NT- How to approach someone on FB?

One thing you all fail to realize is that a girl knows off bat if this is a guy she would want to sleep with.

You say shes made eye contact with you right? If she has then shes already made up her mind if shed let you tap or not. If she would let you smash there really is no wrong way to approach her because no matter how you do it, she BEEN wantin you to make your move.

If youre not someone shes already attracted to based on those few times youve made eye contact, then there is nothing you could do that wont make you look like a creep in her eyes. Your best bet then would be getting a class with her or something and letting your personality shine.

Seriously though, post more pics.
Any chance shes from the Heights or the BX?
Originally Posted by Diego

Any chance shes from the Heights or the BX?

Nah I know NY is filled with 
 but so is Boston
i agree with truballa .. message her. she aint with it, then oh well.. plenty other fish around
just go with the NT-tried-and-tested, "Can I borrow you? I promise you give you right back."
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Some of you worry to much.

OP just message her and if you have any mutual friends get them to introduce you to her in REAL LIFE before trying to do anything.
I agree with this right here. Maybe my friends, and I have bad Facebook etiquette, but we add first and talk later.  Alot of girls will say they won't add just anybody on their Facebook. Well, you tell them you're not just anybody, you're a somebody. Plus, they have so many damn games on Facebook, you can just say, you saw  her name on one of those games, BS it a little.
find a mutual friend, tell them to introduce you THEN add her on FB. From there just make idle convo if you see her online
adding her on facebook or messaging her makes her think youre not confident and mujeres dont like that

talk to her in person .hey whats up..hows your day
then add her in facebook / get digits
then you do the convo on fb chat / text
result, shes comfy (the most important thing)
I recently sent a message to this one chick who added me on fb.
I thought she looked familiar, so I hit her with the wassup, you look familiar.
It went from to small chit chat of where she had seen me which was at a party in the summer.

I think I messed up at the end by saying ;it was cool knowing a little bout ya, maybe will run on to each other.
Her responds: yea fasoe!

It was horrible* Charles barkley*
It's easy, but use the messages instead of the chat. Chat makes you come up with responses quickly and gets boring.
at approaching being a problem
at considering using facebook for your approach

but whatever you gotta do jus do it, just dont punk out
Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by Regal Black

Dog you's a stalker
thats stalkerish dude, do you guys even know each other's names since you said you've never spoken with her?? bad idea man, it will just spell out creepo!! do the manly way and just go up to her you weenie!!

kids these days, always relying on stupid social networking sites tisk tisk....you gotta pickup some game sometime and facebook aint the way internet casanova.
if you make ur first contact via web... /dead

strike up a short quick intro/convo on the spot /thread

YNS otherwise
Well.... you notice her on campus noticing you. Hit her with the Fresh Prince line and you're in.
Originally Posted by Truballa101

keep it simple. don't add her yet.

send her a message. "Hey, not to be too forward or anything but I've seen you around campus and I was wondering if you were interested in grabbin coffee" (or whatever you'd like really).

^that's just an example but whatever you do...just be confident. that's not saying much since your talking over the computer though...but oh well.

if she gives you the digits or sounds interested then you're in. if things work out well then SHE will add YOU.
however, if she's not with it. Take the L.

Confidence is your best attribute in this scenario.
Imma try this...
convo on the spot > convo on the net
pretty much what ptrakarn23 said

were you at the uo rec today hooping in white/navy 6?
i swear i saw someone wearing them and figured they were on NT
I walkd through with some dunkman 7s
You're over thinking %*## fam... Just message her. If you got game it don't matter how you start talking to her.
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