NT how do YOU pick up chicks??

Reaction score
like how do you present yourself? what do you say? i myself, get outgoing like talking to her aint a big deal. n sometimes i pull numbers n sometimes i gottatake the L,
I don't give a *++* and just ask them if they wanna chill. If it works awesome, if it don't I move on.
I just be myself.

Rarely do I ever use lines or anything. It's worked for me so far.
If she's sitting, I pull up a chair and ask if I can sit.

If she's standing, I just say hi.

Girls don't give two !%%@@ about a line.

Tell me why I've tried to pick up five married chicks in the last two nights though
Kat Willams x DMX style:

AYO !@$%*!!! AYO !@$%*!!!

ARF, ARF, ARF!!!!!

PS - That Sammy Davis pic got me rolling all weekend.
Best place to start a conversation from my experience is waiting at the bar for the bartender to grab drinks.

It's usually super casual, easy to make conversation or a joke about how long the bartenders taking, easier than walking across the bar or club to approachsomebody.

and the best part is that it's a brief first encounter, you get your drinks and go back to where you came. Then when you approach her later, you havealready made your first impression so you dont have to hit her with some line.
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