NT, I feel like i am doing it wrong.. *Pics* Vol. EDIT

Apr 29, 2005
NT i come to you with a vent this fall afternoon, sitting down on my lunch break I am starting to evaluate my life as a 22 year old kid from a black middle class family, with an awesome younger brother and being blessed with both of my parents. I have an ok car (06 vw passat). i work 2 part time jobs, and go to school part time at my local comm college. Studying liberal Arts, but willing to switch my major at the drop of a dime if i know i can get a job i like with great pay (I know, stupid.. and not likely these days). I met a girl, who's father took a liking to me from the instant we started talking over a beer.. She is a great girl, but i cant see myself with her.. she is feeling me hard body, good morning text, cooks me breakfast, ask if she would like for me to come over or her to come over and make dinner for me and my family. This girl is all around Perfect. and i hate that.. cause im not perfect. I work, school, 
, duty and hang out with the team once a week. I only want to be with her because her dad said he could get me a job working as a support specialist at the Pentagon, starting in the spring. he just keeps calling me "son" and blah blah. I feel that i am doing it wrong because I shouldve been graduated school, moved out of my parents house, settle down and i guess live life.. thats how most of my friends at my age are at.. some of there lives look pretty enjoyable.. others i feel bad for..

-22 yr old suburban black kid
- Works 2 jobs, lives at home, goes to school has no idea what he wants to do in life
-Met a girl, but is using her to get a job under her father but is stuck with her till im hired on in April.
-Feels like im at the age where i need to settle down because everyone around me is doing it. Sheep. 
-Feels Bad, because he lives at home, shouldve been graduated at 22, and started a "life".




EDIT: Left some key things out since i sent that all from my phone, But the problem is.. Settling down at 22. i should've been more specific. I dont want to get married or anything.. Just something there.. Instant Poon, Cuddle buddy
 etc... We have nothing in common i feel like.. Music taste are different, Doesn't like my team for some reason and is kind of a BIA to my friends and friends gfs when we go out.. Always has something to say about everything.. (ex. Your going to fast 65 in a 60, why are you always working on your car, why do you smoke? what do you and your "boys" do.. ) i could go on for days.. its like she likes the idea of it.. ever since that day her dad asked me if i wanted a beer...
You feel like you need to settle down... at 22? Really?

If you want a career and financial stability, that's one thing, but you're young so I don't get that complaint. You said you're working 2 part time jobs and going to a CC, but in the spring your girlfriend's dad can get you a great job? I'm sorry.. what's the problem? Living at home and not graduating yet at 22 is not the end of the world, especially in today's economy and job market.

Do you not like this girl at all? Or are you just complaining? She seems great, her dad can get you a great job, but you don't want her... yet you want to settle down and have a career. Seems like you have a simple choice. Enjoy the great girl, wait for the job you can get, and seemingly get what you want... OR dump her, lose the potential job, and then still be in the same situation working two part time jobs, now with no job offer and no girl.
If you have a girl that loves you for you, don't blow it.  You'll regret it for a long, long time.
What are you asking exactly? There's no question in ur post. U have it figured out. Just be honest with both of them. Why don't u like the girl?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

If you have a girl that loves you for you, don't blow it.  You'll regret it for a long, long time.

This. She seems like a keeper. Don't run her off though.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

You feel like you need to settle down... at 22? Really?

If you want a career and financial stability, that's one thing, but you're young so I don't get that complaint. You said you're working 2 part time jobs and going to a CC, but in the spring your girlfriend's dad can get you a great job? I'm sorry.. what's the problem? Living at home and not graduating yet at 22 is not the end of the world, especially in today's economy and job market.

Do you not like this girl at all? Or are you just complaining? She seems great, her dad can get you a great job, but you don't want her... yet you want to settle down and have a career. Seems like you have a simple choice. Enjoy the great girl, wait for the job you can get, and seemingly get what you want... OR dump her, lose the potential job, and then still be in the same situation working two part time jobs, now with no job offer and no girl.
Damn Big J. You got me feeling Batman. But i respect that.. 100%. I do want to settle down.. But i know i would just be doing my own thing and not respecting her.. i just always thought you get THAT feeling, when you knows she is the one.. and i just dont FEEL it.. 
My man you have it picture perfect right now. A good looking chick who loves you, cooks you dinner, her dad likes you, and secured a job at the pentagon. Don't let her be 'the one who got away,' stay with her, at least until something legitimate comes between you two.
Originally Posted by youngwill500

Damn Big J. You got me feeling Batman. But i respect that.. 100%. I do want to settle down.. But i know i would just be doing my own thing and not respecting her.. i just always thought you get THAT feeling, when you knows she is the one.. and i just dont FEEL it.. 

That's what I was wondering more, how you felt about her. If you enjoy being with her and care about her, then stick with it. If you feel nothing at all and are completely using her, then that's a problem. When you say you'll be doing your own thing and not respecting her, do you mean like being with other women? Or just not being a dependable partner? Because that could mean you're not ready to be in a serious relationship, even though you say you want to settle down.

If I were in your position, I'd be thankful for a lot.. my family, a car, jobs, in school, a great girlfriend (whose father likes you even), and 22 is not 42.. you're not behind at all because you shouldn't focus on what others are doing when its your life... If you enjoy being with her, then there's no reason to end it now. At the worst, express your concerns you have with her so you're honest and take it from there. Your situation could be a lot worse, so keep perspective as best you can
OP, just exactly why do you not want to be with shorty?

She sounds like a keeper, but without knowing more, you just come off as an %%$*+%+. And you say you want to settle down, if that's correct, then you guys should be ready in about 3-5 yrs after "going steady." I'm 22 as well, and think I've found "the one." I wouldn't mind settling down once we truly know each other.
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