NT, how did technology advance so quickly within the last hundred years?!

Yes war is a definite contributing factor to technology. As was the industrial revolution and the collective social economy. The answers are here, no doubt. But doesn't it amaze you that someone had the bright idea to manipulate electric signals along certain metals to invent the computer? Who thinks of these stuff? Not only does that require great intelligence but also the ability to think outside of the box. Human intelligence is amazing and sometimes I wonder maybe if we are the most advanced civilization in the universe. Perhaps it took 13 billion years and we are the pinnacle of its creation.
Yes war is a definite contributing factor to technology. As was the industrial revolution and the collective social economy. The answers are here, no doubt. But doesn't it amaze you that someone had the bright idea to manipulate electric signals along certain metals to invent the computer? Who thinks of these stuff? Not only does that require great intelligence but also the ability to think outside of the box. Human intelligence is amazing and sometimes I wonder maybe if we are the most advanced civilization in the universe. Perhaps it took 13 billion years and we are the pinnacle of its creation.
I think population increase= more minds working (dividing and conquering) technological tasks. makes for quicker work
I think population increase= more minds working (dividing and conquering) technological tasks. makes for quicker work
The technology was already here. It's just on a release schedule to create the illusion of innovation and to ensure consumers develop love for brands and logos and a smooth flow of cash flow for corporate companies releasing the technology. There's nothing new under a sun/
The technology was already here. It's just on a release schedule to create the illusion of innovation and to ensure consumers develop love for brands and logos and a smooth flow of cash flow for corporate companies releasing the technology. There's nothing new under a sun/
cosign with torgriffith.....

dont be fooled....half the ++% you been seeing been here for a min....
they sit on it or its overseas....
cosign with torgriffith.....

dont be fooled....half the ++% you been seeing been here for a min....
they sit on it or its overseas....
Originally Posted by torgriffith

The technology was already here. It's just on a release schedule to create the illusion of innovation and to ensure consumers develop love for brands and logos and a smooth flow of cash flow for corporate companies releasing the technology. There's nothing new under a sun/

I thought the same thing, especially after watching a documentary on Nikola Tesla. 
Originally Posted by torgriffith

The technology was already here. It's just on a release schedule to create the illusion of innovation and to ensure consumers develop love for brands and logos and a smooth flow of cash flow for corporate companies releasing the technology. There's nothing new under a sun/

I thought the same thing, especially after watching a documentary on Nikola Tesla. 
100 years ago we were in the wild west era. we have come very far, and people have started to become their own people instead of the old school stereotypes
100 years ago we were in the wild west era. we have come very far, and people have started to become their own people instead of the old school stereotypes
Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by torgriffith

The technology was already here. It's just on a release schedule to create the illusion of innovation and to ensure consumers develop love for brands and logos and a smooth flow of cash flow for corporate companies releasing the technology. There's nothing new under a sun/

I thought the same thing, especially after watching a documentary on Nikola Tesla. 
Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by torgriffith

The technology was already here. It's just on a release schedule to create the illusion of innovation and to ensure consumers develop love for brands and logos and a smooth flow of cash flow for corporate companies releasing the technology. There's nothing new under a sun/

I thought the same thing, especially after watching a documentary on Nikola Tesla. 
Technological advances beget technological advances. In effect, snowballing and Moore's Law, as previously mentioned. Electricity and light bulbs allow you to work beyond hours of daylight, affording us billions of man hours of labor every day, don't underestimate the impact of something so simple. Refrigeration allows you to "hunt" once/week rather than working the farm daily. Again, more man hours that can be dedicated to innovation. Once you have advanced computers, you can begin to develop machines that build products to specifications that humans cannot. Most of the items in your laptop and phone cannot be built by hand with any degree of reliability. Technology adds to our capabilities and gives us more time to develop these capabilities.

Can't believe people actually think that companies are sitting on 2012's products or that aliens gave us "lots of technology." Right, cause companies don't compete against each other in a capitalist environment. And aliens hooked it up w/the iPhone27. Really? Aliens? Honestly? So they made a Noah-esque voyage w/solar panels, cellular towers, silicone wafers, a plasma tv, a laser and some kevlar packed in their spacecraft (its weird that a species w/all this technology would CRASH into the middle of a desert). And then, since they were in such a great mood (mind you, this was after they traveled for YEARS just to get here) they decided to teach the Americans a lesson in avoiding radar detection (lets not forget that radar is a human invention).
Technological advances beget technological advances. In effect, snowballing and Moore's Law, as previously mentioned. Electricity and light bulbs allow you to work beyond hours of daylight, affording us billions of man hours of labor every day, don't underestimate the impact of something so simple. Refrigeration allows you to "hunt" once/week rather than working the farm daily. Again, more man hours that can be dedicated to innovation. Once you have advanced computers, you can begin to develop machines that build products to specifications that humans cannot. Most of the items in your laptop and phone cannot be built by hand with any degree of reliability. Technology adds to our capabilities and gives us more time to develop these capabilities.

Can't believe people actually think that companies are sitting on 2012's products or that aliens gave us "lots of technology." Right, cause companies don't compete against each other in a capitalist environment. And aliens hooked it up w/the iPhone27. Really? Aliens? Honestly? So they made a Noah-esque voyage w/solar panels, cellular towers, silicone wafers, a plasma tv, a laser and some kevlar packed in their spacecraft (its weird that a species w/all this technology would CRASH into the middle of a desert). And then, since they were in such a great mood (mind you, this was after they traveled for YEARS just to get here) they decided to teach the Americans a lesson in avoiding radar detection (lets not forget that radar is a human invention).
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by torgriffith

The technology was already here. It's just on a release schedule to create the illusion of innovation and to ensure consumers develop love for brands and logos and a smooth flow of cash flow for corporate companies releasing the technology. There's nothing new under a sun/

I thought the same thing, especially after watching a documentary on Nikola Tesla. 
Info on this documentary?
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by torgriffith

The technology was already here. It's just on a release schedule to create the illusion of innovation and to ensure consumers develop love for brands and logos and a smooth flow of cash flow for corporate companies releasing the technology. There's nothing new under a sun/

I thought the same thing, especially after watching a documentary on Nikola Tesla. 
Info on this documentary?
i'm still amazed that mankind has figured out how to travel to space.
like how the hell do you start developing stuff like that?  i know it progressed from aviation/airplanes but i still find it crazy.  
i'm still amazed that mankind has figured out how to travel to space.
like how the hell do you start developing stuff like that?  i know it progressed from aviation/airplanes but i still find it crazy.  
^ there are scientist, comologist, and all other kinds of really smart people that know a lot more than any of us working 25 hours a day to solve problems
^ there are scientist, comologist, and all other kinds of really smart people that know a lot more than any of us working 25 hours a day to solve problems
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