NT I am homeless and need someones help in the Bay Area

I hear albuquerque has a decent indie film market(requirement for me). If I wasn't in love with Chicago I would jump all over that. Close to being homeless myself, and just had to junk my car.

Albuquerque, Austin, SD, and sf are the only cities on my map.

OP do your thing. Follow your instincts.
Originally Posted by OoPrinceOfFreshoO


Im in the Air Force and im stationed at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, NM. I'll give you my number let you have them call me and I will get you on your feet. I have connects from cooking jobs at small chain spots to jobs working with nuclear weapons with companies to include Lockheed Martin and numerous other agencies within the DoD (These jobs will require a little more proactiveness on your part).

I can set you up with an apartment for around $400/month fully furnished with cable and I'll even let you "rent" my old 2000 Dodge Ram that I use to keep miles off my car to get you from A to B.

If all else fails you'll be that much closer to Cali so what is there to loose.
Hit me up bro, if your serious.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by 650

Originally Posted by OoPrinceOfFreshoO

I hope that he does hit me up. I truly hate to pull up at an exit on the highway and see someone who could possibly be one of my class mates or we could have played ball together back in the day. Its a slap in the face for our generation, our economy, and our overall mankind. 
The fact that I can go out and cop a $200 pair of shoes and its dudes out there that aint even eatting really humbles me. I was always taught that when you make it in life always make sure you reach back and grab someone to come with you. 

There have been numerous times where I'll just be sitting somewhere and I'll see someone really struggling and ill just pull a 20 out of my pocket and give it to them. To see someone thank me 100000x and sincerely be thankful is a "attaboy" feeling but its honestly like damn, I was just gone spend that to buy the new MP on COD or I was just gone use that to ship the shoes I just sold for $200 that was just sitting in my closet since 05.

There is no reason a US citizen should be starving. Ive walked the streets of 3rd world countries and to come home and see the same things here is a real eye opener. I cant do it all by myself but kindness is contagious. So pass it on! 

I seriously wish more people in the world were like you.  Props to you man and GL OP
god bless people like prince. if op is serious he knows what to do. people like prince are very rare...and the fact that he found him on nt...he better be all over that.
First of all, WOW Prince... (insert giant smiley)... that generosity is just... wow... that's seriously about the nicest anyone has ever offered me... I'm going to not take it though... leads me to this...

Went to work today... offday... to give my notice... chef is asking me why... I tell him... he asks what type of raise it would take to keep me here... I say $2 bucks/hour not expecting a yes... he said OK.. so %%#@ it I went from 9 to 11 an hour.. I'm staying here for the time now... can't turn down an extra 80-100 every week... life's odd sometimes.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

First of all, WOW Prince... (insert giant smiley)... that generosity is just... wow... that's seriously about the nicest anyone has ever offered me... I'm going to not take it though... leads me to this...

Went to work today... offday... to give my notice... chef is asking me why... I tell him... he asks what type of raise it would take to keep me here... I say $2 bucks/hour not expecting a yes... he said OK.. so **@@ it I went from 9 to 11 an hour.. I'm staying here for the time now... can't turn down an extra 80-100 every week... life's odd sometimes.

My dude...what is $2 more an hour really going to do in the long run? Yes, I was for staying put earlier, but when you have someone extend themselves the way that Prince did, with the connects he has, I can't do nothing but look at you sideways.

You're going to still have to deal with what you hate about being in Maine - namely, the lack of familial contact, everyday wondering whether you'll ever make it out, the same crowd, the same mindset that 'oh, I'll make it one day, but I'm just fine resting on my laurels for now'. That isn't life man. People would kill for the opportunity you were given. KILL.

Go to New Mexico, bro. Don't fear the unknown - embrace it.
Originally Posted by OoPrinceOfFreshoO


Im in the Air Force and im stationed at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, NM. I'll give you my number let you have them call me and I will get you on your feet. I have connects from cooking jobs at small chain spots to jobs working with nuclear weapons with companies to include Lockheed Martin and numerous other agencies within the DoD (These jobs will require a little more proactiveness on your part).

I can set you up with an apartment for around $400/month fully furnished with cable and I'll even let you "rent" my old 2000 Dodge Ram that I use to keep miles off my car to get you from A to B.

If all else fails you'll be that much closer to Cali so what is there to loose.
Hit me up bro, if your serious.
 ^ NT At Its Finest...

Take The Resources You Have In This Thread An Run With It Man... 

like I said.. dudes reality isn't reality. But Prince.. you are THAT dude. Wouldn't expect that from my family were it me.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

First of all, WOW Prince... (insert giant smiley)... that generosity is just... wow... that's seriously about the nicest anyone has ever offered me... I'm going to not take it though... leads me to this...

Went to work today... offday... to give my notice... chef is asking me why... I tell him... he asks what type of raise it would take to keep me here... I say $2 bucks/hour not expecting a yes... he said OK.. so %%#@ it I went from 9 to 11 an hour.. I'm staying here for the time now... can't turn down an extra 80-100 every week... life's odd sometimes.
All that stuff about moving and you decided to stay because you got a $2 raise ? 
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

First of all, WOW Prince... (insert giant smiley)... that generosity is just... wow... that's seriously about the nicest anyone has ever offered me... I'm going to not take it though... leads me to this...

Went to work today... offday... to give my notice... chef is asking me why... I tell him... he asks what type of raise it would take to keep me here... I say $2 bucks/hour not expecting a yes... he said OK.. so %%#@ it I went from 9 to 11 an hour.. I'm staying here for the time now... can't turn down an extra 80-100 every week... life's odd sometimes.
Man get the !#% outa here. You shot down every thing in this thread. Trolling. HARD. All of a sudden the next day they offer you an extra $2 and you're going to stay. Log off bru and stop wasting people's time with BS stories. Pics of the shelter or check stubs then we will believe you. Herb
weighing options here...

Princes offer
apt for 400...fully furnished
gov job...that pays more than minimum wage
new scenery
free trip out there
possible life long friendship to be built with prince
getting on feet

current situation
2 dollar raise in a restaurant
live in homeless shelter
steal other ppls internet to make posts that make no sense AT ALL


hell id even consider his offer. but there are way more people that need it more than i do
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

weighing options here...

Princes offer
apt for 400...fully furnished
gov job...that pays more than minimum wage
new scenery
free trip out there
possible life long friendship to be built with prince
getting on feet

current situation
2 dollar raise in a restaurant
live in homeless shelter
steal other ppls internet to make posts that make no sense AT ALL

Youd have to be a fool to not take this offer
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