NT I present my business plan

Originally Posted by solefulJs

Originally Posted by krayzie41

Instead of making a non-helpful critical statement, I think you have to consider a few things.....

- Yahoo (auctions) tried to take market share from Ebay, and failed. They have top professionals working for them.
- Overstock, uBid, and the many sites out there with millions of dollars of VC funding with top professionals tried to take market share over eBay, and hasn't gone too far.

The whole advertisement model is tough; I am assuming you mean Google ad sense or having banner ads on your site. There are millions of affiliates sites and blogs that tries to do this, and maybe 1% succeed. Why would people visit your site? What content do you provide? What differentiates you from everyone else?

But given all that, unless you have a very unique proposition or can provide true "value" that Yahoo, overstock, and all these auction sites could not have provided, then I think it would be very very very very difficult.

People shop on Ebay because it is a top 5 ranked site in the world, it is one of the most recognized name/logo. It has fraud prevention system, it is integrated with paypal which has value added services that protects buyers/sellers, it provides free tools (that they spend millions in developing) so that sellers/buyers can have a better experience purchasing products. It has a million other things that creates "value." Granted, eBay is not perfect, but everyday there are millions of people buying/selling there for a reason. It adds value.

But if you are still interested in this business venture, you should be able to answer these questions:

1.) How large is the market that you are trying to attack? Talk in numbers, specify the demographic, age, type, personality
2.) Who are your customers?
3.) What is your value proposition? (Basically, what do you bring to the table)
4.) How can you differentiate yourself? Assuming your budget is not in the millions. How will you be able to create services that people can actually have a good place to buy/sell their products

A business is great man. Don't give up. But at the same time be realistic. A lot of these companies that people hate (Ebay, etc..) are run by some of the smartest people in the world. If you really believe in it, go for it.... whatever happens it'll be a good learning experience and that's part of entrepreneurship.
Great reply.
That man speaks the truth. I would also add one more very important thing to that list of questions:

- How are you going to let people know about your site and convince them to use it?

Even the best system without some planned marketing is going to be a failure, because nobody is going to use it without knowing about it first.
why flame this dude???
i mean shoot....id be happy not having to pay those gay little charge fees...even if it was only for 6 months to a year....
i say do what u want..if its something you want to try. go for it..the worst place u can end up is trying to think of a
different/another business plan...just my opinion though
MBAs at tech firms have already tried your idea.

You are doomed to fail if you pursue this idea. BTW, your 2 line post was not a business plan, hell it wasn't even an executive summary of a business plan.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

This is a business plan?

at me for expecting graphs and a bunch of numbers and an actual good idea.

I expected the same. SMH
Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

not really, alot cheaper to post, and if the customers dont like the cheap fees we'll remove them and completely go off of ads
what makes you think you'll be able to get customers? You think many people are likely to start using a site that promotes itself as a websitelike ebay/craigslist but which hasn't been proven legit yet? People aren't gonna wanna risk their money
aveezytheBEAST wrote:
thanks for the plan

And although your post was probably a joke, your post brings up a valid point.

OP, when you get a better idea later on in life, please consider my advice: Do not post your business ideas and plans on the Internet unlessyour business is already good to go. Even if you don't really have the will or desire to follow through with your business plans and are simply looking tosee what others think, there are people out there who could and will make your *$!* work if the plan is reasonably good. Extend this advice to your personallife. Don't go around talking about what you plan to do. Talk about what you do. Had you posted a great idea on NT, somebody with more capital andbusiness savvy than you probably would have executed your plan before you. The funny thing is, that person doesn't even have to be an active member.

Seek counseling and investors on a more personal basis. I can't even imagine how many companies have been successful due to stolen ideas
say do what u want..if its something you want to try. go for it..the worst place u can end up is trying to think of a
different/another business plan...just my opinion though

Not necessarily. The worst place he could end up is bankrupt trying to think of a way to keep a roof over his head.

It's cool that you have ambition, but maybe think of a market to jump into that 1) isn't clearly ran by one firm that other big companies can'tbeat, or 2) you can offer something unique--some sort of discontinuous innovation.
Keep on thinking big dude! Just don't use this idea ..ha and make sure your business plan covers EVERYTHING.
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