NT...how did this become acceptable? Vol. This is not a representation of my generation as a whole

Next thing you know these kids are going to start "rocking" kilts with a pair of foamposites and a snapback.
View media item 156648

That Rowdy Roddy Piper's swag :nthat:
thank you all for telling me what i'm doing >D
but i made this thread because on NT Generation Z gets bashed sooooo hard
because we're all supposed to be like this dude (effeminate...because i don't think dude is gay) i don't like the generalization
so i said we're not all like this...whatever this may be...so trust me,
in no way am i losing somehow because he has pictures on tumblr in heels
while i sit in college and pursue my career (otherwise known as "the sideline"). once again, thanks though

and also...since i'm not wearing heels i'm not doing me?
i wear what i like. he wears what he likes...i'm here to say we all aren't effeminate
like NT's Generation X and Y believes. and furthermore it has been the norm for
every generation's men to feel as though they were more masculine than the next.
but no...that can't be what i mean...i'm sideline hating.
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those dudes on lookbook.nu can dress though....they put dudes in the dressing better and high end designer threads to shame...
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No one in their right mind would ever believe this is representative of any generation.
thank you all for telling me what i'm doing >D
but i made this thread because on NT Generation Z gets bashed sooooo hard
because we're all supposed to be like this dude (effeminate...because i don't think dude is gay) i don't like the generalization
so i said we're not all like this...whatever this may be...so trust me,
in no way am i losing somehow because he has pictures on tumblr in heels
while i sit in college and pursue my career (otherwise known as "the sideline"). once again, thanks though

and also...since i'm not wearing heels i'm not doing me?
i wear what i like. he wears what he likes...i'm here to say we all aren't effeminate
like NT's Generation X and Y believes. and furthermore it has been the norm for
every generation's men to feel as though they were more masculine than the next.
but no...that can't be what i mean...i'm sideline hating.

I've personally never seen the generalization/bashing of Generation Z on NT.

Links? :nerd:
i'm sorry but you generation z kids are the worst dressing generation out of all the contemporary generations.

HA, I never knew there was an actual term called Generation Z . . . what's next after Z? Generation AA (i think people who use MS Excel might get this)?
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