NT, have you ever cheated on a test before? If so, what method?

Damn, you all are creative.

I couldn't cheat. I'd be too afriad of getting caught.

An unforgiveable F does not look good to grad schools and/or prospective employers.

I started this at my school
Steal test/answer key
Someone else take test for me
Notes on phone
Notes on cheat sheet
Notes on hand
Notes on calculator
Notes on floor/lap
Look at other persons paper
Look over with a fitted on
Pass my paper and let someone do it for me
Googled answers
Text answers
Get answers from class before
Not even take the test and add grades in later (JHS/HS)
Change my answers after the test was graded and argue later
Take book/laptop out during the test

I don't endorse cheating, but sometimes its either cheat or completely flunk a test. So here's my fool-proof method. I sit at my desk, put my handsover my eyes like im making a salute, and then look at whoever is next to me. This way, the teacher can't see where my eyes are looking.
Good luck.
Sometimes I feel like im forced to cheat with the amount of studying I would have to do. Its just an unrealistic amount of work load especially with a fulltime job but even when I do try and cheat it hardly ever helps.
I haven't since HS, too risky now even though I know some people still do it. In the 12th grade I got to miss a math test for basketball, I wrote it duringthe next class in a separate room with all of the answers from a friend. Science tests with dumb teachers and some MC questions on an English test are othersthat come to mind. Some times I'd try to write little notes on my desk before a test too, usually I would remember what I wrote down anyways.
Originally Posted by SN DG

I don't endorse cheating, but sometimes its either cheat or completely flunk a test. So here's my fool-proof method. I sit at my desk, put my hands over my eyes like im making a salute, and then look at whoever is next to me. This way, the teacher can't see where my eyes are looking.
Good luck.

One of my friends is an EXPERT at this method. Pulls A's in classes he barely knows anything about in tests with 2-3 proctors and 5 different versions.Dude has Oscar level acting skills. He'll literally be looking at 3 different peoples tests and start averaging out their answers and $!$# all whilelooking like a perfectly normal stressed out dude just taking his test; grunts and sighs, looking up like he's thinking... everything. He just did thisyesterday on our Organic Chem final, sitting directly in front of 2 professors
Originally Posted by wanksta23

i like to abbreviate stuff on my arm

like two letters or enough for me to know

lol i do that too

ive cheated my way throguh pre calc thsi year..B+ avg

writing on desks, copying tests, copying hw, typing up #%$! and make it as small as possible


yes i know im @$*%%# in college

this explains me pretty much
Originally Posted by M16

Steal test/answer key
Someone else take test for me
Notes on phone
Notes on cheat sheet
Notes on hand
Notes on calculator
Notes on floor/lap
Look at other persons paper
Look over with a fitted on
Pass my paper and let someone do it for me
Googled answers
Text answers
Get answers from class before
Not even take the test and add grades in later (JHS/HS)
Change my answers after the test was graded and argue later
Take book/laptop out during the test


Originally Posted by M16

Originally Posted by SN DG

I don't endorse cheating, but sometimes its either cheat or completely flunk a test. So here's my fool-proof method. I sit at my desk, put my hands over my eyes like im making a salute, and then look at whoever is next to me. This way, the teacher can't see where my eyes are looking.
Good luck.

One of my friends is an EXPERT at this method. Pulls A's in classes he barely knows anything about in tests with 2-3 proctors and 5 different versions. Dude has Oscar level acting skills. He'll literally be looking at 3 different peoples tests and start averaging out their answers and $!$# all while looking like a perfectly normal stressed out dude just taking his test; grunts and sighs, looking up like he's thinking... everything. He just did this yesterday on our Organic Chem final, sitting directly in front of 2 professors

i just email myself my notes as a .doc file and open it up in class. Then I memorize the questions on the test and ask to go to the bathroom. Then I go throughthe notes and look for all the answers to the q's on the test and come back and write em down fast before i forget.
i could never bring myself to cheat. i took a stats class and we had to memorize atleast 10-15 formuals per test. if you taken stats you know these forumlasarent easy. i knew when too apply them but i couldnt remember them for *##%. while EVERYBODY in the class was cheating, i just couldnt do it
ended updropping the class
I broke my pinky in 5th grade and the doctor asked me to wear a full hand to elbow cast.

