NT, I'm Having Girl Problems

Originally Posted by northparkblind


Why do i have a feeling the girl and the OP are well under 18.

ooh you caught me. I'm lying. I got nothing better to do then think of stories about girl problems. You guys are good NT. Smh. I'm sorry i don'thave a stock pile of her pics.
Originally Posted by TheSource408

ooh you caught me. I'm lying. I got nothing better to do then think of stories about girl problems. You guys are good NT. Smh. I'm sorry i don't have a stock pile of her pics.
Originally Posted by USABasketball08

Originally Posted by TheSource408

ooh you caught me. I'm lying. I got nothing better to do then think of stories about girl problems. You guys are good NT. Smh. I'm sorry i don't have a stock pile of her pics.

is that a white Uncle Phil?
Listen, it's a learning experience. It has happened to the best of us, happened to me when i was 16. Bottom line is if you were feeling her from theget-go atmost you should have made your move within a week or two after getting to know her. Your in the friendzone right now and its already a definite thatshe likes somebody else...don't be her emotional cushion, move on. Only remain friends if you can keep it as that....just friends.

Get to talking with some other females, no need to stress it.
Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by TheSource408

So i've liked this girl for about 4 months but never told her i liked her. On monday while I was chillin with her and some friends I decided I was gonna man up and tell her. But before i got the chance to tell her that night ,from out of nowhere she tells me who she likes.. I was LIKE %@*!!! The thing is I'm the only one She trusted to tell . So my question to you NT is What do I do Now? ShouldI still tell her or should i take that dreaded L for waiting to long ?
follow these steps:
1. whip it out
Mannnn i got friendzoned by the girl i liked. You gotta be patient and willing to endure the long process. I did and it worked. But not everyone is as lucky asi was.
just tell her now.
maybe you're just on the border.
downtown is when she gonna start complaining about you about that one dude. and you're gonna think comforting her will lead her to you.
no save a OH,
just tell her.
Originally Posted by cruzair13

just tell her now.
maybe you're just on the border.
downtown is when she gonna start complaining about you about that one dude. and you're gonna think comforting her will lead her to you.
no save a OH,
just tell her.
I had a similar situation where my friends was trying out long distance relationships with a KOREAN dude in CALIFORNIA (I reside in NC)

no hesitation I got my fair share of her buttocks
but there is a way out

whoever said to make yourself look like an important commodity is right.. at least that's what i did and it worked for me. the first time around i waitedway too long and one day after hanging out i went for it but she turned the other cheek..
i went for it a second time but my putback attempt was rejected to the stands
.. things were awkward for a couple months afterwards.. pretty muchlost touch, but gradually we started becoming friends again.. (i had no more feelings for her). at the same time my best friend introduced me to his girlfriendand her friends. i started hanging around with them a lot and i'm sure she missed the attention i used to give her.. i even encouraged her to start datingthis one dude that used to treat her like crap
. anyways, not too longafter that, i invited her over one night when i was piss drunk and after some verbal teasing i took advantage of her. we've been dating for a little over ayear now.
Same thing happen to me...
My class psychology class was having a field trip to the lake so we can study...this girl I kind of like started talking 2 me. Outof nowhere She started talking about the dude who sits behind me, I kind of know him since hes right behind me and we did a project together. Then she told meshe really digs his accent...
She wanted me to introduce her.
You are already placed in the FRIEND ZONE so you might as well take the L.

But, if you really like her you have 3 options:

1) Hate on the dude she likes, tell her he not a good good, and make something up about him, she then might fall for you but that's pushing it. You stilltake the L here because 1 you are a hater, 2 she might go tell the dude what you said about him. But if you don't care about dude andbeing labeled as a hater then your all good.

2)Tell her how you feel, but you are already in the friend zone so you take a L here also. But who knows you might have a slight chance.

3) Just let her go, and get at another girl which is your best for you!
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23


But seriously, just tell her how you feel, if she turns you down, oh well, move on.
At least you will know.
Pretty much.
jus tell her if ur gonna end up dwelling on it so u won't think about the "what if" thing..if she was really your friend i doubt she would cast uaside just for telling her this..situations like that happen all the time
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