NT Help Me Get A Job At BestBuy

Jul 18, 2008
OK so before this thread fills up with repetitive comments of going to their website and clicking "Careers", fear not for I have already done so. Iwant to know if BestBuy hires in person. I went their recently and asked a worker in the front and he told me that BestBuy only does online hiring, but I thinkhe was just having a bad day.

So to keep it simple, if anyone on NT has ever worked at BestBuy, could you tell me how you got the job? I want to separate myself from other applicants beingthat I'm only 16. I thought if there was a such thing as a manager who specialized in specifically "hiring" then I could sell myself to them andsecure a job in person. Can anybody help?
its going to be difficult to get hired at 16 in this recession..do they even hire 16 year olds?
I don't even think they hire 16 year olds. You are better off at Hot Dog on a Stick.. sorry duke.
Just like another job. You apply, then they call you for an interview. If you do good in the interview, and if they like you, then you get the job. It is thatsimple.
No hate, but how can you sell yourself at 16??

I worked for BBY for 1.5 years, and the youngest they hired was 17.

I wish you good luck, but BBY has actually cut jobs and demoted people because of the recession.
Well, I already applied online and it asked me my age. When I filled out 16 it went on to the next step so I think they do hire 16 year olds.

But do you guys know if they have managers or some supervisors who have the authority to hire workers, or is the hiring strictly up to corporate and theyassign according to location?

Thanks for the suggestions though guys.
Yo call your local store up and explain you applied for a job & would like to know if an interview is possible. You might get put on hold and talk to abunch of managers that might lead you to nowhere but you never know, it might work and they might call you in for an interview because you're expressinginterest in the job. That worked for when I applied for a food runner position at Dave & Busters a while back when I was like 18....
Originally Posted by the north west

they don't hire your kind

Originally Posted by hassan16

But do you guys know if they have managers or some supervisors who have the authority to hire workers, or is the hiring strictly up to corporate and they assign according to location?
I could be wrong but each store most likely has a hiring/recruiting coordinator whose an assistant manager or just someone who's been with thestore for a minute. Just call and ask if you can speak with who ever handles the hiring process.
thanks ppl. I will definitely call and ask to speak to the hiring coordinator. I think I would be a great asset to their company partly because I know moreabout random products than some of the sales associates.
I think I would be a great asset to their company

ha... wow BB is a terrible place to work. they only hire (and re-hire) through the website. so fill out ur application and wait a week and than when you donthear back, you will wisen up and realize your 16 and they try and get people that they can work longer and later shifts. also they do a pre-employment drugtest, so its not even worth it.
i just had an interview with BBY today. (part time shipping/recieving as a second job) I applied last week and got called back the same day. Today I heard oneof the managers say "im gonna tell ____ to fill me up with interviews" so it seems like they have a hiring coordinator within each store that handlesall the online processing of apps. the hiring coordinator then just doles out interviews to the managers depending on what they are looking for and how manythey want.

calling might be the best bet in your case. i know that being younger could be to your disadvantage. good luck though

also they do a pre-employment drug test, so its not even worth it.
not everyone does drugs playboy...
^ good info man.

You said you applied online and the called you back that same day?? Man, I guess if they wanted to hire me they would have called back by now.

o well. I'll try later I guess
Bestbuy doesnt like to hire minors... told directly from my manager... to many issues with labor laws
I know a lot of 16 year olds who work at BestBuy and who used to work at Circuit City. All oyu need is a worker's permit and I don't even need one ofthose anymore.

Plus I've already been working at Subway and North Carolina Central University so I think I'm good to go.


Post #711 = 7-11 Convenience Stores.
This must've been a signpointing towards myself applying there.
I heard the workers get mad discounts plus the hours are flexible and that's good because I got school coming up.
I walked in and asked for an app and they told me they only do online apps too so you ain't the only one brotha
Originally Posted by eight2one

i would wanna work there just to bone my female co-workers!

IDK how the BBY is around your area... but the store I work at we have hardly any female workers other than cashiers... and they arent that great looking
that's what I applied for, cashier. Not because of any women, I'm just trying to get paid.

Follow the money, girls will follow you.
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