NT GUNTALK vol. Pics (not mines)

yo BFO, I remember you posting an AK in the PNW forum awhile back... let me see that again.

I think I may own some protection when I hit 21 but would probably only carry it in the car.

Scared that it may be a liability if the car gets stolen though...
When I was last shopping for a pistol to carry I was looking for a Glock 19, never found one that was either the right price or the right condition and endedup getting a KILLER deal on a Glock 17. The 17 was a big gun to carry every day, so when I decided to buy another glock it made sense to me to go 26 ratherthan 19 since owning the full size and the sub compact gave me a lot of versatility. I then traded the 17 to a friend for and SKS (he had two and we planned totrick them out). He had never owned a Glock and was a bit of a hater (since that trade he has bought 3 more). Long story short I find myself carrying the 26almost exclusively with the extended mag in it (I have big hands). I still think it is a great pistol, very versatile since I can go 10 rounds in a small mag,12 in my regular mag, or freaking 22 in a glock 18 mag if I want to. I can carry it small, and pocket carry or holster it. BUT since I am not really utilizingits abilty to go small, and I would also like to get a glock with tac rails up front (none of the sub compacts have them, except maybe the 30). So I decided tosell it and go with the 19 that was my original goal anyway.

A few pics....

Here is the 26 with the factory mag (10 + 1 in the chamber) and the 17 with a factory mag with a plus 2 ext (19+1 rounds)...

Here is the Glock 26 as I carry it with the Glock factory plus 2 (12+1 in chamber) in a "The Answer" Inside the waste band holster by Tucker GunLeather. Holster is like a hundred bucks or o but well worth it.

P23 I didn't post an AK, I think that i Seattle206 that has the AK. I have this SKS. I added that tapco stock, the front grip, and the holo site.

Also P23 I think you are in Portland and I don't know Oregons laws in regards to carrying, BUT I wouldn't suggest leaving a gun in the car all thetime. Bring it in with you, get a cheap safe. That said you reminded me to go grab my pistol out of the glove box. Thanks.
Well first of all it looks like an airsoft, BUT that is beside the point. It is in essence some sort of AR variant, with no stock (that thing sticking off theback is for the recoil spring, and is usually hidden in the stock). It has an aftermarket tactical mount on the front, thats all. The gun is kind of silly,since it has a pistol lower with a carbine upper. He ain't hitting ANYTHING with that front heavy monster, even if it is real. Real or not it is not a fullrifle with the benefit of a stock etc, but not short enough to be classified as a pistol and so it is not legal to pack. This one on the other hand is legal tocarry (well at least in Washington).

My bad pic wasn't showing.
Also P23 I think you are in Portland and I don't know Oregons laws in regards to carrying, BUT I wouldn't suggest leaving a gun in the car all the time. Bring it in with you, get a cheap safe. That said you reminded me to go grab my pistol out of the glove box. Thanks.

Yeah... Of course i'd bring it in and put it in a small safe or something. But I meant you still have the risk of having your car stolen while around townetc.

Any thoughts on Kimber pistols. I just came across a brand spanking new .45 SIS edition for $850. I've shot one similar to it, and it felt pretty good inmy hands. Think I should cop?
Gotta love these "Gun threads" on NT.

Kids.. haha..

BFO I have the $$ to burn on a g 19, or 26.. I've shot both of them plenty of times. But I'm trying to find a steal under $400 is that even possible?Yes, im being cheap with it.
Grizzly, Kimbers are TOP notch guns, and those SIS models are brand new and are pretty damn nice looking. I have fired a few Kimbers (never even seen an SISmodel in person) and have a lot of respect for them. The only thing I have been warned with those was from a co-worker who carries a Glock, but competes with aKimber. He said because the machine tolerances (space between parts) when those are manufactured are SOOOOO tight that it takes a while to break them in, and alittle dirt etc can jam them up pretty good (I also know you go through springs pretty quick with them, don't know why but another friend is replacing themall the time). A true combat pistol on the other hand is really not as precise in its manufacture (for the most part) but are made to shoot fine in theelements. They shoot glocks after burying them, freezing them, melting the grip etc. That said I want a Kimber, they are fine guns, just really pricey comparedto my Glocks.

