an inch away from my eye and I got up and bear hugged him until mom came down and broke it up
My mom called me a @!% cuz I couldn't be taught how to ride a bike. I hit but barely touched her. Twenty minutes I came back and apologized and she hit meback.
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Parent - Teacher Conference Night...


Soon as the teacher started talking about all the homework I missed, I already knew my fate was sealed that night.

Those were the worst.
^^^^ ino right ... i neva did it but i could always picture it in my head..... my dad is like same height as me but weighs wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more
most i did was try to shove my dad back when i was little,
needless to say it didnt work too well and i spent the rest of the night locked outside. i was either 7 or 8 at that time and had nowhere to go
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