I used that cast with the splint to hide my cheat notes.

Originally Posted by curt2121

YungSwagga wrote:
I honestly cheated on 90% of my senior work in high school.
I know I'm f'ed when I go to college this fall.
dont sit by your friends if their dumb.

Our generation's sense of entitlement is disgusting.

so what
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Have i cheated? HA!

writing answers on the back of my ID
taping em to my fitted
puttin formulas and tutorials in my calculators for math, chem, and physics
sittin by someone smart
making fake water bottle labels and candy labels for social studies

i could go on... but dont cheat... it screws u over in college

yea when you get to college, there's also just too much at risk but back in HS....man i would have had a 4.0 rather than a 3.5 if i studied on top ofcheating...those were the days
Originally Posted by cs02132

Originally Posted by wanksta23

i like to abbreviate stuff on my arm

like two letters or enough for me to know

lol i do that too

ive cheated my way throguh pre calc thsi year..B+ avg

writing on desks, copying tests, copying hw, typing up #%$! and make it as small as possible


yes i know im @$*%%# in college

this explains me pretty much
Originally Posted by M16

Steal test/answer key
Someone else take test for me
Notes on phone
Notes on cheat sheet
Notes on hand
Notes on calculator
Notes on floor/lap
Look at other persons paper
Look over with a fitted on
Pass my paper and let someone do it for me
Googled answers
Text answers
Get answers from class before
Not even take the test and add grades in later (JHS/HS)
Change my answers after the test was graded and argue later
Take book/laptop out during the test


Originally Posted by M16

Originally Posted by SN DG

I don't endorse cheating, but sometimes its either cheat or completely flunk a test. So here's my fool-proof method. I sit at my desk, put my hands over my eyes like im making a salute, and then look at whoever is next to me. This way, the teacher can't see where my eyes are looking.
Good luck.

One of my friends is an EXPERT at this method. Pulls A's in classes he barely knows anything about in tests with 2-3 proctors and 5 different versions. Dude has Oscar level acting skills. He'll literally be looking at 3 different peoples tests and start averaging out their answers and $!$# all while looking like a perfectly normal stressed out dude just taking his test; grunts and sighs, looking up like he's thinking... everything. He just did this yesterday on our Organic Chem final, sitting directly in front of 2 professors


QFT. I was a lot better actor when I was younger. I just dont give a @%%% now
Same dude got caught cheating on our Philosophy final last semester (phone under his desk).. professor just took the paper and told him to leave. Nothing endedup happening though, and he still got a C+ in that class
Originally Posted by drock2010

Sit next to someone smart

see if you have the same test. if not your screwed... a guy tried cheating on me and he didnt know he had a different test... ended up with a 14% while i got a87%
Yo the best method for me has been just to make a small study guide and slip it under your test... then just act like you're looking through the pages andpeep it when you need it.
I've never cheated in college...I feel that I'm cheating myself if I do, and there really is no point in doing so...if you don't know your $%*$they'll know in the real world (i'm an engineer). it was awkward cuz one time I saw a dude looking at his phone for answers underneath his desk, it wasa huge %$+ auditorium where we were taking the final, i was like
, but i didn't have the heart in me to snitch.

but in high school, i definitely did..especially in german, i was a master at the water bottle trick when it came to cheating on vocabulary quizzes.
I studied enough but for those I didn't know I wrote examples on paper put it in my back pocket and when I didn't know something I would go to therestroom memorize as much as I could and go back to finish problem. It worked for me. Test Monitor looked at me funny cause I got up twice in 30 minutes to usethe bathroom.
Originally Posted by BCF06

I studied enough but for those I didn't know I wrote examples on paper put it in my back pocket and when I didn't know something I would go to the restroom memorize as much as I could and go back to finish problem. It worked for me. Test Monitor looked at me funny cause I got up twice in 30 minutes to use the bathroom.

Yall are allowed to go to the bathroom during exams?
Originally Posted by curt2121

YungSwagga wrote:
I honestly cheated on 90% of my senior work in high school.
I know I'm f'ed when I go to college this fall.
dont sit by your friends if their dumb.

Yes, you are.

Shame on you, OP for trying to scam your way to a grade you haven't earned. Our generation's sense of entitlement is disgusting.


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