NT How Can I Make Myself Less Intimidating to Strangers; Why Are People So Scared of Me


OP is slick...

Its funny how he asks NTers how to appear less intimidating...

He's calling everyone here soft...



@!*@ you OP.....
Originally Posted by Super T1ght

wax ur eyebrows

This dude is a fool i laughed so hard when i saw this pic
honestly...a better way to get feedback would have been to post up how u look on a normal day (no birdman)

I know about appearance and how one can look badass or soft. I had a thing in h.s. where I looked OD soft with my look, so I switched it up cuz it came off astoo nice/nerdy.

Your appearance is basically the associations made with your presentation. In your somewhat extreme case, you want to create an appearance for yourself whereyou'll be associated with being friendly and approachable. You want to get rid of anything that will be associated with being intimidating that you havecontrol over.

You have control over your size. It's intimidating to other men that you are that much bigger than they are, and people won't wanna really be aroundsomeone who they feel is that much more physically superior to them (I'm assuming by swole u meant built) and makes them feel uncomfortable. I'm notsaying to lose the muscles completely, but just get leaner so that ur size isn't noticeable even when you're fully clothed.

Get a pair of glasses. I don't wear glasses anymore because I realized how I look at people with glasses. And I figured people would do the same with me.Due to the media, and I guess our animal ways of looking for inferiority in other (glasses shows a clear visual problem, which does present weakness in ananimal sense) we associate glasses with softer, nerdy types. Cop some specs.

Stop rapping in public. People aren't looking at you because you seem intimidating when you rap. You look like a crazy, immature fool. And what'sreally going through their heads is thinking to themselves "smh @ black people."

Don't rock white tees and stuff in public. Look as soft as possible and throw on a polo.

Get rid of the beard and get a clean shave word to my man Barack Hussein.

The main point is to have anything in your appearance that you have control over associated with being friendly, soft, nerdy, and inferior (which would makeyou more approachable and less intimidating.) Since you claim that your case is extreme...this extreme measure that you take should balance it out.

I'm helping because like I said, I had a similar issue in appearance, although it was that I looked too soft, but wasn't as extreme as you claimyour's to be. I thought girls liked a clean cut dude, but I switched it up to bad +%% and I just bagged a straight up jew chick rockin long johns and jeansat a party
. My appearance, coupled with my friendly personality andvibe I give off gives me that slight bad +%% edge that girls want. Your case is that you're OD bad +%% so you need to curb by taking the proper measures.
That's beyond extreme NYC. I don't need glasses. I'll just accept people being scared of me before I go through all of that. Like someone said, itcan be a blessing and a curse, since I have less random people running up to me starting awkward conversations.

White tees, everybody wears white tees. The association to black people and thusly crime is silly. It's a classic fashion item, matches anything, andagain, I wear mine pretty fitted with the young sleeves and not the 3XL tall tees. I don't even wear clothes baggy enough to conceal a weapon in, and Iam a nerd. Hell, I work on computers for a living.

It's funny to me because I've never done any of that and never been robbed, mugged, or any of the like. Ignoring the fact that people aren't nearlyas bad as given credit for, maybe on some level karma has blessed me for never judging people and spared me. I'll walk right through a crowd of dudesstanding on the sidewalk smoking and hanging out, no problem, just be like, "excuse me fellas" as I walk through or maybe add a wassup at thebeginning if I make eye contact with anyone.

On a semi related note, I have an orange car and I do know a few people who though that was gang related because the dominate gang in this city's color isOrange. I've never heard of people using their cars as a symbol of gang affiliation but again, that's what I'm talking about with me.

And if I get the chance I'll take a picture of myself tomorrow and you all can tell me if you'd cower in fear at my mere presence. Only close to recentpics I have are the ones from the And 1 Game I played in in March and I don't like those because I'm fat in them. I got a good freeze frame one thoughfrom right before I crossed Hot Sauce
It's hard enough for me to meet people because I'm extremely shy, and like I mentioned I'm not in college anymore nor does my job find me around tons of females, people apparently being fearful of me and making snap judgements about it makes even harder.
Man until i got more confidence in myself....every stray look would make me feel bad. But guess what? People will ALWAYS look at you, theres noescaping it. When people stare at me, I just assume they think im handsome, or like what I have on. Theres nothing wrong with you at all.
Originally Posted by northparkblind

oh and one more thing..... SMILE
word on this one... seriously.

I have, over time, have been accused of being aloof and intimidating, even though I got no beef with nobody- I think a lot of it has to do with stature /carriage / general physical presence, which sadly, one cannot do much about (I ain't never going to be a "little" dude).

I've found that taking the effort / having the presence of mind to smile as you say "hi" or when you talk to people can make a HUGE difference indiffusing the situation and setting people at ease.

It's hard to be intimidated by a person that appears to be pleasant as they acknowledge or converse with you.
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by air max 87

no offense? but are you black

Yes, I'm a big black guy. I'm about 6'0 210ish. And as I already addressed, I don't even dress hood. Most of the time I'm even out, it's usually right after work so I'd be in like khakis, boat shoes(Sperry's right now) or dress shoes, and a button up or polo.

I've never liked the whole butt hanging out look or people being able to see boxers. Jeans, I don't even like jeans and the only time I wore them was at my last job and they were classic fits.

Big tee shirts, absolutely not, they make me look fat. I wear like Hanes and Jerzees tees, fitted, they accentuate my swoalness.

Pretty much your size and being black.Reading the post I'm judging its a muscular build too. (swoleness)
This thread is too funny, from the your moms a drug dealer comment to that rediculous guy with shaved eyebrows I am dying over here.

But on topic you should post your pic op and then we can see if you look scary or not.
I'm RIGHT THERE with you, dude. My natural stoneface + very thick, rapid-growth facial hair keeps me from making friends sometimes.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

I'm RIGHT THERE with you, dude. My natural stoneface + very thick, rapid-growth facial hair keeps me from making friends sometimes.
I got kinda the same thing going on, it's a B because a lot of girls who might want to talk to me(for whatever reason) usually shy away because I hear Isupposedly look intimidating. I'm white, but I'm also real tall, I usually don't speak unless I'm spoken too and I've got a face that makesme look like I'm frowning even when I'm completely relaxed.

I know it sounds stupid but if you have a certain type of eyebrows people will sometimes think you have an attitude.
Yeah man I face that problem somtimes. I'm a tall guy, plus I'm black so it happens. It's better in my opinion to look intimidating anyway thenlook like a nice guy. At least people will respect you, that's all I care about to be honest.
It's just the look you have, it's hard to change, I'm a decent sized dude with a shaved head and beard even my ex girlfriends all told me that Ilook scary. Just something you gotta live with not like you can walk around with a huge weird smile on your face all the time.
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