P23 I understand but I think if you want a gun it does you very little good tucked off in the car, get a CPL and a gun you can carry. Don't leave itunattended, keep it on your hip. THen if the car gets stolen you are fine, and if you ever need it it is there.
a person may legally open carry in Washington State in any place it is legal to possess a loaded handgun.
technically true but you will probably get busted for scaring the public around you, I forgot the legal term like "public disturbance orthreat" or something.

anyways, one day I hope to get either a USPc or FN FNP in 9mm. or a FN FiveSeveN, haha big price difference.
Originally Posted by ViceXXXisFresh

a person may legally open carry in Washington State in any place it is legal to possess a loaded handgun.
technically true but you will probably get busted for scaring the public around you, I forgot the legal term like "public disturbance or threat" or something.

anyways, one day I hope to get either a USPc or FN FNP in 9mm. or a FN FiveSeveN, haha big price difference.

Stay away from FN, for now anyway, and DEF stay far away from that 57.

lilpro4u, I just sold my 26 for 400, and bought a 19 for 400. So yes it is possible, just tough to find.
on the side note i picked up a NIB romanian sks for $270 @ the discount guns in tukwila. i guess thats the going price for them.

fame, you ever hear about this closed road in northbend called "winery road" exit 26? thinking about hitting that place up this holiday weekened.
For the price, I figured it was a hell of a gun. Consider it purchased.

The only thing I didn't like was the way it almost slipped out of my hand when I was in the shop. My palms were sweaty (it was hot as balls outside) andthe finish is just too damn slick. Still gonna get it though.

The only guns I have now are my Mossberg 500, Colt Anaconda, and a S&W .38 snub that hasn't been fired in 15 years. (The last two were gifts from myuncle)

I just got my permit in the mail two weeks ago and based on your recommendation, I'll probably go cop a Glock 26 for everyday use. What should I expect forone in really good condition?
Seattle206, No thats new to me I will be interested to get a report back yet. Suprized you didn't get your DE, hear you are a fan.lol

You will love that SKS. Mine was a gift, but was I think 250 at Wades. Lots of fun to shoot. I have been taking it out every Tuesday.

p.s. you seen the pics of these FN's blowing up on people?

Grizz, like I said I haven't felt one, just read about them. I know they have those wooden grips and of course you can throw some hogues on or something toimprove the grip. I think you will like the 26, I have been going back and forth about selling mine for some time. I sold mine in EXCELLENT condition for 400,and when I bought it brand new I think it was 459+15 shipping+27.50Federal dealer's transfer fee.
Some of you guys...
a coworker is going to take me shooting with his glock .40 cal to see if it is something i might want. he said you can get them for around $400 brand new, sothats right up my alley.
Ive never seen a price quite that low, even on the net. If he can get them at that price hook me up with a source. I'd even get a 40 at that price if thatsall they had.
he could easily be wrong on the price, he talks out of his !*$ alot. how much am i looking to spend on one?
Locally they are around 519 + tax or so new, on the net brand new in the box etc you are looking at 500 or so after shipping, and transfer fees.
hmm, well i am just thinking of different stuff to try now before i turn 21. i will get my stimulus check right around the same time so i was thinking i wouldget a present for myself with it.
I hear that George W bought me my Bushmaster/Stag Arms M-4

p.s. an M-4 is about as sexy as a firearm gets.
Seattle206, No thats new to me I will be interested to get a report back yet. Suprized you didn't get your DE, hear you are a fan.lol

You will love that SKS. Mine was a gift, but was I think 250 at Wades. Lots of fun to shoot. I have been taking it out every Tuesday.

p.s. you seen the pics of these FN's blowing up on people?

will do. i use drive up to #42 and shoot there but i heard wsp will bust ya butt with a fat fine now. so ill stick with #26. cant wait to try out that romyand compare it to my old norinco sks.

havent picked up the DE50 yet... but maybe in the near future

btw, i took a glimpse at the fn thread and that is crazy, ouch!
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