NT, I'm Having Girl Problems

Feb 16, 2008
So i've liked this girl for about 4 months but never told her i liked her. On monday while I was chillin with her and some friends I decided I was gonnaman up and tell her. But before i got the chance to tell her that night ,from out of nowhere she tells me who she likes.. I was LIKE %@*!!! The thing isI'm the only one She trusted to tell . So my question to you NT is What do I do Now? ShouldI still tell her or should i take that dreaded L for waiting tolong ?
Originally Posted by TheSource408

So i've liked this girl for about 4 months but never told her i liked her. On monday while I was chillin with her and some friends I decided I was gonna man up and tell her. But before i got the chance to tell her that night ,from out of nowhere she tells me who she likes.. I was LIKE %@*!!! The thing is I'm the only one She trusted to tell . So my question to you NT is What do I do Now? ShouldI still tell her or should i take that dreaded L for waiting to long ?
follow these steps:
1. whip it out
How old are you son?... 11?

But seriously, just tell her how you feel, if she turns you down, oh well, move on.
At least you will know.
You waited 2 long, she told you she like sumbody else, welcome 2 Friendzone USA, population: you.

Yes...you can take that L now.
everybody having girl problems these days..

take the L you should have made the move when you first had intrest

im afraid theres no going back

friendzoned is a dark place that only a brave few have come back from
Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by TheSource408

So i've liked this girl for about 4 months but never told her i liked her. On monday while I was chillin with her and some friends I decided I was gonna man up and tell her. But before i got the chance to tell her that night ,from out of nowhere she tells me who she likes.. I was LIKE %@*!!! The thing is I'm the only one She trusted to tell . So my question to you NT is What do I do Now? ShouldI still tell her or should i take that dreaded L for waiting to long ?
follow these steps:
1. whip it out
Then he'll end up in the Cell Zone
you have about two months of mutual attraction, after that you're just friends if you dont act on it. so pretty much you have been in the friendzone forabout 2 months but didnt know it.
Originally Posted by StocksandBonds85

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by TheSource408

So i've liked this girl for about 4 months but never told her i liked her. On monday while I was chillin with her and some friends I decided I was gonna man up and tell her. But before i got the chance to tell her that night ,from out of nowhere she tells me who she likes.. I was LIKE %@*!!! The thing is I'm the only one She trusted to tell . So my question to you NT is What do I do Now? ShouldI still tell her or should i take that dreaded L for waiting to long ?
follow these steps:
1. whip it out
Then he'll end up in the Cell Zone

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