NT I GOT SCAMMED (got my money back) mods lock

Originally Posted by torobravoDMV

so another NTer just PM me and he also got scammed by the same person he told me he called miami PD so right now all i can do is wait. So NT sellers and buyers try to learn from this so this wont happen to any of yall

the police wont do a damn thing. focus on your communication and always ask for a phone number you can reach a person by. always pay with a cc and u will be good.
Originally Posted by torobravoDMV

I just need advice Can the police do anything ? Im going to call paypal in the morning but can they help me get the shoes or still keep the money? anyone had something like this happen to them?

the police don't care about some spoiled kids Kobes 

The same dude hit me up last week but I knew it was a scam when he was basically insisted that the money be sent as a gift. And he wouldn't give me his Paypal address so I could send a invoice.

The type of scam isn't really new though I saw something similar awhile back but it was a with a trade instead
That sounds like the 2nd dude is in on it too. What are the odds that he just happened to find someone willing to buy his sneakers at the exact same time as you were selling yours and for the same exact price? Too many stars need to align to pull that scam off unless your boy is the other person involved.
Wait both dudes are in miami? Yeah its either the same guy or two people who know each other.

BTW, I've never heard of paypal allowing disputes for gift payments. That can only be done via credit card. IDK if Devin is threatening you, but hes trying to scam you too.
Originally Posted by MoNeyLiCiouS

its the same person.

If he sent it as gift, paypal will tell him to kick rocks. NO INVESTIGATION, nada from paypal.

He's bsin you bro. Only way he gets his money back is through his cc/bank acct. And they reverse it immediately.

I'm gonna get flamed for this, and I sincerely hope OP gets to keep the money, but just in regards to the scammer's scheme here:

Have never/will never scan anyone, but appreciate a good con, what can I say. Word to Inside Job. 
Originally Posted by dtb00201

That sounds like the 2nd dude is in on it too. What are the odds that he just happened to find someone willing to buy his sneakers at the exact same time as you were selling yours and for the same exact price? Too many stars need to align to pull that scam off unless your boy is the other person involved.

This is the most most obvious scenario but dude offered/messaged me 3 times with different amounts for the same pair of shoes. He could be messaging a lot of people and just waits to see who bites.  
This is bad, but not as bad the NTer who got scammed for his South Beaches last week. At least this scammer was creative.
Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

i dont get it ?
 scammer sold a false pair to person A
Person A sends money to OP assuming its the scammer 
Person A gets no sneakers and files a dispute against scammer, who is actually OP. It should be against the scammer
Scammer leaves with sneakers , Person A gets no sneakers, OP gets his $310 but it's not really his. 

damb this is new 
The moral of the story is don't ship to an address that isn't listed on the persons paypal.
Originally Posted by AEA18

Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

i dont get it ?
 scammer sold a false pair to person A
Person A sends money to OP assuming its the scammer 
Person A gets no sneakers and files a dispute against scammer, who is actually OP. It should be against the scammer
Scammer leaves with sneakers , Person A gets no sneakers, OP gets his $310 but it's not really his. 

damb this is new 
why would someone give someone else $310.00 
update from paypal

Hello ___,
We have completed our investigation of the transaction below and were
unable to find evidence of unauthorized access to the buyer’s account. This
case was denied to the buyer and no funds were recovered from your account.

Sender’s name: devin

Sender’s email: [email protected]

Transaction ID: ____

Transaction date: Mar 29, 2012

Transaction amount: $310.00 USD
Lol... Smart dude...

...I'd still beat the @#%* out of him though if I was the third party....... OP, You got your bread...-shrugs-
even though I got my money back I talked to Devin dude is very legit just made a mistake like me so that's why im still going to help him and the other two NTers that got scammed by (tony) so hopefully we all win and tony gets locked up and drops the soap in jail
Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

Originally Posted by AEA18

Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

i dont get it ?
 scammer sold a false pair to person A
Person A sends money to OP assuming its the scammer 
Person A gets no sneakers and files a dispute against scammer, who is actually OP. It should be against the scammer
Scammer leaves with sneakers , Person A gets no sneakers, OP gets his $310 but it's not really his. 

damb this is new 
why would someone give someone else $310.00 
Person A thought they were buying a pair of Lebron ASG shoes from the scammer and OP thought the scammer was paying for the Kobe ASG shoes he was selling.
Dude that's like a 10 min drive from where I live, lol. Yo OP send 120 my way and I got you with them shoes.....
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