NT I am homeless and need someones help in the Bay Area

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

First of all, WOW Prince... (insert giant smiley)... that generosity is just... wow... that's seriously about the nicest anyone has ever offered me... I'm going to not take it though... leads me to this...

Went to work today... offday... to give my notice... chef is asking me why... I tell him... he asks what type of raise it would take to keep me here... I say $2 bucks/hour not expecting a yes... he said OK.. so %%#@ it I went from 9 to 11 an hour.. I'm staying here for the time now... can't turn down an extra 80-100 every week... life's odd sometimes.
Man get the !#% outa here. You shot down every thing in this thread. Trolling. HARD. All of a sudden the next day they offer you an extra $2 and you're going to stay. Log off bru and stop wasting people's time with BS stories. Pics of the shelter or check stubs then we will believe you. Herb

This. Homeboy is an idiot and a troll.
OP you are clearly not thinking straight in any of these situations. You said your mom did you bad, but after reading everything you have to say..... It seems as if you are the one who doesn't have your head on your shoulders. Not trying to make you feel worse man, just saying. Your head seems to be clouded by something.
@ the end of this saga

well done
This thread should serve as a reminder to the rest of us of how we are blessed and have good lives...even OP in Maine who chose to be homeless and had 2 g's saved up...hell I don't even got that much saved up. I understand that he really holds on to his specific morals (such as not going back to his moms, not joining the military, etc.) I kind of respect that despite it not being the wise choice.

Prince really shows the kindness of your brethren NT'ers...hell that offer is so good another struggling NT'er could be of benefit to it.

Times are hard but sacrifices need to be made here and there to ensure our continuance. Pride is a silent enemy...it can work for you and destroy you.

Good luck OP, life probably handed you some bad cards and then when you traded cards based on pride you probably got some more bad cards. Stay up man...I understand the wanting to go to a place that is weed-friendly but weed is a luxury and a privilege where I come from...you gotta work for it.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

First of all, WOW Prince... (insert giant smiley)... that generosity is just... wow... that's seriously about the nicest anyone has ever offered me... I'm going to not take it though... leads me to this...

Went to work today... offday... to give my notice... chef is asking me why... I tell him... he asks what type of raise it would take to keep me here... I say $2 bucks/hour not expecting a yes... he said OK.. so %%#@ it I went from 9 to 11 an hour.. I'm staying here for the time now... can't turn down an extra 80-100 every week... life's odd sometimes.
Your a idiot. Dude does one of the biggest giving of help ever seen on NT and you stop for 2 more dollars
"I was always taught that when you make it in life always make sure you reach back and grab someone to come with you."

your truely a good person Prince and goodluck to OP
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